Chapter 437: 【Evil Spirit Army】

"Malachi went to **** when he was chasing Kazan, and there is no news so far. https://" Daniel said, "There is also a **** Asa walking with him..."

Randkiel was silent for a moment: "Go and discuss with Luther, I will continue to wait here for the master."

Daniel looked complicated and said hesitantly, "Sir, you have been kneeling at the gate of God for more than two thousand years."

Randkiel was silent.

"Yes." Daniel shook his head helplessly, then turned and left.

However, Dekir was still kneeling in front of the giant gate, and only muttered after a moment: "Master, why, why don't you want to see me... Why let the spirit of vengeance fall into hell... Why is this..."

He kept repeating these scattered murmurs, his voice sounded illusory and trembling, the archangel of the golden holy city, at this time, was as deep as a mortal in a vortex of emotions.

On the other side, Daniel found Luther, the mighty slaying angel, after leaving the gate of God.

In today's heaven, Luther's majesty is above everything else, and he is deeply feared by all the angels. No one dares to provoke this archangel who is good at killing and fighting.

However, as the most terrifying angel, Luther was actually a beautiful woman.

She has dark, short hair against her fair skin and looks elegant and moving. At this moment, she is wearing a white dress like gauze, like the most classical marble sculpture in the world, looking at the auspicious clouds on the edge of heaven, lying quietly on the bench.

"Lord Luther." Daniel bowed and lowered his head.

Luther has a perfect face and figure, and her thin clothes make her look as if her naked beauty is undoubtedly revealed.

She was God's masterpiece, but Daniel dared not look up to appreciate it.

Luther looked at him, and he continued: "Malachi raided Kazan and chased into **** during the battle. As a result, the gate of **** was destroyed by other demons. As a result, he has not heard from him so far, and he may have suffered an accident. ... In addition to this, Asgard's sun **** Rowe also entered **** with Malachi, and was also trapped there."

Luther didn't seem to care about this matter. Hearing that, he just nodded and didn't say a word from beginning to end.

"Lord Luther..." Daniel was about to say something.

Luther suddenly said, "Just came back from Zandkiel?"

"...Yes," Daniel said.

"Will he kneel for another two thousand years?" Luther smiled.

Daniel: "Perhaps, Lord Randkiel is the oldest angel, for whom nothing is more important than God."

"Actually, the best way is to find Lucifer." Luther said slowly, "Lucifer and Randkiel each have a God mark. Using two God marks can directly open the door of God."

"It's a pity that Lucifer is now the lord of hell..."


Rowe finally decided to agree to Glad's request to rescue the other Ghost Riders. Of course, Huss, the great detective of hell, also joined the team.

"Since it's been decided, I think we have to act quickly." He pointed to himself, "My change cannot be sustained for a long time, and soon after the disguise is lifted, the aura of holy light that exists in me all the time is very strong. Eight or nine will be detected by the enemy."

"Let's go to the Evil Spirit Army now!" Glade nodded.

After saying that, flames surged from his body, and he changed into the form of a ghost knight.

"Roar—" The flames spread to the giant mammoth, and the giant beast that had fallen to the ground immediately roared, stood up again, and became a flaming flaming beast.

Luo Wei sat on the flaming beast without a word, while Hus hesitated.

"What's wrong?"

Huss said: "Ghost Rider's flames are quite dangerous for demons, and I don't want to get close. We may be able to do it another way, such as hanging me behind with chains, chains without flames."

"Okay, that's what you said." Glade nodded, then threw out the chain and wrapped it around Huss, "Let's go!"

The mammoth roared and dragged Huss away.

Hus was dragged to the ground by the chains and kept bumping. Although he was very embarrassed at first, he gradually adapted to it with his strong physical resilience.

And when the mammoth runs fast enough, he can even fly, avoiding contact with the ground.

The flame beast ran at full speed, and after a few hours, the three finally entered the territory of Zatanos.

"Lord Knight." The demon guard greeted Glad respectfully, without any intention of blocking.

Zathanos was able to reach the pinnacle of power, completely relying on the power of the Ghost Rider Legion. Without the Legion of Evil Spirits, Zatanus is just an ordinary member of the Satan Council, far from being as feared by all other **** lords as he is today.

Naturally, the Ghost Riders had a lofty status under Zatanus, and elite knights like Glade had an extraordinary status, and no one dared to stand in their way.

Moreover, Glyde dragged Hus with chains behind him, and he looked like a triumphant triumphant, and the guards would not have any doubts.

After successfully entering the territory of Zatanos, Glade soon came to the station of the Evil Spirit Legion.

He avoided the eyes and ears first, brought Rowe and the two into his residence, and then discussed the next action with them.

"Glad, you'd better bring a weak Ghost Rider here to try. After all, before you, I haven't released the control of other Ghost Riders," Rowe said.

"No problem Glade nodded," As long as the army of evil spirits is liberated, Zathanos will be dead. "

After he finished speaking, he went out, and after a while, he brought in another evil spirit knight, who was also burning with flames, but the weapon he wore was not the iconic chain, but a long knife.

Under the control of Zatanos, the Ghost Riders will always maintain their skeleton form, unable to change back into a human body or have a fully autonomous consciousness.

"Who are they?" Ghost Rider pointed at Rowe and Huss.

But before he could make his next move, Glade pressed him to the ground, suppressing him still: "He is the weakest Ghost Rider in the entire legion. You can try as much as you like, without worrying about his resistance."

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but stunned.

He has already examined this evil spirit knight with the eyes of reckoning. It has a level four strength. In a legion of several hundred people, the weakest even has a level four strength. This configuration is really amazing.

Coupled with the Ghost Rider's restraining power against demons, it is no wonder that this legion will become the strongest fighting force in hell, making the entire Satan Council tremble.

Rowe thought for a while, then first waved his hand to release a cleansing technique on the evil spirit knight, and a faint holy light flowed through him.

Paladins of Asgard