Chapter 457: 【Captain America VS Red Skull】

In 1945, over the North Atlantic.


A bomber roared across the sky with a supersonic sonic boom.

Compared to the vast majority of aircraft of its time, the bomber looked a little out of place. Its size is too large, more than ten times that of an ordinary fighter jet, but it has an amazing speed, even exceeding the speed of sound.

In addition, it has a peculiar flying-wing shape, with no tail or fuselage. The whole aircraft looks like a triangle composed of two huge flying wings.

These make it look like an alien product, but the driving it is indeed a human.

John Schmidt.

One of the high-ranking leaders of Germany once, the leader of Hydra, of course, he also has a better known name: the Red Skull.

The smoke of the Second World War spread all over the world. After tens of millions of human casualties, the war was finally extinguished.

Under the joint strangulation of the Allied forces, Germany came to an end and began a comprehensive rout.

But obviously, the Red Skull doesn't admit it, at least he doesn't think he has failed, he still has a terrible weapon.

The Red Skull believed that as long as he flew to New York, with the power of this weapon, he could hit the Allies in one fell swoop and turn the tide of the war.

But before that, he still needs to solve a small trouble.


There was a loud noise from the rear of the plane, and it seemed that something had crashed in, causing the entire plane to shake violently.

"Steve Rogers!" Red Skull gritted his teeth, got up abruptly from the driver's seat, and then picked up a beam rifle and hid in the corner of the cab.

Afterwards, a figure with a shield pushed open the door. He was tall, with firm eyes, and his battle uniform, stained with scorch marks and bloodstains, was painted with the Stars and Stripes of the United States of America.

Make no mistake, this outfit belongs to only one person, Captain America Steve Rogers.

Steve, who had obviously just been through a tough fight, was trying to suppress his gasps as he carefully groped for the driver's seat in front of him.

At this moment, a slight movement came from behind.

The enhanced reaction speed of the super soldier, as well as the professionalism of the soldiers, made Steve react instantly, swinging his shield and turning around.


The azure blue beam lased and exploded on his round shield.

"You still won't give up, are you?" Red Skull said coldly as he walked out not far with a beam rifle.

"That's right," Steve said without hesitation, "I could spend a whole day with you!"

As he said that, he raised his shield in his hand and rushed over against the beam of light emitted by the Red Skull. The two of them fought together in a blink of an eye.

Both Steve and Red Skull have been transformed by super soldier serum, and their physical fitness is far better than ordinary people, but one sticks to justice and the other is addicted to crime and killing.

They fought fiercely in the plane, dozens of them came back and forth, and fought a half-baked.

The two were at a loss for a while, until the control platform was affected, the plane suddenly lost its balance, and a somersault fell diagonally downward.

Steve and the Red Skull then fell and rammed in the cab for a while.

Although the plane was at an altitude of 10,000 meters, its speed was also extremely fast, and it was about to hit the land plane and cause death. Red Skull hurriedly gritted his teeth and climbed to the console, and quickly adjusted the direction of the plane to make it return to its normal track.

Then the two scuffled again, still no winner.

Red Skull gasped and gritted his teeth: "You could have the power of a god, but you chose to wear the Stars and Stripes and want to fight for your country, stupid!"

"I have seen the future, Captain. There will be no countries in the future world, let alone your Stars and Stripes! Your America!" He kept pulling the trigger, and the beam gun fired blue beams, forcing separation from the shield. Steve dodged around.

"That's not my future!" Steve finally picked up his shield and threw it with all his might.

The shield flew out in a beautiful arc, smashing the container device in the center of the plane, and giving the Red Skull a heavy blow.

"Ah!" Red Skull cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

At the same time, a blue light beam similar to a beam gun burst out from the damaged container device, and spread out instantly like a wave of water, and the entire cab was filled with blue light, shining brightly.

Steve was taken aback by this fantastical scene.

The Red Skull was a little frightened, and quickly got up from the ground: "Damn, what did you do?"

He approached the broken container device and picked up a palm-sized azure-blue cube.

The action of the Red Skull seemed to touch something, and the blue cube burst into brilliance in an instant, ten times better than Shi Cai. The dazzling unknown energy condensed into a network, spreading and climbing in the cab, reaching the sky.

This huge amount of energy seems to have changed the structure of the surrounding space, so that they can see the cosmic space when they look up.

"This!" Red Skull's expression changed, but he suddenly realized that the energy from the cube poured directly into his body and covered his entire body in a blink of an eye, causing him to feel a burning pain.

"Ahh-" He let out a long whistle, and then disappeared without a trace under the impact of this energy.

The far side of the universe...

Womir Star dazzling blue beams of light descended from the sky, and then a red skull with burnt clothes appeared from it, and one stumbled to the ground.

"Where is this?" he muttered, looking around blankly.

"It's actually an ant." Suddenly an ethereal female voice came into his ears, her tone was a little annoyed, as if she had just experienced something unpleasant.

"Who?" Red Skull was startled, and quickly stood up and looked around, but he didn't see any figures.

"Forget it, just choose this ant, at least the ant won't get out of control." The female voice still revealed a hint of unwillingness.

Red Skull was about to say something else when he suddenly felt an indescribable, deep-rooted force pouring into his body. This force was even more terrifying and unpredictable than the force that caused him to transmit just now.

"Repair the altar." The unknown female voice ordered.

Red Skull looked left and right, thinking that there was an altar somewhere, and suddenly became angry.

Coupled with the series of inexplicable encounters just now, he was suddenly thrown into this ghost place, and he suddenly said angrily: "I don't care what you are, get out of here immediately! Standing here is the head of the Hydra. , John Schmidt!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly knelt on the ground and screamed in agony, his voice piercing his heart: "Ahhh-"

"Fix the altar, do you understand?" a female voice instructed coldly.

"Understood, understand..." Red Skull said hastily, the extreme pain that he would never forget just now made him instantly aware of his humble situation.