Chapter 456: 【Invincible Hearthstone】

Unlike other experienced characters, Tirion Fordring did not take the initiative to attack, but just prepared for battle.

"Come on, knight," said Fordring.

In the face of this legendary Paladin, Rowe did not dare to be careless, and directly opened the wrath of revenge.

Immediately, he saw the wings of the Holy Light fluttering behind him, and it turned into a golden rainbow, waving the Sulfuron warhammer straight to the old Fordring.


Rowe roared, exerting all his strength, dazzling holy light and flames bloomed on the warhammer. Fording's expression remained unchanged, and he waved the ash messenger to attack.


With a loud bang, in a short and violent impact, Rowe realized two problems: First, Fording seemed to be immune to divine damage, and Rowe's sanctions had no effect.

As the mentor and example of many Paladins, the character of Lafayette is naturally extremely noble, so that he can regain his epiphany after being deprived of the power of the Holy Light.

To a certain extent, Fording can even be said to be integrated with the Holy Light. He is immune to holy damage, which is not outrageous.

Rowe tried again and attacked Fording with Judgment. The result confirmed his speculation that Fording would not be hurt by the Holy Light.

Immunity to divine magic, this attribute of Lafayette immediately made the situation one-sided, almost a one-sided beating.

In addition, Rowe also found that the Ashbringer is a bit outrageous, at least the quality is far better than the Sulfuron Warhammer, each slash can leave a deep mark on the hammer, while itself is unscathed.

In just a few dozen back-and-forths, the Sulfuron Warhammer was cut into some deformation, which surprised Rowe.

So exaggerated?

After all, the Sulfuron Warhammer is the predecessor of the artifact Sulfuras. Even if it is worse than the Ashbringer, it is not so much worse, right?

Looking at this posture, he even felt that his warhammer might be chopped by Lafayette.

Although Luo Wei does not think that he can defeat Lafayette now, but if he loses so quickly, he will naturally not be reconciled.

He immediately took a deep breath, the golden light surging on his body, and another pair of holy light wings unfolded from behind—Seraph!

As the strongest spell on the fifth layer, the effect of Seraphim is similar to that of Vengeful Wrath.

Seraph and Wrath of Vengeance can be superimposed, so there are four wings behind Rowe at this time, and the holy light shines like a four-winged angel.

Incarnated as a four-winged angel, Rowe rushed to Fording again, smashed the Sulfuron warhammer with both hands, and mobilized the power of the flame with all his strength, and the flames were raging for a while.


The huge proving ground almost turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the figure of Tirion Fordring was drowned in it.

"Holy Light—" But at this moment, Fording shouted.

Immediately, the dazzling rune holy light was excited from the blade of the Ashbringer, and instantly enveloped him.

Holy Shield!

Also a Paladin, Rowe instantly recognized that this was the Holy Shield technique. However, the Holy Shield technique that Fording used obviously has many special features.

The rune holy light on Lafayette showed a semi-solid state, like a flowing flame, full, dense, and hot, wrapped around every inch of his skin.

For a time, Tirion Fordring seemed to be the incarnation of Holy Light.

He waved the ash messenger again, and the semi-physical holy light shot up into the sky, like magma bursting out under tremendous pressure, with an imposing manner like a rainbow.

Rowe hurriedly dodged, dodging the huge Holy Light impact by risk.

Of course, he knew that attacking Divine Shield was a waste of effort, so after Fording entered this state, he immediately changed his strategy and decided to just avoid fighting and let Divine Shield end by delaying time.

Holy Shield, everything is good, but the time is short.

The time is over.

However, Rowe's wishful thinking was not achieved. Fording's Holy Shield technique lasted for a long time, and after at least half a minute, the old man was still invincible.

Moreover, Fording's Holy Shield technique is not only invincible in defense, but also has a blessing in attack power. The increase is much stronger than that of Rowe's four-winged angel.

Rowe gritted his teeth for more than half a minute, and finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Seeing this, Fording stopped attacking, and the holy light on his body also disappeared.

Rowe panted and shook his head secretly.

Tirion Fordring looked at him and said slowly: "Young man, your strength is not enough. Only when you can persist for a minute can you inherit my Ashbringer."

"Inherit the Ashbringer?" Rowe was taken aback.

Listening to this, he doesn't seem to need to defeat Fording, he only needs to hold on for a minute in Fording's Rage Aegis state, hold on, and then he can inherit Ashbringer.

"Really?" He couldn't help asking, looking at the Ashbringer in Fording's hands with light.


This sacred and legendary weapon has always been regarded as the symbol of the Paladins and is famous in Azeroth.

Which paladin wouldn't want to own an Ashbringer?

Moreover, Fording, the Ashbringer, is more powerful than what is described in the game, at least far more powerful than the Saffron Warhammer, which makes Rowe even more excited.

"Yes." Tirion Fordring said, and there was some real emotion in his voice, "I am old, and the Holy Light needs a successor..."

Rowe had never felt this way. In his memory, the role of the experience space is just some sophisticated fighting machines, which seem to be able to talk, but in fact have no emotions and thoughts.

And Fording, who is talking in front of him, seems to be a real person with flesh and blood.

This made Rowe puzzled and surprised.

But then his surprise and doubts were interrupted.

"What are you doing?" An ethereal female voice suddenly sounded, it was the voice of the soul gem.

Rowe hurriedly exited the experience space, and the surrounding scene instantly changed from the proving ground to the desolate and dead Vormir star.

"What were you doing just now?" the Soul Stone asked again.

"I'm meditating." Rowe was very calm, but he also accelerated the actions of harvesting and sacrificing Vormir Helan.

Fifty-eight Holy Shields, there are still two, hurry up...

Fifty-nine, and one less.

The unique power of the Soul Gem swept across Rowe, causing goose bumps all over his body.

"You're lying," said the Soul Stone. "Tell me, what's your secret?"

"I did not lie……"

"This excuse is meaningless." The Soul Stone interrupted him. "You know, seeing through lies is the easiest thing for me."

"You're right," Rowe admitted, before changing the subject. "But if you want me to reveal a secret, you have to tell me a secret of yours too, like, who are you? Huh?"

Sixty Divine Shield Techniques!

The Divine Shield technique was finally assembled. Looking at the sixty spell fragments in the Holy Shield, he smiled unabashedly, and the tone of the second half of the sentence suddenly became arrogant.

"This isn't your realm," said the Soul Stone.

"Oh?" Rowe put the remaining Vormir Helan into the holy deed, his tone even more arrogant.

Being trapped in Vormir as a coolie for so long is a humiliating experience, and his hatred for the Soul Gem has long been full.

If it wasn't for the curse, even if he hollowed out the Vormir star, he would have to find out the soul gem. After finding it, nothing else would be said, and let it ferment for a while.

"Neither mine." Rowe said.

Soul Stone: "I think you remember the effects of the curse."

"Yes." Rowe stood up, then raised his hand to summon the Holy Spirit Warhorse.



The Holy Spirit's warhorse exploded on the altar, the huge holy light vented out, the mountains and rocks flew, the ground shook, and the altar was destroyed in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, Luo Wei has begun to cast the spell of proper retreat, that is, the invincible secret technique of the gods blocking the fleeing gods and the Buddha blocking the fleeing Buddhas, the invincible hearthstone.

Under the shroud of the rune holy light, the transmission light of the hearthstone quickly brewed.

Under normal conditions, the process of Hearthstone teleportation is quite slow, and it is easy to be interrupted. It is impossible to escape during the battle. But Divine Shield can greatly shorten this process, and can be forcibly teleported within 60 seconds regardless of all conditions.

Not surprisingly, in the face of the absolute defense of Divine Shield, even the mysterious power of the Soul Gem cannot play a role.

The soul gem seemed to be provoked, and the voice was no longer calm, but for the first time it had a similar emotional meaning: "Arrogant mortal, what have you done?"

Luo Wei said while rubbing the hearthstone: "Let me guess your identity, you are the goddess of Nemesis? The source of the six Infinity Stones The gods before the birth of the universe."

The Soul Stone did not respond, but the entire planet of Vormir was no longer calm.


The roaring thunder ripped apart the clouds, surging in the dim sky of Vormir, like a huge will that was furious.

Strange energy tides burst out from the core of the planet, the earth shook, and cracks appeared.

Orange light erupted from these cracks, filling the star of Vormir with an orange glow.

Obviously, the will in the Soul Stone was indeed provoked, perhaps by the power of the Aegis, or perhaps by Rowe's words.

Rowe continued: "You're planning a disaster, isn't it?"

After knowing the existence of the Soul Stone Will, he always felt that Thanos' acquisition of the six Infinity Stones and the destruction of half of his life might be the result of this will, although he didn't know what her purpose was.

"Mortal, you touched the taboo!" The voice of the soul gem rang out, echoing the thunder of the sky.

At the same time, orange light beams burst out from the cracks in the earth, rushing towards Rowe frantically.

Luo Wei looked at it with the eyes of reckoning, and was surprised to find that these orange beams were souls one after another, all kinds, impacting the holy shield in a sacrificial way, constantly bursting on the rune holy light, and the power was amazing, directly destroying the surrounding into nothingness .

However, he was still safe and sound. After sixty seconds, the teleportation was completed and he disappeared from Vormir.

"Goodbye, Nemesis." He left a final sentence, "Maybe next time you will see the secret of me."