Chapter 430: 【Carter Slay】

"Will the souls of the angels stay in St. Van Gonzal?" A childish voice broke the awkwardness between Rowe and Daniel.

The two turned their heads to look, but saw a little boy looking at them. He should be only five or six years old, wearing some tattered clothes, but his big eyes are bright, which makes him look a little different.

"Yes." Daniel smiled and stroked his head.

"Come back, my child, don't disturb the angel." The boy's mother waved to him from not far away.

The boy looked back, but did not immediately return to his mother's side, but hesitated for a while, then said, "Daniel, can you give me a piece of your feather?"

"Ah this..." Daniel was at a loss for words.

This is obviously a rude request. If the other party is an adult, he will definitely choose to refuse, even in a very rude manner.

But looking at the clear eyes of the little boy, Daniel finally agreed, taking a feather from his own wing and handing it over: "Take it."

The little boy happily took the feather, but turned his attention to Rowe: "As Daniel's friend, what are you going to give me?"

Rowe: "..."

He didn't say anything, he took the feather from the boy's hand, and the golden light between his five fingers was shining, and the holy light source was poured into the feather continuously.

After a while, Daniel's angel feather became a consecrated feather, showing a tiny pale golden pattern.

"Now, this is a unique angel feather." Rowe returned the feather.

After looking at it, the little boy muttered, "It seems that nothing has changed..."

"Cart Slay, come back for me!" His mother was a little angry, like a shrew, "If you don't come back, you won't be allowed to eat tonight!"

"Okay, okay." The little boy hurried back to his mother, then flashed his feathers and proudly showed off, "Look, mom, I did it!"

The little boy was carried away by his mother, and Luo Wei and Daniel didn't pay much attention to this little episode.

"The angels will really stay in St. Van Gonzalo?" Rowe asked.

Daniel nodded: "St. Van Gonzalo is not a wild place. Their souls will gradually become villagers here in the form of reincarnation. Although they cannot return to God, this is a good destination."

"After reincarnation, they are ordinary humans?"

Daniel shook his head: "No, after all, it is the soul of an angel, and it is still very different from a mortal. If nothing else, some of them should gradually recover some of their memory and strength as they grow up, and even become angels again. ."

The two chatted for a while, until another group of demons attacked and the battle began.

As always, Rowe wielded the flames transformed by Sulfuron's warhammer. Holy light and flames were like an invincible meat grinder, harvesting demons in pieces.

In a short time, most of the demons were beheaded, and a few scattered and fled. After a while, everyone came back to clean up the battlefield.

In fact, cleaning the battlefield is mainly Rowe's job, because with the powerful holy light and flames, it is very easy for him to clean up the bones of demons.

After removing the wreckage of the demon, Rowe sat down to rest and looked at the holy deed.

The battles in the past few days have been very rewarding. Not to mention, he killed a large number of demons, and the revenge reward made the number of Divine Shield spell fragments in his hand exceed 30.

Thirty seconds of invincibility.

Thirty more, and he can use the ultimate Paladin's ultimate skill - Invincible Hearthstone.

In addition, he did not know which demon he killed during the period. Although his strength did not leave him any impression, he was appraised by the holy deed as a savior, and he changed the spell [Retribution Aura].

Among the remaining spells on the fifth floor, [Seraph], [Holy Prism], [Divine Storm], and [Retribution Aura], Retribution Aura is undoubtedly the weakest one, but this still surprised Rowe. After all, that unknown demon was simply given for nothing.


Luo Wei opened the eyes of reckoning and silently looked at the souls of more than a thousand angels floating in the sky of St. Van Gonzalo.

Suddenly, an angel's soul stopped wandering aimlessly, turned its direction, and shot away somewhere, and it was fleeting.


Immediately, there was a faint cry of a baby in the village of San Fanganza.

At this moment, a blood-red figure appeared in Rowe's field of vision.

Needless to say, this blood-red figure was Malachi.

"What's the matter, Malachi." Rovy put away his eyes of reckoning and looked at Malachi calmly.

Malachi's face was as calm as always, and he looked meticulous: "The angels have just found the passage of the demons into the world, but the demons seem to be preparing to withdraw. I think we should launch an attack so that they can't return to **** smoothly, Better to keep Kazan."

At least there is nothing wrong with what he said Luo Wei thought for a while and said, "You are right, I agree with your plan. Is Daniel going?"

Malachi: "No, he will lead a large force in San Fanganza. The attack is obviously not suitable for bringing too many people."

Rowe nodded: "Yes. Well, my knights are staying here with Daniel, and I'll go with you."

Malachi frowned slightly, but quickly stretched out: "Of course, this is an angel's battle. It has been very hard for the Paladins to fight with us so far."

"When are we leaving?"

"Right now," Malachi said, the fire of heaven lit up in his hands.

About a hundred angels fluttered their wings when they saw the fire, and lined up in the air: "Lord Malachi, we are ready!"

"Okay." Malachi nodded solemnly, "For the glory of God, let's go!"

"Set off!"

Malachi flew in front, followed by Rowe and a hundred angels, heading in a certain direction.

On the way forward, Luo Wei opened the Eye of Reckoning, and while flying in the sky, he looked down.

"Your eyes seem to be able to see something unusual?" Malachi noticed that his eyes radiated holy light and couldn't help asking.

Rowe: "This allows me to detect the trail of demons."

At this moment, he narrowed his eyes and pointed down not far away: "Is that where the devil resides?"

"That's right." Malachi nodded, then waved to let the angels adjust their formation, and then said, "Get ready, the battle is about to begin."

The angels held their own swords of fire.

Malachi glanced at them, and immediately his wings fluttered, like a meteorite blasting out, and rushed to the demon station below.

"Feel the greetings of heaven!"