Chapter 454: 【Lonely and widowed】

"Why?" Emperor Shia said incredulously with his mouth open.

"This... I'm afraid you have to ask yourself." Rowe said.

Emperor Shia exploded on the spot, stepped forward and grabbed Rowe's collar, roaring frantically: "She is my wife, how could I not love her?! Give me the soul gem, give it to me!"

Luo Wei pushed him away: "The husband and wife may not love each other, and the emperor may not necessarily love the queen. This is not a strange thing. I think you should know better than anyone whether you love your wife or not."

Emperor Shia stepped forward to grab Rowe again, and roared a little hoarsely: "I know I love her, give me the soul gem! I want the soul gem, give it to me!!"

Rowe sighed: "I also hope that you can leave Vormir with the soul gem, but this is not my decision. According to the judgment of the soul gem, you just don't love your wife, and the sacrifice is invalid."

Emperor Shia was still unwilling, breathing heavily, but was speechless.

After a while, he turned around and walked in front of a vassal, and said in a deep voice, "Prime Minister Oka, you swore your allegiance to me to the death, right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Prime Minister Oka said with his head down. He looked very old and had gray hair, but he was still in good spirits.

He said almost without hesitation: "If you need it, I am willing to exchange it for you for soul gems as a sacrifice."

"No." Emperor Shia vetoed, "I can't sacrifice to you, the revival of the empire needs your strength."

Then he looked behind Oka: "I want you to sacrifice your son."

Oka's expression changed, subconsciously protecting his son standing behind him: "Your Majesty, this, he... he's still a child!"

Emperor Shia put his hand on his shoulder and looked directly into his eyes: "I know he is your only child. But you should understand that this is for the future of our country and the entire Shia nation. So I have sacrificed my wife, Oka, you said you would swear allegiance to the death, didn't you Prime Minister Oka was silent for a long time.

After a while, he turned to look at his son: "My child..."

"Father..." The son backed away in horror.

Emperor Shia grabbed him and dragged him to the edge of the cliff, then looked at Prime Minister Oka, gritted his teeth and said, "It's up to you, push it down."

Prime Minister Oka opened his mouth, walked over slowly, and looked at his son.

"No, father, I don't want to die!" The boy knelt on the ground and begged with tears streaming down his face.

Prime Minister Oka stretched out his hand, but stopped in mid-air, he didn't push towards his son for a long time, his thin fingers kept shaking, showing his inner struggle.

At the same time, dozens of other people witnessed this scene and couldn't help but talk to each other.

"That child is so pitiful!"

"I don't think the Prime Minister would do this. This is his only child, and he sees it as more important than his life..."

In the face of similar voices, someone in the crowd immediately retorted: "Don't you think the Prime Minister should not sacrifice his children?"

Prime Minister Oka still did not move, his trembling hand stopped in midair.

"What are you hesitating about, my Prime Minister?" Emperor Shia asked, "For the revival of Shia, the people will remember your contributions and sacrifices."

Half an hour.

Prime Minister Oka took a long breath, lowered his arms, and shook his head: "Sorry, Your Majesty, I can't do it..."

"What did you say, you can't do it?" Emperor Shia opened his eyes wide.

Prime Minister Oka bowed his head: "Yes. I can't obey your order. Please be executed for treason."

"You..." Emperor Shia's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help clenching his fists.

"Humph!" He snorted angrily, but did not execute the Prime Minister.

Emperor Shia walked into the crowd again, looked left and right, and then stretched out his hand: "My foreign minister, you and your wife are in love with each other. Now, it's time for you to dedicate your life to your country!"

His demeanor was a little crazy, and his tone was no different from persecution.

Everyone turned their attention to the Foreign Minister, and the atmosphere was as quiet as freezing, making people breathless. The Foreign Secretary was silent.

Emperor Shia became more and more manic, stepped forward and grabbed his clothes: "Damn, what are you hesitating about? Are you going to sit and watch the demise of the Shia Empire and let us lose the only chance to turn defeat into victory? Ah?"

"Your Majesty, with all due respect... it is impossible for us to make a comeback," said the Foreign Secretary.

Someone echoed: "Yes, Your Majesty, in fact, we can start from scratch, conquer a backward civilization first, and develop slowly. Didn't the Shia Empire develop from a small civilization?"

Emperor Shia roared: "As long as there is a soul gem, it can be! Quickly sacrifice your wife, or let your wife sacrifice you, for our country!"

"It's your country, not us." A sentence suddenly burst out from the crowd.

Although this sentence was not loud, it was like a stone-shattering shock. Everyone felt that because of the appearance of this sentence, the atmosphere that permeated here has changed from tension to danger.

Emperor Shia was silent for half a second, looked at the subject who said this, and asked coldly, "What did you say?"

There was cold sweat on the man's head, but unexpectedly, instead of flinching, he shouted angrily, pointing at him and saying, "We've had enough! You lunatic, tyrant, wife-killer, for your rule and ambition , I don't care about anyone's life!"

Emperor Shia was stunned for a moment, then looked at the soldier beside him: "Kill him, kill this traitor!"

The personal soldiers were still loyal, and immediately obeyed the order, ready to raise their guns and shoot.

However, not everyone maintained their loyalty. Before Emperor Shia's voice fell, someone shouted, "We can't listen to this tyrant anymore He will sacrifice all of us!"

"Kill the tyrant!"


About half of the people chose to betray Emperor Shia, and the battle broke out. Just now, they were each other's confidantes, and they killed each other in a blink of an eye. Dozens of people scuffled together.

In addition to the warring parties, several people chose to leave, ran to the small spaceship not far away, and left the Vormir Star directly. Among them was the green-skinned Zehouberry.

The battle went on quickly, like a group of eggs fighting each other with stones, which is almost the norm of technological civilization.

It was a little surprising that Emperor Shia's fighting power was not weak. With the help of excellent equipment, he became the last person to survive this battle, even though he was also seriously injured.

Covering the wound on his chest, he shot down the last enemy who had fallen to the ground, then panted and looked around, realizing that he was alone.

Apart from the statue-like guardian and the few people who escaped by spaceship, he was the only one left on the huge Vormir star.

"Soul Gem...Give me the Soul Gem...I'm going to kill Thanos..." Emperor Shia still didn't give up his obsession, dragged his severely injured body to Rowe, his eyes were cloudy, and his mouth repeated indistinctly.

Rowe felt that the guy was about to pounce on him, so he quickly took a step and said at the same time, "I've said it many times, I don't have a soul gem."



Luo Wei was stunned for a moment, but suddenly realized that Emperor Shia seemed to have mentioned Thanos just now.

"Thanos destroyed the Shia Empire?" He turned around and asked, only to find that Emperor Shia had disappeared, and there was no one behind him.