Chapter 429: [The Fallen Angels]

"Something happened," Malachi said. "Daniel invited the paladins of the Silver Hand."

"The Silver Hand?" Kazan from **** obviously didn't understand the name.

Malachi: "I don't know much either, but according to Daniel, the paladins of the Silver Hand seem to have the ability to restrain demons, and that's true. They seem to be able to deal with demons with ease."

"Of course, what's more important is that the commander of this knight order is Rowe, the sun **** who was personally ordained by Odin. He is very strong, his strength is higher than mine, and he may even be as strong as the killing angel Luther."

Kazan frowned: "God Asa..."

"Yes." Malachi nodded, "This powerful God of Asa led his knights into battle, disrupting the original situation almost instantly, which was something I didn't expect."

Kazan touched his chin and thought for a moment, "So, what are you going to do now?"

The corner of Malachi's mouth twitched: "Do I still need to say this? After all, we are twin brothers, although we have been separated for a long time."

"That's right." Kazan also laughed, "Asgard is the feud of hell. If I can take this sun god's head back to hell, with the help of Lord Lucifer, I will definitely be able to enter in one fell swoop. The Council of Satan, become the new Lord of Hell."

Malachi hesitated for a moment: "After it's done..."

"Don't worry, when I become the lord of hell, I will definitely give you the heads of a few big demons, especially the head of the annoying Hus, so that you can ask for credit in front of Randkiel, it is best to squeeze them out. Luther's position, hehe." Kazan laughed.

The two talked for a few more words, and he suddenly remembered something: "By the way, you just said that Paladins have the power to restrain demons, are they very strong?"

"It's really strong." Malachi nodded, "But as long as he is introduced into hell, so that you can exert all your strength, plus you and I join forces, it will definitely not be a problem to deal with him."

"Very well, that's it."

Malachi took off again and flew away, returning to the village of St. Van Gonzalo. In the dark night, he gently folded his wings and seemed to rest.

"It really is this guy..." Rowe secretly observed Malachi who came back and thought to himself.

Although he didn't know what the sinister high-ranking angel was secretly doing in the middle of the night, most of it was something shameful, which made him a little more guessing and vigilant in his heart.

Gotta watch out for this guy.

In the next few days, the angels and the Paladins allied forces fought against the demons several times, but it is obvious that the intensity of the battle dropped sharply. Often retreat hastily, vulnerable.

However, considering Malachi's lone battle before, the battle was still quite tragic, with more than a thousand angels killed and thousands of demons killed.

It stands to reason that the bones of thousands of demons are enough to accumulate powerful evil energy, and it is even possible to give birth to a high-level evil spirit, or an existence like Mangogo.

But unfortunately, these demons were either beheaded by the Holy Light or burned by the fire of heaven. Luo Wei specially cremated them again, so they died very cleanly and thoroughly, and did not accumulate any evil energy.

In contrast, most of the fallen angels were still alive, wandering around the village of St. Van Gonzalo.

The souls of more than a thousand wandering angels have shrouded the whole village in a faint glow. Many buildings in the village are in ruins, but such an atmosphere gives people a strong sense of holiness.

The villagers often saluted and prayed for this, expressing their devotion to these clean lights.

Luo Wei opened the eye of reckoning, and he could clearly see the angel's soul wandering around the village of St. Van Gonzalo. They drifted aimlessly in the sky of the village, shuttling between every inch of air, like a thousand feathers in the wind.

The soul is the same basic building block of the universe as time and space. Any magic, any extraordinary power must take into account the influence of the law of the soul.

Everyone respects the law of the soul, and no one understands the law of the soul.

Luo Wei had never seen such a scene before, and at this time he was even more deeply aware of the mystery of the soul, and he couldn't help asking: "Why are the souls of these angels surrounded here?"

"Because heaven can't see God." Daniel sighed and became depressed.

After a pause, he continued: "The destination of demons is Satan, and the destination of angels is God. But our master has not been seen for a long time, the gate of the Supreme has been closed for thousands of years, and for thousands of years, no one has seen To be able to meet God, including Lord Archangel Randkiel."

"Since I can't go back to God, it's no different to stay in St. Van Gonzalo."

Luo Wei thought for a while, then asked carefully, "Have you seen God?"

Daniel was silent for two seconds, then suddenly said excitedly, "Are you questioning the existence of God?"

"No, I'm just..." Rowe actually doubted the existence of God.

The angels said the truth, but he had hardly heard any news about God, and only a few words were vague rumors.

Moreover, Daniel also said that God can create souls, which made him even more unbelievable. For hundreds of millions of years, there have been many people who have studied souls, but they have never heard of anyone who can create souls.

Rowe is very suspicious that the so-called God of the angels is actually an existence similar to Satan - Satan is not a real demonic individual but a council composed of **** lords, that is, Satan parliament.

Of course, Satan is also an honorific title for the lord of hell. Similar to "adult", the powerful lord of **** will be called Satan.

Lowe believes that God may also be an institution or title, rather than a real person. Otherwise, no matter how low-key God is, as the Lord of the Holy City of Gold, it is impossible to have such an ethereal and unpredictable identity.

For the angel, his suspicion was clearly an offense.

Daniel's emotions were still a little excited: "Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, there is no doubt that God is real, just like Asgard's master Odin is also real!"

"I haven't seen God, just because before I was born, the Supreme Gate was closed for a long time, and I didn't have a chance to see it!"

"But Lord Randkiel has seen God in person, and Lord Luther has seen it. Could they lie to me? There is also the first piece of gold paved by God's own hands, the spirit of vengeance that examines the sins of the world, and All the angels in the universe, all this is the master's masterpiece, the master's proof!"

The more Daniel spoke, the more excited he became. Luo Wei couldn't help sweating, and quickly raised his hand: "Okay, I understand..."

Daniel still didn't let go. Seeing Malachi not far away, he immediately asked, "Malachi, tell him that God is real, there is no doubt about that, right?"

"Of course." Malachi smiled slightly, the wind was calm, and then turned and walked away.

Luo Wei looked at the back of his leaving and was silent for a while.

He knew that the reason why Daniel was emotional was not because he firmly believed in the truth of God, but because he also doubted God in his heart and felt lost and confused.

In contrast, Malachi's calm attitude is the real determination, but this determination may not belong to God.