Chapter 431: 【Kazan】

Below is a deep valley with sharp peaks on both sides. Between the valleys, stands a giant rock gate. The giant gate glows with a faint light, connecting the distant dark space, hell.

In the eyes of Rowe's reckoning, hundreds of demons gathered here. Compared to many previous battles, this number is obviously much lower, and the reason is very simple. Kazan's troops are withdrawing from the world.

At the time of their attack, a group of demons passed through the giant rock gate and disappeared from the sight of the Eye of Reckoning.

The remaining hundreds of demons were compactly gathered near the giant gate, including a seventh-level demon, undoubtedly Demon King Kazan, the leader of this group of demons.

Malachi rushed into the midst of the demons first, and with a wave of the long sword in his hand, the fire of heaven was vented from the blade, and a turbulent heat wave was expelled in the demon's army camp.


"It's an angel, an angel is here!" The burst of fire awakened the unsuspecting demon, and the battle was about to break out.

Rowe and hundreds of angels followed, and with a flick of his right hand, the Sulfuron Warhammer turned into a flame and stretched into a single drill.

The holy light was attached to the flames and swept out among the demons with his swinging movements.

"Boom boom boom-"

Just listening to a series of loud noises, the demons hit by the flames were blasted into corpses, and blood and wreckage were scattered all over the sky.

Not long after the battle started, a black figure that almost merged with the night flew out and went straight to Rowe.

"Your opponent is me!" Kazan shouted angrily, pointing a spear in his hand, and a thick dark purple beam of light shot out from the spearhead.

His whole body was unusually dark, as if it was integrated with the night, and it was extremely difficult to detect, but Luo Wei always opened the eyes of reckoning, but he could see his whereabouts clearly, and he was prepared for it.

I saw a flash of golden light, Luo Wei was still waving the flame with his right hand, and his left hand condensed a shield of holy light, which blocked him in time.

"Boom!" The dark purple beam of light bombarded the shield of holy light, making a loud noise, but it failed to defeat the shield.

At this time, the flames returned from practice and returned to the warhammer form in Rowe's hands.

Immediately, flames surged under Rowe's feet, and he went straight to Kazan.

Kazan swung his spear one after another, and dark purple arcs shot out, crossing into a cross and rushing towards Rowe.

"Boom boom boom-"

These dark purple arcs were all blocked by the shield of holy light, and Rowe deceived him in a blink of an eye, and the Saffron warhammer rolled flames and smashed Kazan.

"Boom!" Kazan raised his spear to parry, and then fiery flames shot out from the Sulfuron Warhammer, instantly burning his hands, and black smoke rose.

He did not choose to retreat, but a dark purple flame burst out between his fingers, erratic like a phosphorous fire, spreading rapidly along the spear, and almost instantly withstood the flame of the Sulfuron Warhammer.

The holy light in Rowe's eyes is still surging. In his eyes, the dark purple flame is clearly the same as Kazan, it is also a deep red color, full of evil power.

He immediately tightened his hand, and the holy light on the Saffron warhammer was released, and the golden light loomed in the blazing fiery flame. Although it was inconspicuous, it immediately suppressed Kazan's demonic flame and forced it back a lot.

"This is the Holy Light..." Kazan squinted and murmured.

"That's not it yet." Rowe swung the Sulfuron Warhammer again before he finished speaking.

Hammer of Justice!

The flaming Sulfuron warhammer shone with holy light, and under the light of the holy light, this huge warhammer seemed to be endowed with an unparalleled impact and went straight to Kazan.

Kazan was startled, and quickly blocked with his spear in both hands.


The brilliance of punishment bloomed on the spear body, and instantly spread to his arms.

For a demon like him, the burning of the Holy Light was stronger than the Saffron flame, causing him to let out a cry of pain, and hurriedly fluttered his black wings to retreat.

At the same time, the stunning force of the Hammer of Justice came into play, causing his body to become unstable for a while, swaying as he retreated.

Rowe chased after him, and the flames and holy light of the Sulfuron Warhammer were even more ferocious, and after a few hammers came down, Kazan was defeated steadily.

However, as one of the strongest demons outside the Hell Satan Council, Kazan naturally has two brushes. After doing his best, he endured for a while under the suppression of the Holy Light.

While coping nervously, he looked around from time to time.

Immediately, Kazan took the opportunity to fake a shot, and the black wings behind him vibrated, and he pulled away and fled straight to the gate of hell. The speed was extremely fast, and he passed through the giant gate and entered **** in a blink of an eye.

Rowe hurried to catch up.

After passing through the gate of hell, he did not immediately kill Kazan, but first glanced with the Eye of Reckoning to confirm that there were no other powerful demons nearby.

To his surprise, at this moment, Malachi chased in without hesitation, and went through the giant gate to hell.

"Kazan, even if you escape into hell, there is only one way to die. We will not let you go!" Malachi pointed at Kazan with the sword of skyfire.

Rowe frowned.

He wasn't worried about fighting in **** at all. It wasn't that he had never done such a thing before, and he took the initiative to come to the door. He still has many methods to use, and even more Hearthstone returns to the city, so he is naturally fearless.

What made Luo Wei puzzled was, why did Malachi chase in? Are you in a hurry?

At this time, Malachi had already killed Kazan, and Kazan was much stronger after returning to Hell's home court.

Rowe also joined the fray wielding the Sulfuron Hammer.

After returning to hell, Kazan's power was indeed much stronger, but with one enemy and two, he was still at a disadvantage in an all-round way.

Seeing that this big demon was about to die here, suddenly, Malachi turned his sharp sword without warning, and stabbed Rowe like Kazan before, suddenly!

The angle of the sword was tricky, and it went straight to Luo Wei's door.

At the same time, Kazan's pitch-black spear also stabbed at Rowe's vitals, and the attack of one sword and one spear showed an amazing tacit understanding, instantly putting Rowe in a desperate situation.

In such a narrow time and space, it was impossible for Rowe to avoid the attacks of the two at the same time.

Kazan and Malachi had cruel smiles on their faces, and the smiles looked a bit like they were, as if they had both witnessed Rowe's blood splattered on the spot.

Luo Wei's expression changed, but he did not panic, and immediately activated the holy shield technique, and a layer of rune holy light instantly enveloped his body.


The Skyfire Sword and the pitch-black spear hit Rowe almost simultaneously, making a loud noise.

However, Kazan and Malachi's smiles stopped abruptly and turned into expressions of disbelief.


I saw that after their blow, Luo Wei was uninjured, as if nothing had happened, and stood calmly in place.

Rowe glanced at them, and the Saffron warhammer immediately turned into flames and melted into his right arm, while taking out the Demon Slayer Sword and holding it tightly in his hand.


The slaying demon sword shone brightly, and the powerful Sulfuron hand waved it, leaving a trail of flames and holy light in the air, sweeping out!