Chapter 435: 【Ghost Rider】

"Hus, this time you are dead!" There was a commotion outside the cave, and then several demons rushed in first.

Luo Wei slashed the Demon Sword with his hand, and several low-level demons vanished into ashes.

However, it was clear that there were more than these people who were chasing Huss, and many demons poured into the cave, almost filling the small cave.

Luo Wei immediately turned around and charged for a while. The Demon Slayer Sword he swung was like a storm, and he swept away hundreds of low-level demons in just a short time. The demise of these demons fed him a steady stream of energy, which soon filled his divine mana.


At this moment, a chain of flaming flames suddenly shot from outside the cave, and the speed was extremely fast, like a swimming snake, and it was about to wrap around Luo Wei in the blink of an eye.

Rowe quickly dodged.

"Boom!" Immediately after hearing a loud noise, a skeleton with flames all over his body crashed into the cave while riding a giant mammoth-shaped beast.

The giant mammoth was also surging with flames, as if it was integrated with its owner. With its violent impact, the narrow cave suddenly shook violently, and the gravel flew, as if it might collapse at any time.

Looking at the burning beast knight in front of him, Luo Wei couldn't help but be taken aback.

Ghost Rider?

Although the mount is different from that of Johnny in later generations, what is this flaming skull shape if it is not a Ghost Rider?

"Who are you and what is your relationship with Hus?" The Ghost Rider asked coldly as flames danced on his head.

"Hus, you mean him?" Rowe pointed to the fat devil behind him, "I don't know him at all."

"Since you don't know him, don't get in the way here, unless you want to die!" said Ghost Rider.

"Death, I don't think so." Rowe has used the eye of reckoning to see the strength of this Ghost Rider, only six, no threat to him, "Although I don't know Hus yet, but I'd be happy to know him. ."

"Then go to hell!" The flames blazed on the skull of the Ghost Rider, and he pulled the reins in his hand.

"Roar—" The mammoth roared and slammed into the cave again.

Luo Wei's expression remained unchanged, and the floating cloak made him jump up, holding the Demon Slayer Sword and slashing the Evil Knight's head.

The Ghost Rider swung the chain, and the chain that was burning with raging flames circled immediately, forming a round shield in front of him.


The Demon Slaying Sword slashed on the round shield, and the chains flew away immediately, but then they attacked Luo Wei from all directions, wrapping around him in a blink of an eye and tightening layer by layer.

Rowe stretched out his hand and pulled the chain, and the Ghost Rider was about to be pulled off, but he quickly wrapped the other end of the chain around the giant mammoth, and successfully resisted Rowe's pulling with the power of the giant beast.

When Rowe saw this, the Sulfuron warhammer instantly turned into flames and melted into his arm, and then the fiery red Sulfuron's hand tugged hard again.

"Boom!" With the blessing of the Saffron Warhammer, even this mammoth beast couldn't wrestle with Rowe, and was immediately dragged to the ground in a staggering manner.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Wei jumped up along the chain, appeared in front of the Evil Knight, and stabbed the Demon Sword.


The Demon Slaying Sword pierced the Ghost Rider's chest, and the holy light was released.

"Ah!!" The whole body of the Evil Knight trembled, and the flames on his body also trembled violently. He roared in pain, and the sound of howling resounded through the sky.

The flames flickered and began to fade from the Ghost Rider, revealing a weak and tired human face.

Luo Wei hesitated for a moment, then drew out the Demon Slayer Sword.

The Ghost Rider, who returned to his human appearance, fell to the ground, then barely got up out of breath, holding his forehead, his eyes full of confusion, and he murmured, "What the **** happened to me... God..."

Rowe: "Don't you remember what happened just now?"

The Ghost Rider raised his head when he heard the sound, stared at him for a moment, and patted his forehead: "No, I still remember, we were supposed to be fighting just now... But that's because of Zatanos' orders, I shouldn't be here, I Humans, living on Earth."

"Are you human too?" He still looked dazed and weak.

Luo Wei nodded: "Almost, what's your name?"

"You can call me Glade," said Ghost Rider, sitting on the ground with a look of memory on his face.

"Glad, as a human, why did you appear in hell? And as far as I know, you should have a spirit of vengeance attached to you, that is the servant of the Lord, let alone appear here." Rowe asked.

"Yes, the spirit of vengeance is God's creation. I also served in heaven and obeyed the orders of the Archangel Dekir." Glade said slowly, "But then Zatanos controlled us and made Almost all spirits of vengeance go to **** and become slaves to this demon lord."

Rowe: "How did Zathanos control you?"

Glade shook his head: "I don't know Since I entered hell, my memory has been a little confused. It's like a dream, watching myself become Zatanos' thug."

Speaking of which, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly raised his head and asked, "How did you release my control just now?"

Take control? Is it the role of the Holy Light?

This seems to be the only explanation, Rowe thought to himself.

Glade blinked, then ran to him quickly, and said earnestly: "My brothers are still under the control of Zatanus, please help them and release the devil's control! Look at God for the sake of it!"

"God?" Rowe shook his head disapprovingly.

He is an Asgardian, and he is an enemy everywhere in hell, especially after having a fight with Lucifer, and then going to trouble Zatanus, if he is besieged by the lord of hell, wouldn't it be cool.

Besides, even if Zatanos lifted his grip on the Ghost Riders, he couldn't take them away.

"Please," Glad begged. "My poor brothers have been trapped here for hundreds of years, and no one can save them, not even heaven. Probably only you can save them."

He probably guessed Rowe's scruples, and said, "As long as you can lift the control on them, Zatanos will definitely not be an opponent with our combined efforts."

Rowe still ignored it, but asked again: "What is the origin of this demon named Hus? Why did Zathanos hunt him down?"

Glade looked at Huss: "He's a **** detective."

"Hell detective?" Rowe was startled.

"Yes." Glad nodded, "Hus is the most famous detective in hell. He is currently investigating the secret of Zatanos and the spirit of vengeance, and Zatanos wants to get rid of him."