Chapter 443: 【Father's kindness and filial piety】

"Prince Blackheart, stay safe." Hus stepped forward and asked with a smile.

"Hus!" Blackheart recognized him, but it was obvious that the two were not friendly.

"Did Mephisto hire you again?" Heixin clenched his fists and asked coldly.

"No, no one hired me this time, and there probably won't be in the future. Naturally, it's not Mephisto." Hus said calmly, "I'm here this time just to borrow your space channel."

Black Heart was angry at his almost contemptuous tone: "Can you borrow it if you want? I'm a member of Satan, and this is my domain! Besides, Hus, our last account hasn't been settled yet."

"Actually, it's not that I want to borrow it, it's them." Hus pointed to the army of evil spirits behind him.

Norbert Kyle immediately rode his warhorse, walked to Heixin, and looked directly at him with eyes burning with hellfire: "Although you are a devil, I have asked God for instructions, if he does not veto me, I will. You can spare your life. The premise is to take out your passage and let us get out of hell."


Black Heart didn't know what to say for a while.

Emotionally speaking, as the lord here, for the sake of his own dignity, he wanted to be angry and decisively refuse. But he also clearly realized that even if it was just the Ghost Rider in front of him, he would probably be unable to beat him.

There are still hundreds of Ghost Riders behind him. As long as he says no word, he probably won't even be left with scum in an instant.

"It looks like he won't agree." Hus said when he saw that he didn't respond, "Actually, if I'm willing to spend some time, I can also activate the gate of **** here."

"Who... Who said I don't agree!" Hei Xin was startled and said quickly.

"So you agree?" Norbert Kyle asked.

Blackheart: "Obviously, you got rid of Zatanos' control. As an enemy of the Satan Council, of course I am willing to help you."

"Very good." Norbert Kyle nodded.

Hus laughed loudly and patted Heixin's shoulder hard: "Haha, esteemed Highness Heixin, you are such a **** coward."

"Alright, let's open the gate of hell."

Hei Xin took a deep breath, left the shattered palace, and came to a black-colored stone tablet not long after.

Huss looked at Rowe and Norbert Kyle: "Where do you want to teleport. This stele is connected to the earth, and you can use it to open the gate of **** anywhere on the earth."

"Whatever," said Norbert Kyle.

Rowe thought for a moment: "The Antarctic Hearth Valley."

"Fireplace Valley?"

Luo Wei noticed that the map of the earth was engraved on the stone tablet. The map was a little distorted, but this was obviously a special projection, and the relative positions of various regions were still accurate.

He looked at it for a while, then pointed at it: "Here."

Huss: "Let's begin, Your Highness Blackheart."

Hei Xin immediately started chanting the incantation and activated the stone tablet. A dim light quickly accumulated in front of the stone tablet, and ripples appeared in the surrounding space.

However, at this moment, three terrifying Weiya suddenly attacked from the sky in the distance, causing everyone to change their color.

Black Heart even blurted out: "Mephisto!"

After a while, three blood-red figures appeared in the sky. It was Mephisto, Asmodeus, and Beelzebub, the three **** lords.

"My son." Mephisto looked at the black heart and the stele, and said with a smile, "It really surprised me, you still have such a good thing, no wonder the army of evil spirits will find you."

Hei Xin looked at his father and couldn't help clenching his teeth secretly.

"Mephisto, what do you mean by coming here?" Norbert Kyle asked in a deep voice.

Mephisto said: "Knights of the Ghost, I don't understand why you are leaving hell. You must know that after being injected into hellfire by Zatanus, you have actually become demons to some extent."

Norbert Kyle: "No, we still understand justice, we still belong to heaven, and hellfire is just our weapon."

"Angels don't think so. No angel will like the lingering demonic aura on you." Mephisto said slowly, "In comparison, **** is more suitable for you."

"You are the most powerful legion in hell, you can kill as much as you like, and fighting with demons makes you feel fun and happy, isn't it?"

Asmodeus said: "Join us, Ghost Rider. You will be as awesome as ever, and we won't restrict your freedom like Zatanos did, and we won't try to control your thoughts."

In fact, after being infused with hellfire by Zatanos, not all Ghost Riders yearn for heaven and firmly believe in God after being in **** for thousands of years.

Therefore, after the three **** lords said something, a small number of Ghost Riders were shaken and whispered a few words with the people around them.

"Yeah, does heaven still have a place for us..."

"God, why don't you respond to us..."

Norbert Kyle snorted coldly: "Mephisto, put away your stupid ideas! God will not give up on us, nor will we give up on God."

At this time, Hei Xin suddenly said: "It's better to have a few people help me and inject energy into the stone tablet together, so that the portal can be opened faster."

He was forced to help the army of evil spirits, but after the arrival of Mephisto, his mind changed quickly.

Hearing this, Mephisto's face sank a little: "Black heart, I gave you life, but you never thank me."

"Give me life?" Blackheart said sarcastically, "As expected of you, Mephisto, you can give a person a gift before he exists."

"Maybe I should take your life back." Mephisto said coldly.

Hei Xin didn't speak, and only focused on casting spells. Several ghost knights also helped, injecting the energy of hellfire into the stone tablet.

When the three **** lords saw this, they immediately launched an attack. Three powerful demonic energies quickly brewed, and then vented out to the army of evil spirits.

The Evil Knights were waiting in battle. Hundreds of chains circled in the sky and turned into round shields. The fiery hellfire illuminated the large sky above.


The round shield suddenly collapsed, but the hundreds of chains that formed it quickly resumed action, turning in a direction, overwhelming the sky, and rushing towards the three **** lords.

At this moment, Rowe pointed a finger, and the two hands of reckoning hit Asmodeus and Beelzebub respectively.

Asmodeus and Beelzebub were supposed to deal with the overwhelming chains, but they were hit by the hand of reckoning, and even lost their minds for a moment.

This absent-minded effort immediately made them bound by more than 100 chains layer by layer, and the turbulent hellfire spread along it, frantically burning Damn! "The two **** lords were frightened and angry, struggling hard, but they did not break free immediately. The chains were loosened and tightened in their confrontation with the evil spirit army, and they were agitated.

Mephisto avoided the chains, and at the same time he noticed Rowe, and immediately turned around, holding up a blood-red glow in his hands and threw it over.

"Boom!" Rowe opened the shield of light, but only after hearing a loud bang, the shield of light just opened collapsed under Mephisto's attack.

He was slightly startled, but not too surprised. As the most well-known demon lord in hell, Mephisto is naturally very powerful.

He glanced at Black Heart.

Fortunately, the opening speed of the portal is not slow. It should only take a little while to hold the portal open and let them leave hell.

When they got to Earth, the three **** lords would definitely not dare to chase after them rashly. Even if they did chase, Luo Wei was not afraid.

Before that, he and the Ghost Riders must stop the three **** lords from destroying the portal.

Asmodeus and Beelzebub were being chained by most of the Ghost Riders, Rowe naturally wanted to drag Mephisto with the remaining Ghost Riders.

At this time, Mephisto took out a pitch-black twisted sharp blade and shuttled through the evil spirit knight. The evil spirits touched by the twisted black blade were almost instantly wiped out.

In a blink of an eye, he was about to rush to his son Heixin.

However, Rowe arrived in time to block it, and the burning hand of Saffron swung the Demon Slayer Sword and slashed at Mephisto.

