Chapter 421: 【Justice descended from heaven】

Thor gasped heavily, reached out and wiped his eyelids, wiped away the blood, and looked at Harrokin.

Harokin's expression was gloomy, he snorted, and tapped his **** on the warlock's eye between his eyebrows. The green and faint eyeballs squirmed again, and suddenly became much larger, almost occupying most of his forehead.

This made him look like a one-eyed demon, rather terrifying.

Thor took a deep breath, raised his hand and threw Mjolnir, the warhammer immediately flew out in the roar and thunder arc, and went straight to the door of Harrokin.

Harrokin didn't flinch, the huge warlock's eye on his forehead surging with dim light, and then a thick beam of light shot out, his power was several times stronger than before, and he instantly came into contact with Miaolnir.


The thunder light bloomed above Miaolnir, and the dazzling arc and the beam of light of the warlock's eye stalemate for a moment, but they were quickly defeated, and the warhammer flew back.

Thor was startled and quickly held Mauernir.

Almost at the same time, the beam of light from the Warlock's Eye slammed into him, slamming him hard and blasting him out.

If ordinary people faced the power released by the eye of the warlock, they would naturally vanish in an instant. Fortunately, Thor had divine power and strong armor, so he was not directly bombarded by Harokin's blow.

Even so, Thor didn't feel well. He struggled to get up from the ground, and when he looked down, he saw that the armor on his chest was almost destroyed, revealing the **** skin inside.

As soon as he moved a little, the abdominal wound made him grin in pain.

"This is the power of ancient warlocks!" The eyes of the warlocks on Harrow's head were squirming, glowing faintly, "No one in Asgard today can withstand its attack!"

"Odin slept, Kul was exiled to the atrium, the **** of war was old, the **** of hunting, the **** of light died, the goddess of death, the **** of the sun disappeared... Who else is my opponent in Asgard?"

Speaking, Harrokin couldn't help laughing: "Odin, who caused such a situation, is probably the worst king of Asgard - of course, this is when you do not inherit the throne, idiot Thor."

Thor roared angrily, endured the injury in his abdomen, and charged forward with Miaolnier in his grip.

This time, however, he lost even more, and was strangled by Harrokin's throat in one move.

Harrokin crushed Thor to the ground, and the battle axe approached again. He sneered: "Let me see, can you break free this time as you did just now?"

Thor tried his best to block the advance of the axe blade, but the situation was worse than before. It was not until the battle axe was about to stick to his face that his blocking finally worked, and he was a little stalemate.

Thor gasped sharply, angry and frightened, but this time he didn't burst out with extraordinary power again, and he was about to be slashed out of his eyeballs.

"It's over, Your Highness Thor!" Harrokin laughed.

But at this moment, the huge warlock's eye on his forehead seemed to sense danger, and suddenly trembled violently, and his eyeballs rolled rapidly.

At the same time, there was a faint heat wave in the sky, as if something fiery fell from the sky and was rapidly approaching him.

Harrokin's expression changed drastically, he let go of Thor without hesitation, and turned to swing his battle axe.

In the sky, a huge warhammer struck like a meteor. The warhammer was bathed in flames, leaving a trail of flames in the sky, which arrived in an instant.

"Boom!!" Immediately afterwards, the warhammer collided with Harokin's battle axe, making an earth-shattering loud noise, and at the same time, a flaming storm swept across.

"Ah—" Under the violent impact, Harrokin was blasted out fiercely, and the skin exposed to the flame storm was also burned in large areas.

After a heavy blow from the warhammer, Huo Ran turned into a flame and flew into the sky, and finally merged into the arm of a blond youth, who was naturally Rowe who had just arrived.

"It's the sun god!"

"And... Princess Hela! Princess Hela is back too!" Asgard, who was fighting the enemy, looked up and was surprised.

The Saffron warhammer was integrated into his right arm, and Rowe looked at his right arm, which had become fiery red, and without any hesitation, held the Demon Slayer Sword and went straight to Harrokin below.

He has roughly figured out the effect of the "Sulfuron arm" on the body. The Sulfuron warhammer in flame form can maintain fusion with his arm for about a minute. After this time, the two will be in danger of assimilating each other. Caused him to either lose his warhammer, or his arm, or both.

In just one minute, Luo Wei naturally wanted a quick decision.

Hello King Kong got up from the ground, his body was still smoking, Luo Wei bullied himself, and his hot iron arm suddenly swung the Demon Slayer Sword.


"Boom!" Harrokin hurriedly raised his battle axe to block, but under the tyrannical force of Saffron's arm, he was knocked into the air again, and a broken axe blade flew out with him.

Hela also came at this time.

Looking at Harrokin hitting the wall, she raised her hand, and countless metals condensed from the air, wrapping Harrokin in a blink of an eye, forming a cage that made it immobile.

"Hella! Rowe!" Harrokin was shocked and angry, but he obviously did not intend to wait to die. The eye of the warlock on his forehead wriggled violently, and a faint light emitting a dangerous atmosphere quickly brewed.

Rowe opened the holy light shield, and the next moment, a thick green beam of light shot out from the warlock's eye and bombarded the holy light shield.


The power of the beam of light emitted by the warlock's eye was obviously beyond his expectations. The Holy Light Shield cracked and spread rapidly, causing him to quickly open a new Holy Light Shield.

However, the second Light Shield didn't come in handy.

Almost at the same time Harrokin was imprisoned, Loki, who had been lying on the ground and wondered if he was pretending to be dead, suddenly got up, took out his dagger, and stabbed forward.

The sharp dagger pierced Harrokin's heart with precision, causing his eyes to widen suddenly, and the beam of light from the Warlock's Eye instantly extinguished.

"You..." Harrokin glared at Loki.

There was a sinister smile on the corner of Loki's mouth: "Go in peace, although Valhalla does not welcome you."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and took off the eye of the warlock and stabbed Harrokin's heart and neck a few times.

Back then, Harojin was privately released, although he was a prince, but if this kind of thing leaked out, it would definitely have a big impact. Now that Harrokin was killed, Loki finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why kill him?" Hogan asked.

Loki turned around and smiled: "Shouldn't he kill him?"

Hogan came over clutching the wound on his body, pointed at him, and said unceremoniously, "We could have captured him alive and then interrogated him, but you killed him here!"

"It's safer that way," said Loki. "The Warlock's Eye is still dangerous, isn't it?"

Hogan frowned and was about to say something when Rowe suddenly came over: "Let me see."

Loki was taken aback.

Immediately, Rowe reached out his hand to probe Harrokin and nodded slightly: "Fortunately, this guy still has a breath."