Chapter 427: 【Village of St. Van Gonzalo】

"For the glory of God!" the angels shouted one after another, waving their swords of heavenly fire, slaying the hordes of demons that were coming.

Behind them was the half-destroyed village of St. Van Gonzalo, and the corpse of an angel laying on the ground. It was obvious that this fierce battle between heaven and **** had been going on for a long time.

Due to the suppression of the environment, the demons could not exert their full strength, but they were so numerous that they had the tendency to encircle the angels, and firmly held the upper hand.

"Lord Malachi!" A female angel with white skin like goat's milk fell to the ground and raised her head to plead. She was seriously injured and her beautiful wings were torn apart. demon.

Unfortunately, her cry for help didn't work.

Malachi, the leader of the angels, was unmoved by this, just glanced at her lightly, then retracted his gaze, and continued to deal with the enemy in front of him.

The long sword burning with the fire of heaven seemed to turn into a scythe for reaping demons in his hand. Every time he swung it, a piece of demon fell to the ground, and blood from **** soon spread all over his body.

A huge, three-headed demon roared, and its huge claws rushed towards Malachi: "Go to hell!"

Malachi's expression remained unchanged. With a flutter of pure white wings, he easily avoided the attack of the three demons. However, he used his sword several times as he moved, and finally a sword stabbed into the demon's chest, and the tip of the sword penetrated.

The demon's body trembled violently, and all three heads raised their heads together: "Lord Kazan will avenge me..."

Malachi sneered, and the long sword in his hand burst into flames and swept out at the same time. The fire of heaven burst out from the demon's body in an instant, venting along the wound that was almost cut in half.


The explosive fire of heaven saved him from having to touch the blood of the three-headed demon, but he still wiped his cheek habitually.

Just when Malachi was about to continue fighting, he suddenly frowned and turned to look.

At this moment, a fiery flame roared from not far away, hitting the center of the demon army directly, and the holy light and the high temperature exceeding the sun suddenly erupted.


Just listening to a loud noise, under the blooming holy light and flames, dozens of demons disappeared in an instant, without even screaming.

This sight made Malachi's expression change.

Immediately afterwards, Rowe flew from the sky, landed in the demon group, and once again shook the Saffron flame in his hand to practice.

"Boom boom boom!"

There are a lot of demons, but there is not a single big demon. Under the interweaving of powerful holy light and flames, almost no demons could withstand a single blow. The flames transformed by Sulfuron's warhammer were trained for a while to destroy and kill the demons.

Before the demons could react, other Paladins also joined the battle, and a group of dazzling holy lights exploded in the demon army, one after another.

Most of the members of the Silver Hand are mortals, and their strength is not strong, but with the sharpness of the Holy Light, it is enough to suppress demons, and sometimes one-to-many is not a problem. Not to mention the already powerful Protoss knights.

When the reinforcements came, the morale of the angels was also boosted, and the fighting spirit was very high. Therefore, in the blink of an eye, the demon army was completely at a disadvantage, and soon showed a trend of rout.

Daniel flew to Malachi and smiled, "Sure enough, the knights of the Silver Hand are better at dealing with demons than anyone else."

Malachi pointed with his eyes: "Daniel, shouldn't this person be..."

Daniel nodded: "Yes, he is the great lord of Hearth Valley, the God of Asa. I didn't expect it, Malachi, I also invited the sun god."

Malachi was silent. He looked at a great battle situation, but nothing changed on his face.

"What are you thinking about?" Daniel asked involuntarily.

"It's nothing." Malachi shook his head, then continued to join the battlefield, wielding the Sword of Skyfire to fight the demon.

Daniel didn't think much of it, and joined the battle together.

Luo Wei made a move, and the flaming flames flew back upside down, taking the form of a war hammer, and then suddenly slammed to the ground.

Holy Light Dedication!

The Holy Light veins extend out from the ground, turning the surrounding ground into a golden color.

More than a dozen defensive knights also used their holy light offerings. For a time, a large number of holy light veins spread on the ground, forming one piece, almost covering nearly half of the battle area.

"Boom boom-"

The demons located in the Holy Light range triggered punishments one after another, and the golden light exploded round after round, accompanied by their shrill roars and screams, and I don't know how many casualties.

The demon army, which was already on the verge of collapse, collapsed in an instant, and fled in all directions. After being chased by angels and knights for a while, they disappeared.

"We finally won a victory." Daniel breathed a sigh of relief.

"We've won countless times." Malachi said lightly.

Daniel turned his head to look at him: "But that is in history Since that unspeakable name fell into hell, victory has become rare."

"Yeah." Malachi said casually, then looked at Rowe, who was walking towards him, with a polite smile, "Hello, the sun **** from Asgard. I'm Mara. Lackey, servant of God, Daniel and I both serve under the command of Lord Randkiel."

"Hello." Rowe also greeted politely.

His manners may be a bit more hypocritical than Malachi, but his smile seems more genuine, perhaps due to the paladin tradition.

There is no other reason for this hypocrisy. Rowe just looked at Malachi with the eyes of reckoning.

The result surprised him. The reckoning color of this high-ranking angel turned out to be red, that is, the color that was deeply stained with sin.

Angels, as a wise race with obvious righteous tendencies, are quite rare in sin. For example, there were hundreds of angels around, Rowe glanced at them, and the deepest was only orange.

Only Malachi was the only angel who reached blood red, and the color was quite dark.

Naturally, Luo Wei couldn't have any kindness towards this person in his heart, and even thought several times whether to punish this guy.

Malachi is quite powerful, with a level 7 strength, but since he is deeply infected with sin, he will naturally have to make a discount in front of the Holy Light. Luo Wei thinks that he is enough to defeat.

But think about it and give up. Although the Golden Holy City has almost disappeared for thousands of years, it was once prominent. The identity of Jehovah is mysterious and powerful, and it is no trivial matter.

Killing Malachi hastily would be a lot of trouble.

"Are there any demons around here?" Ander asked.

"Of course there is," Malachi said. "It's just a small victory. Demons are constantly entering the world from hell, and we need to close the passage to completely expel them."