Chapter 434: 【Yellow Devil】

Seeing that the Holy Spirit Warhorse only blew up one of Lucifer's arms, Luo Wei couldn't help but say a pity in his heart.

However, he couldn't continue to fight. The sacred mana in his body was about to be exhausted, and the wounds on his body were even more painful. He had to leave as soon as possible.

A bright spot flashed across Luo Wei's corner of the eye. He reached out and grabbed it, and found that it was actually a gold and silver ring.

Lucifer's ring?

Luo Wei didn't have time to think about it, he threw the ring into the space of the holy deed, and the holy light flicked its wings and turned into a golden rainbow lasing away.

The aftermath of the explosion of the Holy Spirit's warhorse only dissipated at this time. Lucifer clutched his broken arm and gasped violently. He calmed down in an instant, and Luo Wei's figure had disappeared into the horizon.

But at this moment, five fallen angels arrived from not far away, and when they saw Lucifer's broken arm, their expressions changed: "Lord Lucifer!"

Lucifer looked at them, still breathing slightly, and said solemnly, "Have you felt the magical aura that permeates this place?"

"Yes, my lord..." The five fallen angels looked around. "There is a power that is hostile to demons around here, similar to the fire of heaven?"

"More powerful than the fire of heaven," said Lucifer. "Kazan has been killed by him, and my arm."

Immediately he ordered: "But the Asgardian is not much better, he is also seriously injured, and it is estimated that he will not run too far. You go to him immediately, he is full of this magical atmosphere, in **** Like a lantern, it's not hard to find."

"Yes!" the five fallen angels responded.

After they left, Lucifer's expression suddenly changed, as if he remembered something, he reached out and beckoned, but nothing happened.

"Ring..." He muttered with his brows furrowed, and then he seemed to be caught in some distant memory, his face a little uncertain.

Luo Wei flew in the sky, but it didn't take long for him to fly, the sacred mana in his body was completely exhausted, the wings of the holy light dissipated, and he stumbled from the air.

However, the Eye of Reckoning did not disarm itself, after all, it consumes almost zero mana.

Luo Wei looked behind him, and immediately a faint blood-colored light spot came into view.

catch up!

His mind turned sharply, and then he remembered that Sanqi still had a night elf disguise, and immediately opened the disguise and turned into a night elf.

The camouflage effect of the holy deed is very good, not only Rowe's body has become the image of the night elf, but even the clothes have become the corresponding shape.

It could even be said that he was a night elf before the disguise was lifted.

Thanks to the dark skin, the image of the night elves is not very obtrusive in hell, at least much better than the appearance of humans.

Not long after Luo Wei turned into a night elf, a fallen angel flew from the sky and flew over: "Have you seen an outsider?"

"Yes, my lord." Luo Wei said quickly, "Just now, a handsome guy with blond hair flew past here. He was very fast and disappeared almost instantly."

"Where did he go?" asked the Fallen Angel.

"There." Rowe pointed casually.

The fallen angel nodded, then set off again, flew away, and disappeared into the sky of **** in a blink of an eye.


Luo Wei exhaled, thinking that Sanqi's disguise was really reliable.

He has just been worried that the breath of the Holy Light will cause the other party's suspicion. Now it seems that disguise can not only completely change the image, but also cover the breath perfectly.

The disguise has a time limit, and during this time, he should not have to worry about being found by fallen angels.

After a day, the disguise will be lifted by itself, but before that, his injury and mana must have recovered, and he can rub the hearthstone and leave hell.

Luo Wei wandered for a while, found a small hidden cave, and went in to recover.

When he was resting, he opened the holy deed and looked at it.

Not too surprising, it should be because of killing Kazan or Malachi, Rowe completed a salvation, which can be exchanged between the two spells [Holy Prism] and [Holy Storm].

He thought for a moment and finally chose [Holy Storm].

Divine Storm, a powerful group attack spell, is also one of the signatures of Retribution Knights. Every time he faced the siege of a large number of enemies, Rowe hoped to master this spell, and now he can finally get his wish.

After redeeming the spell book of the Holy Storm, Rowe first glanced at it.

While browsing the spell book, a question suddenly popped into his mind: Is San Qi's decision to save the world because of killing Kazan or because of killing Malachi?

Although Kazan is a demon, and his strength is even stronger, if he considers the danger to the world, he is probably the Malachi lurking in heaven.

With the innate resilience of the Protoss, about an hour later, most of the wounds on Rowe's body had healed, only the penetrating wound on his abdomen had not healed, and was even bleeding.

Some small dark purple flames faintly remained near the wound It was these magic fires that hindered the recovery of the wound.

Fortunately, Rowe had recovered some mana, and immediately released a flash of light to himself.

Under the effect of the flash of holy light, the magic fire near the wound was annihilated one after another. After a brief and severe pain, the broken flesh and blood began to wriggle and heal quickly, and finally the wound disappeared.

Time to go back, Rowe started to rub the hearthstone.

However, while he was rubbing the hearthstone, without warning, a fat figure suddenly flew into the cave, and his astonishing weight almost knocked him to the ground.


Luo Wei was caught off guard and had to interrupt the spellcasting in order to avoid it, and then cursed inwardly.

He took out his weapon and guarded, while using the eyes of reckoning to examine the fat man who suddenly flew in and was in a coma.

As soon as he looked at it, Rowe couldn't help widening his eyes, showing a look of surprise.

The breath that seemed to be one with **** told him that although this fat man was nine-point similar in appearance to a human being, he was still a devil in essence.

This is obviously not what surprised Rowe. After all, in hell, demons are the most common creatures, and even grasshoppers on the roadside can be counted as demons.

What really made him feel incredible was the reckoning of this demon.


In the vision of the eye of reckoning, due to the depth of sin attributes, the reckoning colors reflected by the living beings are white, yellow, and red from light to dark.

As a natural evil creature, a demon is born with a blood-red color of reckoning. Luo Wei can be regarded as a battle-hardened and seen a lot. Which country in the Nine Realms has he never been to.

But it was the first time he had seen a demon whose liquidation was yellow.

Considering that demons are almost all red, this yellow guy is probably the kindest of the demons.

Looking at the big fat man in front of him, Luo Wei touched his chin and thought for a while.