Chapter 439: 【Is it God?】

For a **** lord like Zatanos, the lethality of the punishment halo is naturally nothing, at most it brings some discomfort.

But Rowe didn't expect the disciplinary aura to have any effect on Zatanos. He turned on the disciplinary aura just to wake up the remaining Ghost Riders.

After previous attempts, he was convinced that the power that freed the Ghost Rider from Zatanus' control was the power of the Holy Light's punishment.

Although the reason is not very clear, but as the Evil Spirit Legion is the strongest combat power in the field and even in the entire hell, Rowe must pull it to his own camp, otherwise the consumption of the Holy Shield will be his death.

The halo of punishment opened, and the holy light shone down from the sky, and the hundreds of evil spirit knights below stopped moving, the flames on their bodies trembled, and some even roared up to the sky on the spot, as if they were suffering enormous pain.

Seeing this, Zatanos' expression changed greatly: "What are you doing?"

"What do you think?" Rowe stretched out his punishment halo with all his strength.

Although the halo has a large range, its power is limited after all, so the Evil Spirit Legion did not get rid of its control immediately, but was in the process of struggling, roaring and trembling, a scene of ghostly crying.

"God! Why abandon us, why abandon your spirit of vengeance!" Under the stimulation of the halo of punishment, some Ghost Riders suddenly became crazy.

"What is justice, and what is truth?"

"Are you already deaf, Lord! We called you in hell, and we called you in the world, but you let us sink into hell!" They opened their pale jaws and roared up to the sky, their hoarse voices deafening , like a thunder that ripped apart the sky.

"Eternal God, All-Knowing God, tell your vengeful spirit!"

Looking at the restless evil spirit army, Zatanos quickly ordered: "Evil Knight, kill this Asgardian!"

Most of the Ghost Riders didn't seem to hear his orders, and were still howling and trembling frantically, like madmen who were being burned at the stake.

However, there were still about a hundred people who obeyed his orders and attacked Rowe again, and the chains of burning flames were shot.

Luo Wei Shengguang fluttered his wings and quickly dodged to one side, and these chains also [new] circled in the air and followed closely.

The speed of most of the chains is far less than that of Vengeful Wrath, but in order to maintain the aura of punishment, Rowe couldn't hide too far, so he had to circle around with the Ghost Rider within a certain range, and was caught up by some chains from time to time.

Seeing that several chains were whizzing towards him, Luo Wei quickly opened a shield of holy light to resist.

"Boom!" Several chains bombarded the Holy Light shield, and the shield immediately showed cracks and flickered slightly.

At this moment, Zatanos shot together, and the huge fireball condensed by the deflagrating hellfire formed extremely fast in front of him, and then flew out, as if a meteorite fell from the sky and shot at Rowe.

Luo Wei had just blocked a few chain attacks, and there were hundreds of chains chasing not far away. Unprepared, he was immediately hit by this hellfire.

The huge hellfire full of dark power exploded, tearing up the damaged Holy Light shield almost instantly, drowning Rowe.

Rowe's flame power has been awakened for the second time, but there is still a big gap in front of Zatanos' hellfire. Under the scorching of the powerful demonic fire, his skin began to turn red in an instant.

What's more terrible is that these hellfires are like maggots attached to the bones, sticking tightly to him, no matter how he dodges and swings, he can't get rid of them.

"Don't waste your efforts, my hellfire is not so easy to get rid of." Zathanos sneered, and at the same time, a large group of hellfire was brewing in front of him again, and the demonic flames were soaring to the sky.

As the hellfire continued to scorch, Rowe's hair began to ignite, and his skin also burned. Although a lot of hellfire energy was consumed, the next round of hellfire was coming.

Not only that, because he was busy dealing with the magic fire, the chains chasing him also suddenly increased sharply, and dozens of flame chains were in sight.

For a time, dozens of chains and another group of hellfire from Zatanos shot in salvo.

Holy Shield!

At the critical moment, Rowe activated the Holy Shield technique again, and the rune holy light covered the whole body in zero time.


In front of the supreme meaning of the Holy Light, the menacing chains and hellfire were like scorpions shaking the tree, completely unable to pass through the Holy Shield, or even make a ripple.

At this time, Rowe suddenly had a flash of inspiration, remembering his first confrontation with Zatanos in Warnerheim.

He was still weak at that time, and if it wasn't for Divine Shield, Zatanos could kill him with a wave of his hand. There was also a wonderful thing that happened that left a deep impression on him.

In the state of Divine Shield, he can absorb the flames of Zatanus.

Sure enough, Rowe tried again according to the method he remembered, and the hellfire wrapped around him was immediately sucked into his body by him, looking like an upside-down explosion.

The pure flame power is integrated into the body in an orderly manner, and the incompatible demon power is excluded by the Holy Shield, and it gathers into wisps of black air and floats around.

"Boom!" Due to the existence of the disciplinary halo, these demonic energies were detonated the moment they appeared, and they were blocked by the Holy Shield, which was still in effect, and instead exploded the chains of the Evil Knight.

Luo Wei took advantage of this to escape, turned into Jin Hong and went straight down, drawing a smooth arc.

Seeing him escape from a desperate situation again, and looking at this beautiful trajectory, Zatanos couldn't help but wonder, "Why!"

Just now when Rowe was unscathed by the combined attack of hundreds of Ghost Riders, he already wanted to ask why.

The same scene happened again, making him almost suspicious of demons.

Zatanos thought to himself, even if he was in the same situation, he couldn't be unscathed, but Rowe did this twice in a row, which is totally unreasonable!

Could it be that this guy is Odin in disguise?

But isn't Odin dying of old age Luo Wei went straight down, and stabbed a demon knight in a confused state with his sword. set free.

Although the scope of the punishment halo is large, the efficiency is too slow.

Therefore, Rowe decided to wake up the evil spirit knights one by one while maintaining the disciplinary aura, otherwise, if he continued to fight at the rhythm just now, he might consume the holy shield technique.

"Is it God?" The awakened Ghost Rider appeared and asked blankly.

"No." Rowe turned and flew to another Ghost Rider.

"What was it that woke me up?"

"It's the power of the Holy Light." Rowe pulled out the Demon Slayer Sword and awakened a Ghost Rider again.

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