Chapter 455: [Book of Experience: Tirion Fordring]

Luo Wei was startled, then quickly stepped forward to look.

Seeing that Emperor Shia had already fallen off the altar and died, I don't know whether he went astray in a delirious way, or he chose to commit suicide.

Rowe frowned, lost in thought.

A legion developed by interstellar pirates was attacking the city in the Shia Empire. He had heard of this in the past, but he had never heard that Thanos was leading the legion.

But think about it carefully, Thanos is on the side of Megatron in later generations, why should he rise at this time, the Thanos mentioned by Emperor Shia should be him.

Mostly, something happened in the middle, which made this legion change its owner to Thanos, and then destroyed the Shia Empire in the battle.

Obviously, with the rise of Thanos, the most terrifying crisis is quietly approaching.

After returning to Asgard, he must convince Odin to sleep with Hela and organize Asgard's forces to take the initiative to try to kill Thanos in advance... Rowe thought so.

After a while, his expression changed, and he looked up at the huge battleship not far away.

The few people who escaped just took a small spaceship to escape, and did not start the giant ship, leaving it on Vormir.

Looking at the giant ship floating not far away, Luo Wei couldn't help showing a smile.

The Shia Empire is one of the top scientific and technological civilizations in the universe. The emperor's spaceship must have stored valuables in it. Now that it has become an ownerless thing, he naturally wants to keep it in his pocket.

If you are lucky, donating Emperor Shia's treasure might provide him with enough piety, so that he can leave here earlier, without having to wait for the third round of Vormir Helan to grow up.

Thinking of this, Luo Wei immediately flew to the giant ship and searched for it.

The wealth stored in the giant ship is more than he imagined, mainly various rare elements and advanced energy, as well as some sophisticated technological creations.

Sanctuary does not reject valuable donations, and also accepts advanced technological creations, and the price is not low.

In fact, apart from the garbage that no one wants, there is only one thing that is rejected by the Holy Deed - the holy artifact. The reason is very simple, the holy light is the most indispensable thing in the holy deed.

After a thing is sanctified, although the quality will be greatly improved, the piety generated by donation will not change compared with before the sanctification.

The search process lasted for several days, and Luo Wei gained a lot. After some estimation, he was sure that as long as he planted another round of Womir Helan, he would definitely be able to gather up 60 Divine Shield techniques and leave this place ahead of schedule.

This is exciting news, but in fact, this is not the happiest thing for him.

Compared with expectations for the future, the current benefits are often more exciting. In addition to the donations, the results of Rowe's search on the giant ship also include various things that love to drink and play.

In the ghostly place of Vormir, where there is no bird shit, these ordinary things are very precious.

In particular, the various food ingredients stored in the spaceship's food warehouse made Luo Wei regain his long-lost taste experience. The difficult years without diet made him almost forget his great title of "God of BBQ".

A few years after the death of Emperor Shia, another group of Zehouberi came to Vormir.

Rowe guessed that they should have gotten the news about the Soul Stone from the Zehouberry who escaped before.

But unfortunately, the information that these Zehouberi explorers got is obviously incomplete. According to Rowe, at least they don't know the conditions for obtaining the Soul Stone.

After learning the conditions, they were convinced that they did not love each other, so they left peacefully.

The Zehou Berry people should be Gamora's race. It's not hard to guess. After all, the racial characteristics are too obvious, and the green skin is unforgettable.

From these Zehou Berry people, Luo Wei confirmed that the legion that destroyed the Shia Empire was indeed the force of Thanos.

Under the leadership of Thanos, this legion rose rapidly with an amazing momentum, pushing down the Shia Empire, one of the three major technological empires, along the way, and conquered countless small and medium civilizations, which can be described as a mega universe.

According to several Zehoubergians, their civilization is currently under threat from Thanos, and war may break out at any time.

After the expedition of the Zehouberi people left, the Vormir star was unvisited for a long time, and Luo Wei continued to stay here alone, waiting for the second round of Vormir Helan's growth.

Finally, his waiting came to an end. The second batch of Vormir Helan in the medicine garden grew up, and he also started a new round of harvesting.

While harvesting the medicinal herbs, he donated a part to the holy deed, and then continuously exchanged for the gift of fate, accumulating the spell fragments of the holy shield technique, and witnessed the number of them approaching the sixty mark.

[Book of Experience: Tirion Fordring]

Suddenly, a book of experience was opened from the gift of fate, causing Luo Wei to widen his eyes and pause to continue the exchange.

It's actually Lafayette!

In addition to the former second-rate Paladin Alsace who became a death knight, Tirion Fordring is definitely the most well-known paladin, and has an extraordinary position in the minds of many paladinsRowe carefully look.

【Experience Type: Hero】

【Experience Level: Level 8】

[Introduction: Tirion Fordring, one of the original five paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand, the holder of the Ashbringer, and the leader of the Argent Crusade. Our dear friend, brother and mentor, he is the embodiment of the Light, the role model all Paladins aspire to be...]

Not surprisingly, Lafayette is an experienced hero of the same level as the faction leader, level 8.

During his time in Vormir, Rowe had never challenged the level 7 or above training goal.

There is no other reason. Fighting with level 7 and level 8 training targets often takes a long time or even fails. It is easy to cause him to have some abnormal conditions, such as sweating on his head, which will definitely make the Soul Gem suspicious.

However, after getting this book of experience, Rowe decided to go in and have a look, even if he entered the experience space of Tirion Fordring.

In a blink of an eye, the scene turned into a huge proving ground.

Rowe looked around and quickly recognized that this was the testing ground for the Argent Crusade.

A burly old man with gray hair stood in the middle of the trial field. His eyes were bright, his expression solemn, and he was wearing strong and heavy armor. There was no doubt that he was the great Holy Knight Tirion Fordring.

Old Fording holds a bright single-edged sword in his hand. The shape is simple and powerful. There is a shining crystal suspended on the blade.

"Young man, welcome to the proving ground, you will challenge me here, for our common northern expedition goal." Tirion Fordring said, raising his ashes messenger at the same time.

Following his movements, a strong aura of holy light emanated from Ashbringer's sword.