Chapter 449: 【Soul Gem】

Randkiel's sword of heaven slashed on the corpse of God, and then a dazzling light suddenly erupted. The corpse seemed to be angered in blasphemy, and turned into a mass of fiery energy blooming in all directions.


The destructive energy bursting out of the corpse of God was like a violent torrent, which tore apart the Holy Palace in a flash, and the heavenly gold broke, melted, and splashed out under its impact.

In the face of this energy, Randkiel was the first to bear the brunt. Although he was the strongest person in the hall today, he was hit hard in an instant and flew out in a torrent of energy.

Within one hundredth of a second of the explosion, Rowe reacted and quickly activated the Divine Shield technique.

However, he still slowed down a bit. Part of the power had already bombarded him, causing him to see gold stars for a while, and was also blasted out.

Rowe couldn't help but curse in his heart.

He had previously felt that Randkiel was not mentally normal, but he did not expect such a situation to emerge in the end. This guy went crazy and slashed at the remains of God with his sword.

The energy released from the remains of God was so amazing that it almost destroyed half of the Holy Palace. At the center of the explosion, everything but the High Seat ceased to exist.

After consuming the remaining two Divine Shield spells, Rowe was able to avoid damage, but he was also blasted out of heaven by the torrent of energy and came to an unknown area.

Rowe wasn't sure where he was. After all, heaven is independent of the cosmic space, and no one knows where people will fall after falling out of heaven.

Just as he looked left and right, a little orange light suddenly caught his eye. It was the orange round stone that had been inlaid on God's forehead before.

Soul Gem!

Rowe can basically confirm that this orange round stone is the soul gem of one of the six infinity gems.

Not only because of the same color, but more importantly, he remembered the story about God creating a vengeful spirit.

God created the spirit of vengeance, and he was very skeptical about it. After all, the law of the soul is one of the most basic laws of the universe. I have never heard of anyone who has the ability to create a soul against the sky.

The appearance of the soul gem makes all this make sense.

Presumably, it was with the help of the power of the Soul Gem that God was able to create a spirit of vengeance, and possibly an angel.

Looking at the soul gem floating not far away, Luo Wei was greatly moved.

An Infinity Stone that is right in front of you, anyone who knows its power can't be unmoved.

So he didn't think much about it, he flew straight to the Soul Stone, and then reached out and grabbed this Infinity Stone with a charming orange glow.

But then, it became a decision that he regretted.

As soon as Rowe's hand touched the soul gem, the gem suddenly inspired a bright orange light, which instantly covered him, like a shackle, which made him lose the ability to move.

Luo Wei was shocked, and quickly fought hard to resist. The divine power of the flame burst out, turning him into a blazing white light in an instant.

However, this didn't have any effect, as if a heavy punch had hit the air, the Soul Stone still kept him imprisoned.

At the same time, an ethereal and illusory female voice came, and she said slowly, "Don't try to resist, mortal."

"Who are you?!"

"You don't need to know." The ethereal voice did not answer, "From now on, you will be the guardian of the Soul Gem."

Guardian of the Soul Stone?

Luo Wei was stunned for a moment, then remembered what happened to the Red Skull in the movie, and wondered if he would end up like that too?

He immediately regretted it. In fact, this may be an avoidable outcome.

The soul gem is the most special of the six infinity gems. It is not a pure tool like other gems, but has a certain self-awareness and can choose its owner.

For such an Infinity Stone, he should have been more cautious.

Rowe's Divine Shield technique has been exhausted, and facing the mysterious means of the Soul Gem, he can be said to be helpless now.

"What do you mean by guardian?" Rowe tried to communicate with the voice of the soul gem.

The soul gem didn't respond to him, as if it was offline, but it always maintained the imprisonment on him, making him unable to move, and could only float in space.

This process lasted for several hours, during which time, no matter what Rowe said, the Soul Stone returned to silence.

Until a desolate and cold little planet appeared ahead.

"This is it, Vormir." The ethereal female voice finally came from the soul gem again.

Immediately, Luo Wei fell onto this small planet. When he landed, the soul gem was like falling into the water, and disappeared through the ground calmly.

The moment the Soul Gem disappeared, Rowe's restraint was lifted, and his freedom of movement was restored.

"Build an altar on Vormir." The voice of the soul gem came.

Of course, Luo Wei wouldn't listen, and with a flick of his magic floating cloak, he rose into the sky, intending to fly away from this planet.

As a result, not long after he flew out, the familiar orange light came back to him again, causing him to instantly lose all ability to move, and fell back to the ground from the air like a stone man.

"Don't make senseless resistance." The voice of the soul gem did not fluctuate. "During your role as a guardian, your life will not age. Also, you don't need to stay in this position too much, fate will guide the established person. Come here and get the Soul Stone, and then you can be free."

An established person? Do you mean Thanos?

Am I going to just wait for Thanos to come with Gamora and watch him get the Soul Stone?

Luo Wei couldn't accept such a future and tried to escape again.

This time, he unleashed the anger of revenge, the wings of the holy light fluttered, and with the help of flames, he flew into the sky in an instant.

However, the result was still the same. The moment he made an escape action, the curse of the soul gem came into play again, pulling him back to the ground.

"This is the curse of the soul, and no magic can change it." Soul Gem said.

Rowe was annoyed. He believed that Divine Shield could break this curse, but unfortunately he didn't even have a Divine Shield now.

"Build an altar here." The soul gem gave orders, and at the same time, rays of light appeared on the ground not far away, outlining the outline of an altar.

"How could it be possible to build such a big altar with only me?" Luo Wei couldn't help saying.

"You have plenty of time," said the Soul Stone. "Although the curse of the soul will make you lose your freedom, you will not be tired, you will not be hungry, and life, old age, sickness and death will be meaningless. You have a long time to build the altar. "