Chapter 432: 【Anti-kill】

Although Malachi blocked with a sword, but faced with the tyrannical force of Saffron's hand, his resistance was as weak as a man's arm.

"Boom!" Only a loud noise was heard, and under the brilliance of punishment, his Heavenly Fire Sword flew out of his hand in a violent impact, and he disappeared after a flame trail in the sky of hell.

Malachi was also shocked far away. He looked at Luo Wei, whose right hand was burning with terrifying flames. He couldn't help but look a little scared.

"Idiot, what are you thinking, hurry up and kill this guy with me!" Although Kazan was also a little frightened, he had no plans to back down and shouted immediately.

Before he finished speaking, he turned the pitch-black spear in his hand, and the spear surging with dark purple flames stabbed Rowe again. In the dark night of hell, the demon's flames became more turbulent, turning the spear into a huge fan of flames.

Malachi's eyes flashed with hesitation, and finally he gritted his teeth and attacked again, flanking Rowe with Kazan.

Although he lost his weapon, he obviously had other means. I saw that he drew with his left and right hands, and two pale golden heavenly runes were generated in the palm of his hand, and then shot out.

Luo Wei's expression remained unchanged, the whole body was full of holy light, the anger of revenge was activated, the golden light enveloped the whole body, and a pair of holy light wings extended behind him.

The holy light's wings vibrated, and he disappeared from the spot at an astonishing speed, appearing in the mid-air not far away, looking like a teleportation.

Malachi and Kazan were caught off guard, and the two heavenly runes that were originally aimed at Rowe were suddenly lost, and instead went straight through the demon flame and hit Kazan on the body.

Rowe turned around and rushed towards Kazan, still at the amazing speed just now.

His Saffron Hand can only last for about a minute. This minute is the peak of his combat power. He must seize the time to fight quickly, otherwise the situation will inevitably turn unfavorable.

Fortunately, the rage of revenge not only gave him stronger strength, but also gave him extraordinary speed, even compared with the two winged guys in front of him, it was much faster, almost double the gap.

Kazan was hit by the rune of heaven, and before he could stand firm, Rowe deceived himself with the Demon Slayer Sword, and the silver blade surging with holy light slashed straight at the door.

He couldn't help but turn pale with fright. He fluttered his wings and tried to dodge while swinging the pitch-black spear, but he didn't succeed.


A dazzling golden light group bloomed in the air. The double suppression of the demon by the Demon Slayer Sword and Holy Light Retribution, coupled with the terrifying physical power of Sulfuron's hand, caused Kazan's jet-black spear to snap.

After severing the spear, the holy light on the Demon Slaying Sword continued to strike Kazan's chest and blasted him out.

As soon as the wings of the Holy Light fluttered, Luo Wei rose to the sky and chased after Kazan, and in a blink of an eye he chased close.

Kazan was frightened and frightened, but he had no time to react, and without a weapon, he could only hold up a mass of demonic flames in both hands, hoping to block the Demon Slayer Sword a little.

Since the Demon Slaying Sword was called the Demon Slaying Sword, it was naturally not subject to demons. It easily broke through this demonic flame, and the sharp blade slashed directly on Kazan's arm.

The brilliance of punishment that erupted instantly engulfed his arms, and the two pitch-black arms disappeared, as if they had evaporated.


Kazan screamed, his eyes were full of fear, and he had no will to fight, and quickly fled his black wings to the depths of hell.

But Luo Wei in the state of revenge was almost twice as fast as he was. Although he tried desperately to escape, it was useless, and he was quickly caught up.


The fiery red Sulfuron hand slid across the air in a meteor-like trajectory, and the Demon Slayer Sword immediately slashed Kazan's back.

Holy light and fiery flames leaked out from the silver-white blade, tearing apart his black wings instantly, piercing through his chest.

Immediately afterwards, the brilliance of punishment that was inspired spread out in all directions, drowning Kazan.

"Lord Lucifer..." His voice stopped abruptly and disappeared in the holy light.

It's too late to say that [new fo] is fast. In order to end the battle within a minute before the hand of Saffron fades, it only took Rowe more than half a minute to kill Kazan.

Witnessing this process with his own eyes, Malachi's eyes were full of horror, and he couldn't help but murmured: "How could this be..."

He and Kazan made a plan at the beginning. They thought that nothing would go wrong. I didn't expect this to happen in the end. Not only did they fail to kill Rowe, but they were also killed by him very quickly. Kazan is dead, and it must be the next turn. he is.

Malachi couldn't understand why Rowe suddenly burst out with such a powerful power, especially the incredible rune holy light before, although it was fleeting, but the transcendental power contained in it made him a high-ranking man. The order angels felt incredible and unheard of.

In fact, the reason for the current situation is mainly because of his sins, which made Rovido keep an eye on him. He never did his best in the previous battle, which caused him to make a mistake in his judgment, thinking that he was in harmony with the card. Praise force can easily kill Rowe.

At this point, it doesn't make sense to think about other things. Maybe at the beginning, if the two of them worked together, there would still be a chance, but now that Kazan is dead, Malachi thinks that he is definitely not Rowe's opponent.

Therefore, without hesitation, he immediately turned around and fled to the gate of **** with all his strength after seeing Kazan vanish.

Luo Wei naturally hurriedly chased after them, and the two quickly approached the gate of **** one after the other.

However, what they didn't expect was that during their flight, the giant gate connecting the human world and **** suddenly lost its balance, a burst of brilliance, and a huge amount of energy was released.

Malachi's expression changed greatly.

"Boom--" Only after hearing a loud bang, the gate of **** was shattered in the explosion.

Mara was about to pass through the giant gate, and she was caught off guard and was immediately bombed.

"Ah!" He screamed and flew backwards, falling to the ground along a parabola, **** feathers scattered in the air, looking like a pigeon hit by an arrow.

When he fell to the ground, Malachi was covered in blood and panting, afraid that he might have lost half of his life.

The holy light wings behind Rowe gently retracted, fell to the ground, and walked towards him.

Malachi was terrified and quickly stepped back and said, "Don't kill me, don't kill me... The gate to **** is destroyed, but I know how to get out of hell, and I can help you get out of here."

Luo Wei asked calmly: "Before discussing this issue, I want to know, why did you suddenly defect and deal with me with Kazan?"

Malachi was silent.

"Tell me, Malachi." Rowe asked repeatedly, placing the Demon Slayer Sword beside Malachi.

"Actually, Kazan is my twin brother."