Chapter 441: [Death of Zathanos]

The head burst, and Zatanos didn't die because of it. After a burst of hellfire, the twisted and torn skull returned to its shape.

But it is obvious that after the crazy output just now, his power has weakened a lot, and the hellfire on his body fluctuated.

The blue flame on its forehead has become very weak, almost imperceptible. Originally, the blue flame was **** thick, but now it is only about the size of a few silk threads, and it is short and weak.

Rowe still maintained his original state, unscathed under the absolute protection of the Holy Shield technique.

Seeing this, Zatanos almost wanted to tear his head, which had not yet fully recovered, torn open again.

Hus, who was watching from a distance, saw such a result, and his inner alarm was no less than Zatanus, and he couldn't help muttering to himself for a while: "This is the power of the Holy Light..."

At this time, the aura of punishment began to play a role, and some of the fallen Evil Knights had been irradiated by the light of punishment for a period of time, and finally recovered from the frantic roar and got rid of Zatanos' control.

"Zathanos, you shouldn't enslave the spirit of vengeance, you will pay for it!" They looked at Zathanos, who once controlled them, while shaking their chains.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of evil spirit knights were awakened at the same time, and more and more evil spirits began to defect, and those who obeyed Zatanos and fought had become a minority.

Seeing this, Zatanos shook the flames on his body and head.

He knew that his situation was over, and the Evil Spirit Legion would soon be completely awakened. Although he was very unwilling, if he did not retreat, he might have no chance.

He clenched his fists, then turned and flew away.

Rowe wanted to catch up, but in the end he didn't. After all, he still had to maintain the aura of punishment to wake up the remaining Ghost Riders.

More importantly, Zathanos wanted to run, but he probably couldn't catch up. Although Zatanos was deflated by the Holy Shield technique, he was still an eighth-level demon, and he was much stronger than him.

Rowe continued to fully open his disciplinary aura. With Zatanos' departure, there was no Ghost Rider against him soon. Either he regained consciousness, or entered a state of confusion and struggle, left and right between the boundaries of heaven and hell. wandering.

After a while, most of the ghost knights were awakened, including a seventh-level powerful ghost knight.

He walked to Rowe: "I am Norbert Kyle. Thank you for letting us know the scale of justice again after losing God."

Luo Wei frowned slightly, a little puzzled by his words.

"After being deceived and controlled by Zatanus, the spirit of vengeance entered **** and became his army of ghost knights. We slaughter recklessly in hell, because the targets of killing are demons, making us seem as if we are still following God The purpose is to review sins, but in fact we have forgotten the scale of punishment." Norbert Kyle said slowly.

"It's your strength, let us understand justice and punishment again."

Luo Wei suddenly nodded: "So it is."

Norbert Kyle hesitated, and was about to say something.

Suddenly, a frightened roar came from the horizon: "Mephisto, you despicable villain!"

The two looked up and saw that Zatanos, who had escaped, had fallen from the sky, as if he had been beaten back by some force, and landed right in the center of the Evil Spirit Legion, staggering to his body.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

"Mephisto..." Zathanos looked left and right, clenching his fists, trembling with anger.

He just saw that something was wrong, and he chose to retreat without hesitation. Originally, there was no risk. He is a **** lord who masters hellfire, and his flying ability is still very powerful.

As a result, he never expected that he would meet Mephisto who had been waiting for a long time on the way. When Mephisto came up, he fell into trouble and beat him back directly.

Most of the Ghost Riders had already awakened at this time, and hundreds of pairs of eyes were staring at Zatanos, and then they only heard Norbert Kyle say: "Brothers, the time for revenge has come."

"No, no..." Zathanos looked at the legion that surrounded him with some fear.

"For God." The evil spirit knights said in unison, and then hundreds of flame chains spurted out, rushing up from all directions.

Zatanos had no way to escape, and was immediately entangled by these chains, almost wrapped into a zongzi, unable to move.

The raging flames gathered along the chains, burning him frantically.

"Ah—" Although he used to be the master of the Legion, Zathanos was unable to resist the power of all the Ghost Riders, and roared in pain under the burning flames.

At the same time, many of the chains wrapped around him were constantly being twisted, like layers of sharp blades, gradually tearing and crushing his body.

In order to grab the head, Rowe also shot at this time, he turned the Saffron warhammer into a flame, and one end was connected to the Demon Slayer Sword.

The Demon Slaying Sword shot out with his swing, passed through the gap between the chains, and pierced into Zatanus' body.

Holy Light Infusion!

Luo Wei's palm flickered with golden light, and a large amount of holy light poured into Zatanos's body frantically along the flames and swords.

Even if Zatanos was the lord of hell, he couldn't stand the Holy Light entering his body like this. His body was quickly torn apart with a roar, and then burst open.

"Boom!" With just a loud bang, Zatanos turned into a pile of debris and shattered flames in the explosion, and has since perished.

The scattered flames include some scattered blue flames. Compared with the **** fire, this blue flame seems to be difficult to extinguish even if it is only a tiny trace. It is scattered on the ground, like a fine blue grass. Picked up by some Ghost Riders.

Norbert Kyle held a blue flame in his hand and watched silently for a long time.

"What kind of flame is this?" Rowe asked. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"The source of it should be the fire of heaven." Norbert Kyle said, "The spirit of vengeance originally burned a kind of fire of heaven, but after entering hell, the fire of heaven in our body was taken away by Zatanus. , replaced by hellfire."

"This blue flame should be the fire of heaven that Zatanos took from us, but it seems to have become stronger in the hands of Zatanos."

The Ghost Riders have all been freed from control. They gathered and talked to each other for a while, lamenting the years of sinking in hell.

"Kyle, where are you going after leaving hell?" Rowe looked at Norbert Kyle.

"Heaven." Kyle said without hesitation, "Although what burns on our body has become the fire of hell, we are still God's children, just like the angels."

"As God's children, we must go back to heaven."

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