Chapter 442: 【Black Heart】

When the two were talking, a blood-red figure suddenly appeared in the sky, but it was the Great Demon King Mephisto.

"Haha, congratulations, Ghost Rider, finally got rid of Zatanos' control." Mephisto clapped his hands and said with a smile.

However, his smile was quickly withdrawn, but he noticed Rowe, a figure who seemed very abrupt among the Ghost Riders.

Rowe still maintained the disguise of the night elf, but Mephisto was very keen and quickly turned his attention to the Demon Slayer Sword in his hand.

For demons, the unique aura of the Demon Slayer Sword is truly unforgettable.

With the help of his memory of the Demon Slayer Sword, Mephisto quickly remembered the fact that Rowe was killing Old Demon, and immediately narrowed his eyes: "Are you the Asgardian who escaped from my hands?"

Luo Wei was nervous for a while, but after looking at the hundreds of Ghost Riders around him, he quickly calmed down.

What about Mephisto, the strongest legion in **** is here, and with hundreds of ghost knights plus himself, Mephisto must have only to be shriveled.

After being quiet for two seconds, Mephisto smiled again: "Asgard is indeed full of talents."

He stopped looking at Rowe, turned his eyes to Norbert Kyle, and asked, "I wonder if the Evil Spirit Legion is interested in joining my territory, I, Mephisto..."

"Go away!" A knight said rudely, and the chains in his hand shot out.

Mephisto avoided the chains: "You guys are too rude. If it wasn't for me, the Evil Spirit Legion wouldn't have a chance to kill Zathanos."

"You are a demon, and we are followers of God." Norbert Kyle said coldly, also holding the chain in his hand, "I advise you to leave here immediately, or you want to try the power of our legion."

Mephisto looked at the hundreds of flaming Ghost Riders below, fell silent for a while, and finally nodded, "Okay."

After saying that, he turned around unexpectedly and left, and the blood-red figure disappeared.

"Do you have a way to get us out of hell?" Norbert Kyle looked at Rowe.

Rowe shook his head, then pointed out: "But he can."

He was referring to Huss, who came running from not far away with a beaming smile on his face.

"Have you found the Medal of Strength?" Rowe asked.

"Yes." Hus shook the half of the metal medallion in his hand, which looked unremarkable, like an ordinary ornament, "and I feel that I should be able to find the other half of the medal in the future."

Although he said that, looking at the strength medal in his hand, his eyes seemed a little hesitant, as if he was considering something.

"You can get all the Ghost Riders out of hell?" Norbert Kyle looked at him and asked.

"Of course." Huss was very confident, patted his chest and assured, "I know for sure that there is a stable channel connecting the outside world in the territory of Black Heart, and we can leave **** just through it."

"Blackheart, that's not Mephisto's son," said a Ghost Rider.

Hus nodded: "Yes. But he doesn't have a good relationship with Mephisto. For example, in this space channel, Black Heart didn't let his father know."

Norbert Kyle was silent for a while: "I can deal with him alone. I can deal with him alone. But no matter what, we must be vigilant about Mephisto. Although he left just now, he will definitely not give up."

"Even before that, Mephisto coveted the Evil Spirit Army for a long time, always trying to get us from Zatanus."

Hus: "That's right. I think we'd better set off immediately. As long as we are still in hell, the threat of Mephisto and other **** lords will not disappear."

Norbert Kyle nodded, turned to look at all the Ghost Riders: "Let's go, my brothers, get out of this ghost place!"

"Set off!"

Before he finished speaking, hundreds of evil spirit knights stepped on their mounts one after another, and the hellfire burned on the riders, illuminating the surrounding area with orange-red flames.

After that, the entire army of evil spirits roared past, and under the guidance of Huss, went straight to the territory of the **** lord Black Heart, leaving behind a string of trails of flames.

Meanwhile, Mephisto finds two other **** lords.

"Zatanos is dead?" Like Mephisto, the two **** lords also had blood-red skin. The biggest difference was that one was strong and the other was much thinner and taller.

At the same time, compared to Mephisto, the two of them looked rather hideous and ugly, with **** fangs.

In fact, Mephisto is one of the rare beautiful men among the **** lords. By the standards of most living beings, he is not ugly. The appearance of the other two is the true level of the **** lords.

"Yes, Asmodeus, Beelzebub." Mephisto smiled, "The Legion of Evil Spirits is worthy of being the most terrifying legion in hell. They personally ended their former masters."

"I knew Zatanus would be today." Asmodeus said, "He's a **** bastard."

Beelzebub touched his chin: "Mephisto, have you tried it? I mean, try to get the army of evil spirits."

Mephisto nodded: "Of course I tried. But with the help of an Asgardian, the Evil Spirit Legion was completely restored to freedom. And they still firmly believed in Jehovah. Naturally, I was eventually swept away by them. "


"Remember what I told you before, there was an Asgard who killed Old Demon and escaped from **** in front of my eyes, with the help of an unknown transcendental power." Mephisto said, "While that power is It's not fully revealed, but I'm sure his origin is definitely stronger than the whole hell."

"If we want to get some Ghost Riders, this Asgardian should also bring us some trouble."

The three **** lords talked a few more words.

"By the way, where do you think Jehovah has gone?" Asmodeus said suddenly.

"Who knows." Mephisto said calmly, "but he'd better disappear forever. The founder of the ancient heaven is even scarier than Odin. Even in hell, I'm a little afraid of him."

"Yeah." Beelzebub seemed to be reminded of some bad memory and shook his head, "He is indeed a terrible old man. My father was killed by him."

"It's time for us to act." Mephisto said, "There might be a way for the Ghost Legion to get out of hell, we have to act fast, or we may not get the powerful Ghost Rider Let's go."

Although the black heart has existed for thousands of years, among the members of the Satan Council, he is undoubtedly the youngest one.

He is the son of Mephisto, the second generation of Standard Demon. His powerful father made him the lord of **** with a weaker strength.

But Blackheart doesn't love his father, just as Mephisto doesn't care about him. For demons, tenderness is almost as rare as justice.

Not only that, after some conflicts, now Hei Xin and his father no longer even have a stable and reliable interest relationship, and they often confront secretly.

As the most powerful member of the Satan Council, Mephisto naturally and easily gained the upper hand in the confrontation, which made Black Heart always feel great resentment and depressed all day long.

Hei Xin was still in a bad mood that day, he waved his hand and let the two witches under him leave.

"Boom!" But not long after the two witches left, a loud bang suddenly sounded, and at the same time the gate of the palace collapsed, the walls burst apart, and rubble flew everywhere.

"Who is it?" Hei Xin was frightened and angry.

"Boom!" Then there was another loud noise, and then a mammoth beast full of flames broke through the door wall of the Black Heart Palace, and orange fire appeared in his eyes.

Black Heart's pupils shrank: "Evil Knight!"

The mammoth swayed from side to side, and the gate of the palace almost completely collapsed, showing a huge gap. Outside the gap, there are still hundreds of Ghost Riders standing.

Seeing such a scene, Heixin swallowed and took a few steps back.

