Chapter 422: 【Odin's Nightmare】

Saying that, Rowe reached out his hand on Harojin's chest, and released his Lay on Hands.

Generally speaking, due to the nature of punishing evil, Holy Light spells cannot heal souls stained with sin, that is, creatures that appear red in the sight of the Eye of Reckoning.

However, as the strongest healing spell, Lay on Hands, the healing range is much larger than other spells. Except for demons, it can theoretically heal all living beings, but the efficiency is different.

For example, now, in order to treat Harojin, Rowe consumes much more sacred mana than usual, and the final effect is not very good. He just pulled him back from the brink of death and is still seriously injured.

"I'm going to kill you! Boiled ashes!" Harrokin, who suddenly woke up, growled angrily and weakly.

It's a pity that he has lost the eye of the warlock at this time. He is seriously injured and tightly bound by Hela's metal. Naturally, he can only try his best.

"Great! As expected of you, Sun God." Hogan couldn't help laughing.

Thor also smiled and patted Loki on the shoulder: "Loki, thanks to the sun god, if it wasn't for his holy light that saved Harrokin, you just killed a prisoner without permission, and your father will definitely blame you."

Being shot by him like this, Loki just swayed twice like a wooden man, but didn't respond.

"What are you thinking, my brother, you should thank the sun god." Seeing that his brother seemed to be petrified, Thor said in confusion.

At this time, Luo Wei also cast his eyes, and Loki finally responded, forcing a kind smile: "Thank... Thank you."

Luo Wei said casually: "You're welcome."


Fandral called a few soldiers, pointed to Harrokin and instructed: "Take this guy away and interrogate him well, especially the news about the eye of the warlock."


But suddenly a female voice sounded, and everyone followed the sound, but it was Frigga who came out of the Golden Palace and stopped the soldiers who were about to take Harojin away.

"Queen." People saluted.

Frigga looked at the crowd, and when she noticed Hela, her gaze couldn't help but stay slightly different for two more seconds.

Then she continued: "I'm going to interrogate Harrokin myself."

Thor was a little puzzled.

He was about to say something, but Loki spoke first: "Mother's memory-absorbing magic is definitely more effective than any interrogation, and it's better to leave it to mother."

Thor nodded suddenly, and the others had no objection, and immediately Frigg asked the soldiers to **** Harrokin to the place she designated.

Loki breathed a sigh of relief.

Frigga looked at Hela and Rowe, smiled and said, "Welcome back to Asgard."

"Long time no see, Ms. Frigga." Hela nodded as well, and then asked, "How is my father?"

Frigg said: "Odin is in the Golden Palace, but he is in Odin's sleep, and it will take a few days to wake up."

"Odin's sleep?"

Frigga explained: "A special sleep activated by magic that delays aging and restores divine power. This magic was originally created by my mother."

After everyone talked for a while, Frigga turned around and returned to the Golden Palace, while the others continued to fight.

Although Harrokin was captured, the battle did not end there. There were still many invaders in Asgard, rampaging everywhere.

However, with the addition of Luo Wei and Hela, these leaderless invaders soon began to rout and were gradually strangled.

At the same time, Frigga came to the room where Harrokin was being imprisoned, and asked, "Who told you that Odin was sleeping?"

Harrowkin was handcuffed to the wall, panting and raising his head, the corner of his mouth twitched: "Queen Frigga, I remember that you are the adopted daughter of the former Duke of Norn, right?"

Frigg frowned.

"Besides you, who else knows the magic of Odin's Sleep? Do I still need to say that?" Harrokin's tone was somewhat mocking.

"Carnilla..." Frigga's body trembled slightly.

"Hahaha!" Harrokin suddenly burst into laughter, "Asgard under Odin's rule has been rotten, and everyone has betrayed each other. Now even your sister wants Odin to get out of his seat!"

"And the goddess of death and the sun god, what do you think they came back for? Do you think they will be loyal to Odin, to you and your son? Hahahaha... Oh yes, and the one who doesn't know when it will come Ragnarok, in fact, I think it's approaching, and no one can escape! Everyone in Asgard, everyone, will face the judgment of Twilight!"

Harrokin looked like a madman, and said excitedly.

"Asgard is no longer the Asgard it used to be, times have changed, Her Lady Queen!"


Odin rode an eight-legged horse in front of the Golden Palace. On the clean and wide avenues of Asgard, the gods of Asa were prostrate on the ground, expressing their respect and love for the great king.

"King of the gods, Almighty Father!" People shouted.

Odin smiled, and as he looked around, he felt that Asgard was full of brilliant hues, like the magnificent Golden Palace behind it.

Bathed in the cheers and brilliant hues of the people, Odin was walking when a familiar figure suddenly appeared not far ahead.

"Father." Thor knelt down on one knee with his head lowered, putting Mauernier aside.

"My child, Thor." Odin looked at his tall and brave son, couldn't help showing a gratified smile, and stepped forward to help Thor.

However, when Thor raised his head, Odin's expression changed greatly, and he took a step back in fright: "You—"

But when he saw the other party raised his head, the face he showed was not that of Thor, who was smiling every day, but the God King of Asgard more than 2,000 years ago, the elder brother who was deprived of the throne by him, the God of Fear Kuer!

"Long time no seemy brother." Kool showed a sinister smile.

"Kur, you..." Odin's voice trembled and he kept backing away.

As he retreated, the surrounding scene quickly lost its splendid hue, and turned into gloomy, gloomy, and chaotic.

"What's the matter, Odin, aren't you happy to see your brother?" Kool still smiled grimly as he walked slowly towards Odin.

Odin's expression changed a bit, then he gritted his teeth, turned his hand to take out the spear of eternity, and stabbed at Kur.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Kuer's image flashed, and he suddenly turned into Thor again, looking at him in horror: "Father! I am Thor, what are you doing!"

Odin quickly put his hand away and looked at his son blankly: "Thor..."

Thor then turned into Kool again, laughing loudly: "Odin, why don't you do it, kill me, kill your brother, your king! Then you can become the king of gods, isn't it? ?"