Chapter 447: 【Archangel Archangel De Kiel】

The Golden Holy City is as splendid as its name, and in fact, the main material of this ancient city is indeed gold.

It's just like Asgard's Golden Palace, what heaven uses is not ordinary gold. It is a celestial alloy doped with a little mysterious element in gold, and it is endowed with heaven's unique magical energy.

In terms of time, the Holy City of Gold still belongs to the universe, but it does not belong in space. It is independent of all external spaces and draws energy from the void.

The heavenly gold from which it is forged supports many towering structures and is the cornerstone of its energy from the void.

Shuttle through the golden holy city, sometimes you can see the angels flying by. They are male and female, most of them are handsome, and their white wings seem to be integrated with the auspicious clouds that permeate here.

Walking on the road, looking at the scene of heaven, Norbert Kyle restored his human appearance, with a complicated look on his face: "There seems to be no change here."

"Yes," said Daniel, "like our archangel, who has held almost the same position for two thousand years."

"Why?" Rowe asked.

Daniel: "In order to see God. However, even though Lord Randkiel knelt in front of God's gate for more than two thousand years, the master still did not respond to him. He knelt for two thousand years, and the gate was closed for two thousand years."

"Has this happened before?"

"There should be..." Daniel was silent for a moment. "God is eternal, and we are not. Two thousand years may not be long for God."

The three walked side by side, and soon came to the center of heaven, where a giant golden hall came into sight.

This golden hall is more than 200 meters high. It is the most majestic building in the Holy City of Gold, and like the other buildings here, it is also made of splendid heavenly gold and is integrated.

God's Palace...

Rowe couldn't help comparing it to Asgard's Golden Palace.

In terms of height, the Palace of God is not as good as the Golden Palace, but its imposing manner is more magnificent. In addition to its larger size, another important reason is its portal.

The Gate of God is more than 100 meters high. Although Luo Wei didn't understand why a door had to be built so huge, it didn't prevent it from looking extremely magnificent, giving people a sense of humility like an ant.

There is no doubt that this God's portal, which is intended to rise to the sky, cannot be pushed open from the outside.

The supreme agent of heaven in this era, the Archangel Dekir, is kneeling on one knee in front of the gate of God. Samurai statue.

"Before, people used to think that there was no dust in heaven." Daniel sighed and looked at Randkiel not far ahead.

Rowe looked over and understood the meaning of this sentence: after kneeling for two thousand years, dust had already appeared on Randkiel.

"Lord Randkiel." Daniel stepped forward and called out several times, and finally made Randkiel react.

"Is there a demon?" Randkiel obviously sensed the demonic breath on Norbert Kyle, but he didn't get up because of it.

"It's me, my lord." Norbert Kyle said, his voice trembling slightly, "The spirit of vengeance has returned from hell."

Randkiel was silent for a long time, and then asked, "Kyle, have you ever called God?"

"Yes...but God didn't answer me," said Norbert Kyle.

Randkiel seemed to sigh, and then murmured: "Why... this is why, my master..."

Norbert Kyle hesitated for a moment: "Lord Randkiel, can the spirit of vengeance return to heaven?"

"Why...Answer me, God..." Randkiel didn't answer, still muttering to himself, babblingly asking God who also didn't answer.

Rowe felt that something was wrong with his spirit.

If nothing else, kneeling for two thousand years, this kind of thing doesn't seem like something normal people can do.

He felt that mental illness was more terrible than evil, so he had no intention of greeting Randkiel, but Daniel obviously understood this, so he did not intend to introduce him to Randkiel.

"My lord, I went to Lord Luther to discuss it." Daniel said.

However, De Kier did not respond, he took it as his acquiescence, and led Norbert Kyle and Rowe to turn and leave.

"Randkiel has not dealt with heaven's affairs for a long time, and now we are going to see Luther, and she will make the decision." Daniel said.

"By the way, Rowe, I have to remind you. Lord Luther is a beautiful woman, and she doesn't like wearing clothes very much... But she is a killing angel, you better not stare."

Luo Wei was startled: "Do you think I am that kind of person?"

"Be careful." Daniel shrugged.

Walking on the road, Luo Wei asked: "Your archangel has been kneeling in front of God's door for more than two thousand years. Is there no way to open the door from the outside?"

"Actually there are, but..." Daniel sighed, "However, to open the door from the outside, you must have two marks of God at the same time."

"God's seal?"

Daniel: "God's two rings, one is from Lord Zandkiel and the other is from Lucifer. Both of them were once God's most trusted people, but you must know what happened later."

"Ring!" Rowe couldn't help but stop.

Daniel looked at him suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

"Isn't this what you're talking about?" Rowe turned his hand and took out a gold and silver ring.

This ring was originally obtained from Lucifer's broken arm. He had used the holy deed to identify it before, and it turned out that it seemed to be just an ornament and had no special use.

Could it be that this is actually the key to unlocking the door of God?

Looking at this unremarkable gold and silver ring, Daniel's eyes widened, and after a while he asked in disbelief, "Where did you get this ring?"

"I met Lucifer in hell."

"Then what?"

Rowe: "I made him lose an arm, and this ring was taken from his arm."

Daniel and Norbert Kyle were both shocked: "You cut off Lucifer's arm!"

But apparently is not the time to ask this. Looking at Lucifer's ring, Daniel got excited: "Let's go back and open the door!"

The three immediately turned back and returned to the door of God.

"Of course, Lord Randkiel!" Daniel ran over with the ring, incoherently excited, "This!"

"Why...why..." Randkiel still muttered nervously, like a patient, and did not respond to Daniel.

"My lord!" Daniel stepped forward and put the ring in front of his eyes.

Randkiel, angry at his rude behavior, waved a blow to him.

But of course when De Kier saw the ring clearly, all expressions and movements stopped abruptly.

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