Chapter 433: 【Lucifer】Good luck in the Year of the Rat

"Twin brothers?" Rowe was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, "Kazan is a fallen angel?"

"Yes...he was taken to **** by Lord Lucifer when he was young, and I was not. So almost no one knew about my relationship with Kazan," Malachi said.

"He and I are one in heaven and the other in hell. Through secret contact, we have given each other a lot of opportunities to make meritorious deeds, or we can use each other's hands to get rid of our competitors, so that we can achieve prosperity in our respective fields."

Luo Wei nodded suddenly: "So, I have become your target this time. You plan to give Kazan my head so that his status in **** can be further improved?"

"...Yes." Malachi hesitated, then nodded cautiously.

Rowe didn't speak.

Malachi quickly said again: "As long as you don't kill me, you can let me do anything, and I know how to leave hell. If you don't have me, you will be stuck here until you are discovered by the lord of hell."

"What's the way out of hell?" Rowe looked at him and asked.

"This..." Malachi paused, "you must first swear not to kill me - in the name of Odin."

Luo Wei nodded lightly: "I'm sorry to tell you, in fact, I also know the way to leave hell, and it is definitely more convenient than yours."

Before he finished speaking, he slashed the Demon Sword horizontally with his backhand, and the silver-white blade was cold.

"No—" Malachi was terrified, but at this time he was unable to resist at all, and only had time to exclaim, his head was chopped off by the sharp vibrating gold.

After killing Malachi, Rowe stood up and asked Hearthstone to return to the city.

However, what I didn't expect was that at this moment, an angry shout like thunder suddenly exploded from the air: "Who killed Kazan?"

Luo Wei's expression suddenly changed when he heard the sound, and immediately opened the eyes of reckoning, and the surging eyes of the holy light swept in the direction of the sound.

In the vision of the Eye of Reckoning, there was a dark red figure in the sky not far away, approaching quickly, with eight layers of ripples surrounding it.

Hell [August Chinese Network] Lord!

The eighth-level demon is undoubtedly the lord of hell, and most of them are powerful lords who can be named Satan.

If outside hell, with the help of interface suppression, Rowe is not afraid of any **** lord, and even has the confidence to defeat quite a few.

But here is hell, the home field of demons, where the lord of **** can exert more power, which made him feel a little uncertain and quickly think about countermeasures.

The **** lord came very quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the black wings closed and landed firmly in front of Rowe.

He has scarlet skin, a tall and burly stature, with two thick devil horns on his head, and a pair of wide black wings behind him, exuding a strong evil aura.

"God Asa..." He looked at Rowe and said in a deep voice.

Looking at the other party's appearance, what Luo Wei thought: "You are... Lucifer?"

This guy has a pair of black wings with the same style on his back, and his aura is also very similar. In all likelihood, he is also a member of the fallen angels.

And as far as Rowe knows, there is only one person with such strength among the fallen angels, that is, the leader of the fallen angels, the betrayer of Jehovah, Lucifer.

"It turns out that the arrogant Asgard still remembers my name, it's not easy." Lucifer's mouth twitched.

He stared at Rowe: "Young God Asa, I can feel that you have an unbearable magical aura about the demons. This aura is 10,000 times more disgusting than the Lord's. It seems that you killed the Kazan."

At the same time as he spoke, Lucifer clenched his fingers, and a dark purple magic fire that was almost pitch-black brewed in an instant, and immediately shot out.

Rowe unleashed his rage of vengeance, wielding the Sulfuron Hammer and Demon Slayer at the same time.


Between the Sulfuron Warhammer and the Demon Slayer Sword, the demonic fire exploded, spreading in all directions, intertwined with the Holy Light and dissipating.

"Sure enough." Lucifer snorted coldly, and took out a large dark red long sword with his backhand, "But if you choose to fight the **** lord in hell, you have only one dead end, God Asa!"


The Saffron warhammer and the dark red sword collided fiercely, and the power of the Holy Light and Lucifer entangled and impacted each other like water and fire, making a rumbling sound like thunder, tearing apart the dim sky of hell.

Lucifer's black wings fluttered, and he quickly stood firm in the air. Luo Wei turned a few turns in the air before he settled down, and the difference in strength between the two was evident.

Looking at Lucifer in front of him, Rowe's expression became more solemn.

Just as he expected, as Jehovah's former right-hand man, Lucifer's strength is far superior to ordinary demons, and he is definitely one of the most advanced among the **** lords.

In the environment of hell, Rowe pondered that even in his perfect state, he could not defeat this mighty fallen angel.

And he just fought with Malachi and Kazan, and he consumed a lot is not in the peak state, and it is even more impossible to defeat Lucifer.

However, if he just escaped, he believed he could still do it.

Behind Rowe, the wings of the Holy Light fluttered, and he deceived himself, wielding the Sulfuron Warhammer and the Demon Slayer Sword to hit Lucifer.

Lucifer's expression remained unchanged, and he clenched his dark red sword to deal with it. The dark purple demonic fire was surging around him, like the huge mouths of countless wild beasts, trying to devour Rowe.

The two moved quickly in the sky, and they fought hundreds of times in just a short time.

During these hundreds of rounds, Luo Wei had a deeper understanding of Lucifer's power. The dark red sword burning with magic fire swung like a storm, making him stretched to cope. He was injured in several places, and even was pierced by a sword in his abdomen. , the state is not good.


Another violent collision, Rowe was knocked flying by Lucifer.

"Suffer to death!" Lucifer gritted his sharp fangs, his eyes bursting with dark purple flames, and said savagely, holding his long sword high in both hands.

Holy Shield!

At the critical moment, Luo Wei instantly activated the Holy Shield technique, blocking this incomparably powerful sword.

"What!" Looking at the unmoving Holy Shield, Lucifer's expression suddenly changed, as if he didn't believe his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the Holy Light surged in Rowe's hand, and the Holy Spirit War Horse appeared instantly, with its head held high, and the mane composed of Holy Light fluttering.


Luo Wei stretched his finger a little, and under the brilliance of the light, the Holy Spirit's warhorse burst open.


Lucifer's pupils contracted violently, and he retreated sharply behind him, but it was still slower, and was affected by the explosion of the Holy Spirit's warhorse composed of huge holy lights.

The rich demonic fire wrapped around him, trying to compete with the huge amount of holy light that erupted violently, but in the end, he was still defeated.

"Ah!" Lucifer screamed, one arm was torn apart in the light, and the stump flew out.