Chapter 428: 【Story of the Spirit of Vengeance】


After the battle, people began to clean the battlefield, of course, including the treatment of the wounded. Not only the angels and knights were injured, but also some local villagers in St. Van Gonzalo.

"By the way, tell me the story of the Spirit of Vengeance, Daniel." After the busy night ended, Rowe asked in his spare time making barbecues.

"God once said that the spirit of vengeance is his most wonderful creation." Daniel said slowly, "That was tens of thousands of years ago. Some older angels such as Lord Randkiel and Lord Luther, Witnessed the birth of the spirit of vengeance with my own eyes. Young angels such as me and Malachi can only learn some distant legends from their mouths."

"In the age of human ignorance, our master, the Lord God, passed by the earth, and inadvertently, he discovered this unique race with extraordinary potential in the grasslands of Africa."

"...He silently observed for an unknown number of years, perhaps a hundred thousand years, or even longer. He witnessed with his own eyes that human beings emerged from the wilderness and established civilization on the plains by the river."

"Like the vast majority of the universe... no, all races, human sin has always grown with civilization," Daniel said, "but God sees this as a different race, and he believes that humans can To create an extraordinary world in the near future, he chose to help the nascent human civilization."

"The way to help is to create a spirit of vengeance."

"What exactly is the spirit of revenge?" Rowe was actually not interested in the story Daniel told, but was only curious about the spirit of revenge.

Daniel: "A special kind of soul who has the power to see and judge sin."

"Soul?" Rowe was taken aback, "God created a kind of soul?"

"Yes." Daniel nodded.

Luo Wei was silent for half a second: "Daniel, I think you, as a high-level angel of heaven, should know that the law of the soul is the bottom law of the universe, and no one can master it."

"Maybe." Daniel shrugged, "I don't know very well, but Lord Randkiel said so."

After a pause, he continued: "The spirit of vengeance can be combined with human beings, so that human beings have powerful power to examine the sins of the world."

Rowe blinked, and then he couldn't help thinking, isn't this the Ghost Rider?

Could the Spirit of Vengeance be the origin of Ghost Rider?

Luo Wei thought about it and asked, "Why do I seem to have never seen such a unique existence on Earth, or even heard of it?"

Daniel said: "In fact, there are still some legends, but it is true that the spirit of vengeance almost no longer exists. It can't be said that it does not exist, but it is no longer in the world."

"Where is the spirit of vengeance now?"

Daniel was silent for two seconds, then uttered one word: "Hell."


"Yes, the most proud creation of the great God, all the vengeful spirits who judge the world's sins and perform justice have all fallen into hell." Daniel sighed, "Lord Randkiel was once the master of many vengeful spirits. Manager, it hit him hard."

"Because of what?"

Daniel shook his head: "No one knows the reason, maybe not even God. Anyway, the spirits of vengeance have betrayed heaven, entered hell, and became Zatanus' subordinates."

"The vengeful spirits who fell into **** gained a part of the power of Zatanus and became a combination of heaven and hell. They also changed their appearances greatly because of this, and their bodies were forever burning with flames, galloping in **** on war horses, for them The new master, Zatanus, conquered the fortified city and became famous for his fierce reputation..."

Hearing this, Rowe has confirmed that the Spirit of Vengeance is indeed the origin of the Ghost Rider. And strictly speaking, the Ghost Rider has been born, but they all fell into **** and acted as Zathanos' thugs.

Speaking of which, this Zatanos still has a lot of grudges with him, and he has to be put to death several times...

"Didn't God stop the spirit of vengeance from betraying heaven?" Rowe asked.

"No." Daniel shook his head, his expression seemed to be a bit gloomy, "The master has not shown up for a long time, a long, long time."

Speaking of which, Daniel seemed to have lost all interest at once, and changed the subject: "Rovi, I have to say, the barbecue you cook is so good, I even doubt that the **** of barbecue is the real one that Odin bestowed upon you. priesthood."

"You guessed it right." Ander next to him added with a smile.

In the middle of the night, Rowe had not yet rested. He was leaning on the rock, but he was thinking about the story Daniel told him about the spirit of vengeance just now.

"Ghost Rider..." He muttered a few words.

Exactly at this time, there was a faint sound across the sky, and it was fleeting.

The sound was very subtle and difficult to detect, but Rowe still sensed it. And with rich flying experience, he judged that this should be caused by someone nearby flying away at high speed.

He immediately opened the Eye of Reckoning and looked up at the sky above.

The other party has already flown far away, but there is still a little **** afterimage in Shengguang's field of vision.

Blood red?

Rowe frowned.

The other party was obviously flying from behind, and there were very few people with such a flying speed, which made him think of the most suspicious object almost instantly.

Malachi, that evil angel.

It's so late, what does he want to do by sneaking away?

Luo Wei wanted to go after him, but Malachi was extremely fast, and his thinking went far away.

An angel in blue armor swept across the sky at high speed, and his white wings left a trail of afterimages behind him. This indifferent expression was the high-ranking angel Malachi.

With astonishing speed, Malachi quickly reached his destination, turning his direction and slowly retracting his wings, causing him to fall to the ground lightly, like a feather.


However, as soon as he landed, a spear shot out from the dark night, bursting with tyrannical power, and bombarded a big pit on the ground.

Fortunately, Malachi hid in time, and the spear seemed to have no real killing intent, so nothing happened.

"Kazan, what do you mean?" Malachi looked gloomy and looked at the shadow not far away.

"You asked me? Humph! What do I want to ask you?" A cold snort sounded, and then a huge demon with wings on its back walked out of the darkness.

His appearance is different from ordinary demons. Although he has wings, he does not have the usual horns and hooves. His appearance is also quite handsome, not as scary as ordinary demons.

When Kazan walked out, with a random move, the spear inserted into the ground levitated and flew into his hands.

"You have to explain to me why my people have lost so much today. It was not planned, my dear brother."