Chapter 436: 【Hell Detective Huss】

"Hmm..." When the two were talking, Huss on the ground made a vague sound, as if he was still somewhat conscious.

Luo Wei walked over to check and found that the injury on his body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was almost better.

This is not surprising. Hus is a great demon of the seventh level. Although there is still a big gap between him and Lucifer and other **** lords, he is by no means a generalist, and naturally he has some extraordinary powers.

It seems that his strength is very similar to the divine power of flesh and blood, with astonishing physical vitality, and his injuries recover very quickly.

Sure enough, after a while, Hus shook his head and woke up, got up from the ground and looked up to see Rowe.

He took a few steps back carefully and asked, "Who are you?"

"Strictly speaking, I just saved you," Rowe said.

"He's right," Glad said. "If it wasn't for him, you might have been taken back to Zatanos by me."

Hus looked at him, stunned, and then said in disbelief, "You are that Ghost Rider, you got rid of Zatanos' control?"

"Yes." Glade nodded.

Huss hurriedly asked again: "How did you do it?"

Glade pointed to Rowe.

Hus looked at Rowe again, and after looking up and down: "This is not what you really look like, is it?"

"Why do you say that?" Rowe raised his brows. He didn't quite believe that Huss had the ability to see through his night elf disguise.

"Your changes are very clever, you can even say perfection. But for a keen detective, sometimes perfection is also a defect." Hus smiled. "What should I call you, foreigner?"


Unexpectedly, Hus opened his eyes wide as soon as he said this: "That God Asa?"

"You know me?" Rowe was surprised.

Hell is already isolated from the world, and information is not available. He has skipped two thousand years in Saka star, and there is less information to spread, so that fallen angels like Lucifer can only recognize him as Asgar. German, and could not be further confirmed.

Unexpectedly, this Huss could directly recognize his identity.

"Yes. As a matter of fact, I can recognize at least twenty Asgardians in Hell. I'm the best-known detective in Hell, and no one is better informed than me, not even Murphy. Stowe." Hus said with a smile and a little smug.

"Asa God Rowe Garrison, you have disappeared for a long time, but of course I can recognize you as the sun **** of Odin. Not only that, but I also know that you hold a terrible power called the Holy Light , is the nemesis of the devil."

Glad on the side heard it, and looked at Rowe in surprise: "You are the **** of Asgard!"

He pleaded again: "Sun God of Asgard, you can definitely deal with Zatanos, please, save my brothers!"

Rowe still shook his head: "If it's outside, of course I'm willing to help you. But here is hell, I can't go to trouble Zatanos alone, even if I can deal with him, if other **** lords come to help him... …”

"It's impossible." Hus interrupted him, "No **** lord is willing to help Zatanos, they all want to send Zatanos to see God."


Hus said: "After controlling the spirit of vengeance, Zathanos has inflated ambitions and even plans to be the king of hell. He has become a thorn in the eyes of other lords and has long been isolated and hostile."

"Yes. Hus is right. Zathanos has long been the public enemy of the Lord of Hell. He was even excluded from the Council of Satan, and no one will support him." Glade also said quickly.

Luo Wei did not speak, but thought for a while.

Hus said again at this time: "By the way, can't you release the control of the ghost knights. There are hundreds of ghost knights under Zatanus. These creations of the Lord are powerful and good at fighting, and have a punishing power similar to the holy light. , can restrain the vast majority of demons, and is the strongest legion in hell, no one."

"As long as you can release the control of the Ghost Riders and join forces with them, even another Zatanos will not be an opponent."

Rowe thought for a while, then turned his attention to Glade: "Is there any way for you to leave here after that?"

"This..." Gladys said.

Hus smiled: "The way to leave **** is very simple. There is an exit in the territory of Black Heart. Black Heart is the weakest lord of hell, and at best, he is stronger than me."

"Hus, you seem very positive about this?" Rowe couldn't help saying.

Hus smiled. "Of course. I've been investigating Zatanos for years for half a medal of strength, and now I think I'll get it soon."

"Medal of Strength?"

Hus looked at Glade: "It's an ancient magic weapon from the earth-although the earth doesn't look very conspicuous at present, but as the greatest detective in hell, I can responsibly say that there are countless treasures there. of powerful treasures and knowledge, and the Medal of Strength is one of them."

"This powerful magic weapon only appears occasionally in very few legends. Many people don't know it. Even if they do, most of them think it no longer exists. But it does exist in this world, and it is known by a group of people called the Blood Clan. The humans secretly guarded him until he was discovered and snatched by Zatanus."

"However, in the fierce snatch, in the face of the blood clan who fought to the death and did not hesitate to die together, Zatanos only got half of the medal of strength, and the other half disappeared, maybe still on Earth, but no one knows the specific Location."

"Finding the complete Medal of Strength is one of my lifelong long-cherished wishes." Hus said with awe.


In some independent unknown space a splendid ancient city stands in the void.

This city is full of golden light, like it is cast from gold, just like its name, the holy city of gold. In many places, it has a better name: heaven, the dwelling place of the Lord, and the home of all the angels.

In this heaven, Daniel fluttered his snow-white wings and flew between the auspicious clouds. His brows were furrowed, and his expression was rather solemn.

After a while, he flew to the vicinity of a giant golden gate, retracted his wings and gently landed on the ground, then knelt down on one knee and said respectfully, "Lord Randkiel."

Not far in front of him, a burly angel in dark blue heavy armor was kneeling on one knee in the same posture as him, holding a sword in both hands, bowing his head in front of the golden gate.

The giant gate is more than 100 meters high, and it is as resplendent as any place in heaven. There are many images of angels carved on both sides, but the door is tightly closed, and it looks like a dead door. The burly angel kneeling in front of this door is like an eternal sculpture.

"Lord Randkiel." Daniel said again.

Randkiel, who was kneeling in front of the golden gate, seemed to finally notice his voice, his body moved slightly, and a low and somewhat illusory voice came from the heavy armor: "What's the matter... Daniel?"

Paladins of Asgard

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