Chapter 448: 【God's Lie】

Looking at the gold and silver ring in front of him, Randkiel couldn't believe it, and it took a long time for him to come back to his senses.

"This is... Lucifer's ring?" He clearly recognized the ring's origin. While speaking, he looked down at his right hand, and he wore a similar one on his fingers.

"Yes," Rowe said. "I met Lucifer in **** and stole his ring by accident. I thought this thing was useless, but I didn't expect it to be the key to God's door."

"Ah, more than two thousand years..." Randkiel took the Ring of Lucifer from Daniel and muttered in a trance while holding it up to observe.

"Finally, I can finally see the master!" His tone became frenzied.

Daniel and Norbert Kyle are also full of expectations and excitement, but compared with Randkiel's reaction, their state can be said to be calm as water.

Randkiel suddenly spread his wings, and the dust of two thousand years was scattered from him.

He is the most powerful angel in the Golden Holy City, and has the largest body. After the wide dark blue wings are spread, they almost block the surrounding sunlight, making the sight of Luo Wei and the others suddenly darkened.

With the unfolding of these huge wings, even without the Eye of Reckoning, Luo Wei could clearly feel the power of the Archangel.

Randkiel fluttered his wings and instantly flew into the air dozens of meters into the middle of God's Gate.

Here, there is a ring-shaped groove on either side of the door slit.

Randkiel took the Ring of Lucifer, took off his own ring, and inserted the two into the groove of the door one after another.

"Open it, God's door."

After a short silence, the huge golden door made a thunderous sound: "Boom..."

Accompanied by the rumbling sound, the giant door slowly opened, and a golden radiance emerged from the crack of the door, like the rising sun, illuminating the already bright golden holy city.


"Our master is finally back?"

When the angels in the Golden Holy City noticed the opening of the Gate of God, they were all alarmed, and they all looked up for a while. Emotions such as shock, joy, confusion, and fear swept across this holy city that was above the mortal world.

Rowe, Daniel, and Norbert Kyle witnessed the opening of God's Gate up close, after it had been in the dust for thousands of years.

After the golden giant gate was opened, a long staircase came into view, extending somewhat steeply upwards, leading to the Holy Palace at the highest point, the residence of God Jehovah.

"Master..." Randkiel whispered, then gently flapped his wings and fell back to the ground from the air, walking up the long steps to the Holy Palace.

This is the basic etiquette of angels to God. Although they have strong wings, they must walk through this long step step by step like mortal practitioners.

Along the steep long steps, several people arrived at the gate of the Holy Palace.

Standing here, they could vaguely see a figure in a white robe sitting quietly on the highest seat in the Holy Palace.

Is that the LORD...

Luo Wei hesitated for a moment, then opened the Eye of Reckoning, trying to observe the ancient **** from a distance.

However, to his surprise, his Eye of Reckoning did not see any figures, but an orange light spot.

Above the throne, there is only a tiny orange spot of light.

What the hell?

Luo Wei closed the Eye of Reckoning and frowned.

But his attention was quickly drawn to other things. In the huge holy palace, apart from Jehovah sitting at the end, the rest is a group of statues of angels.

These angel statues are all white and jade-like. Although they are statues, they are full of details and lifelike.

They are scattered in a disorderly manner in the palace, with different shapes. The only thing in common is that their faces show more or less sadness or pain, and often even see tears.

These statues are so realistic that even the best sculptors in the world would probably have been unable to create them.

Both Daniel and Norbert Kyle were puzzled by this. They didn't know where these angel statues in the Holy Palace came from, and Rowe also felt inexplicable.

Randkiel didn't care about this, he went straight to the highest seat, came to the front of Jehovah, knelt on one knee without hesitation, and his voice trembled: "Master!"

Luo Wei and a few others followed.

As they approached, they were able to see the true face of God.

Yahweh wore a broad white robe and looked like an ordinary old man, thin and beardless. He sat on the throne with his eyes closed, calm and serene, as if he was dozing off.

On his forehead, inlaid with an orange cobblestone...

Orange gem? Rowe froze for a moment.

Looking at the quiet and closed eyes of Jehovah, Daniel and Norbert Kyle were stunned, as if hesitant. However, despite some hesitation, they knelt on the ground like Randkiel: "Master."

"Eternal God, the spirit of vengeance, I beg you to forgive our fall." Norbert Kael fell to the ground and said.

But the LORD did not respond. He still closed his eyes and sat motionless on the throne.

At this moment, De Kier suddenly raised his head, looked directly at God in a disrespectful manner, and asked in a cold and stern tone, "Why, why are you deceiving us?"

Such a disrespectful tone and attitude made Daniel startled: "Lord Randkiel!"

"You taught me, you taught Lucifer, you taught all the angels and the world, not to deceive, not to lie to each other. But you deceived everyone!" Respect.

The wild fire of heaven ignited from him, and a fiery gale swept through the Holy Palace.

"What are you doing!" Daniel and Norbert Kyle were shocked.

"Pfft!" But at this moment in the roaring hot wind, Jehovah suddenly shook his body and fell directly from the seat, and then in an inappropriate or even desolate posture He fell to the ground, motionless.

Looking at this sudden scene, Daniel and Norbert Kyle were both stunned on the spot, and Luo Wei, who was a bystander, also felt a little unbelievable.

The Lord, the Lord, seems to be... already dead. And in the most silent and banal way - old age and death.

After falling to the ground, his robes were messy, and others could clearly see that Jehovah was almost a mummified corpse.

At this moment, Randkiel's emotions that had gathered in front of God's gate for two thousand years broke out completely.

"You told us you were immortal!"

The fiery Sword of Heaven appeared in the flames of Randkiel, and then he roared and slashed fiercely at the Lord on the ground with his long sword.

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