Chapter 438: 【Aura of Punishment】

The result was somewhat unexpected. The cleansing technique did not release the control of the Ghost Rider, and he was still struggling under Glad's suppression.

"How did you get rid of Glade's control before?" Huss couldn't help but ask.

Luo Wei frowned and hesitated for a moment, then took out the Demon Slayer Sword, the blade of the sword released holy light, and stabbed it at the chest of the Evil Knight.

Ghost Rider's resilience should be very strong...

The vibrating sword easily penetrated the Ghost Rider's chest, pinning it to the ground, and at the same time, the shining holy light was vented from the blade.

The body of the Ghost Rider suddenly trembled violently, and the flames rolled into a vortex in the hollow eye socket, like a shrunken pupil.

Luo Wei pulled out the Demon Slaying Sword, and then the flame slowly faded from the Ghost Rider, revealing a human face.


The Ghost Rider who got out of control got up from the ground and looked around weakly and blankly: "Lord Glade, what happened..."

Glad said excitedly: "I found a way to get rid of Zatanus, we can leave **** soon!"

"Really? Can we really go back to God?" The knight was surprised.

"Yes." Glade nodded, and then said, "But the most urgent thing is that we have to release the control of the other Ghost Riders as soon as possible before Zathanos notices."

"As long as the entire army of evil spirits is liberated, no one can stop us from leaving hell!"

The two Ghost Riders immediately left the room and brought in another two Ghost Riders.

Luo Wei swung his sword without saying a word, and the Demon Slaying Sword penetrated their chests one after another, freeing them from Zatanos' control and regaining their consciousness.

In this way, dozens of Ghost Riders were freed in no time.

But so many Ghost Riders were out of control, which would obviously alarm Zatanos. In fact, Zatanos came earlier than they expected.


Just hearing a loud noise, a huge fire of **** fell from the sky, smashed into Glade's residence like a meteorite, and turned it into a sea of ​​fire in a blink of an eye.

"It's Zatanus!"

Rowe and the others quickly left the building, looked up, and saw the **** lord Zatanos standing in the sky.

Zatanos' image is similar to the past, like an enlarged version of the Ghost Rider, with a skeleton head and flames, but there is a ray of blue fire near his forehead, which is very conspicuous in the orange-red hellfire.

"Hus! It's you who are stealing my army of evil spirits!" Zathanos looked at Rowe and Hus, and couldn't help being shocked and angry, the flames on his head jumped.

Glade shook his chains: "The Ghost Rider is not your property, we are followers of God!"

"Stupid, Yahweh has abandoned you long ago!" Zathanos snorted, "If it wasn't like this, how could I subdue you."

Before he could finish his sentence, Glade's chains shot out.

Zatanos dodged the chains in a flash, but the other dozens of Ghost Riders who were freed from control also threw out the chains at the same time. Dozens of chains flew at the same time, and immediately made him invisible.

The chains came layer upon layer, and wrapped around his body in a blink of an eye.

Zathanos was furious, his whole body was full of flames, making him seem like a pure flame, the chains wrapped around it melted quickly, and spread to the Ghost Riders along the way.

"Ah!" Some of the Ghost Riders couldn't escape, and were burned by these terrifying flames, and suddenly howled in pain.

"I'm still giving you the hellfire on you," Zatanos said.

"We have the fire of heaven flowing through us!" Glade said.

"That's only part of it, it's more of my hellfire." Zathanos glanced at him.

This is where the Evil Spirit Legion resides. In addition to the dozens of Evil Spirit Knights who have gotten out of control, there are hundreds of them who have not gotten out of control. They said in unison: "Master, let's punish these traitors!"

"Capture these traitors, these two guys can kill." Zatanos pointed at Rowe and Hus.


The Ghost Riders responded one after another, and then hundreds of flame chains spurted out and went straight to Rowe.

Of these hundreds of evil spirit knights, the weakest was level 4, and two of them reached level 7. When they attacked together, the power was terrifying.

As a keen detective, Huss was well prepared and jumped up before they attacked, but his fat and bloated body jumped hundreds of meters as easily as Hulk, showing a strong athletic ability that did not match his body shape.

Luo Wei took a step slower, seeing hundreds of flame chains flying over the sky, he hesitated for a moment, and finally chose the safest way.

Holy Shield!


There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and the dense chains blasted out a huge pit with a diameter of nearly a kilometer The place where Luo Wei was standing was even more deeply sunk, and there was no shadow at all.

The nearby Ghost Rider and Hus, who had evaded in advance, were affected. The former had the same power and was largely immune to damage, so there was no serious problem, but he was also knocked over and almost lost his combat effectiveness.

Hus was going to be a little worse. Although he avoided it in time, he still did not completely avoid it. At the same time, as a demon, he was somewhat restrained by the power of the Evil Knight. He was immediately swept away by the overwhelming flames, and the flesh and blood on his body were torn apart. Even many bones are exposed.

"This is the power of the Evil Spirit Legion, it's really terrifying..." He said weakly as he fell to the ground. Although the injury on his body was recovering quickly, it was obvious that he would not regain his mobility for a while.

Hus looked at the giant pit in the distance, and saw that there was no figure of Rowe, he couldn't help but twitch: "Is this over?"

But at this moment, a golden rainbow rose into the sky from the depths of the giant pit, and Luo Wei's figure appeared in the air, and a pair of holy light wings surged with golden light.

Looking at Rowe's appearance at this time, Zatanos was stunned for a moment, then the flames jumped on his head, and he recalled something in an instant: "It's you! The Paladin of Asgard!"

"Long time no see, I didn't expect Lord Zatanos to recognize me." Rowe said lightly.

The flames on Zatanos' body surged, showing the great unrest in his heart.

How could he forget Rowe, if it weren't for Rowe still maintaining the disguise of night elf, he would have recognized it at first sight. Back then in Warnerheim and Asgard, he failed to kill this guy twice, and watched Rowe get stronger every time, until today he even came to him.

"This time you are dead!" Zathanos was furious, "In the name of Satan!"

Luo Wei looked calm, and the holy light on his body was shining, but he opened the halo of punishment.