Chapter 458: [persuading Odin]

An Allied command room.

The atmosphere in the huge room was solemn, and everyone was silent.

Peggy Carter's eyes were flushed as he sat in front of the podium and stared blankly at the map of the Arctic Ocean on the display.

Colonel Phillips walked over, patted her on the shoulder, and said comfortably, "Steve is our hero...forever."

When Carter heard the words, he suddenly couldn't control his emotions. He put his hands on his face and his shoulders twitched slightly.

Colonel Phillips hesitated several times, but finally said nothing, shook his head and turned away.

A commotion suddenly came from outside the house.

"What's wrong, what happened?"

Everyone turned their heads and saw a man in a suspender suit with a mustache hurried in from outside the door. As soon as he entered the door, he asked, "What happened, what happened to Steve?"

Colonel Phillips looked at him and said after a while, "Steve left us, Mr. Stark."

"What?" Howard Stark was stunned.

The colonel sighed and continued: "Steve killed Schmidt on his plane, but the plane was too out of control to land. In order to avoid hurting the people, Steve finally chose to turn around and collided with the plane. To the Arctic Ocean..."

"We should search for him now!" Howard Stark said immediately, "Steve is a super soldier, and he might still be alive."

"Super soldiers are also human." Colonel Phillips was obviously not hopeful about this. "In the vast Arctic Ocean, we may not even be able to find the wreckage of the plane."

"No," Stark said firmly. "My gut tells me that Steve is still alive. We should search for him immediately, right, Carter?"

Carter wiped his tears, then couldn't help looking at Colonel Phillips.

Colonel Phillips nodded: "Go find it, and let me know if you have any news."


Morning, Asgard.

"Thanos?" Hela tilted her head and thought, and said while putting on her clothes, "You mean the person who destroyed the Shia Empire?"

Luo Wei nodded: "Yes, it's him. In fact, I planned to tell you about this when I first returned to Asgard last night, but I just remembered now."

Hela: "Why do you think he will become a huge threat to Asgard, have you seen him?"

"Yes, Your Highness. Although I have only met Thanos once, I am very impressed. After all, apart from him, I have never seen a second guy who looks like a purple potato." Rowe said.

"As for me saying that he will become a threat to Asgard, first of all, it is because of his identity - the Eternal God Race."

"Eternal Protoss?" Hela was a little surprised, "As far as I know, they should have perished."

Rowe shook his head: "When His Majesty Odin fought against Kur, the gods, and Kronos, my opponent was Thanos. I will never remember this wrong."

"Thanos is undoubtedly the eternal family. As for why he can escape from Titan, I don't know. Maybe it's... destiny."

After a pause, he continued: "As the only survivor of the Eternal Protoss, Thanos will never forget his hatred with Asgard. Even if we don't go looking for him, he will come to him sooner or later."

Hela pondered: "You are right, we should go to convince the father tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Rowe was startled.

Hela sighed slightly: "Father is in Odin's sleep. It is estimated that when he wakes up tomorrow, he is really getting older every day..."

The next day, Luo Wei and Hela went to the Golden Palace and saw Odin who had just woken up from his slumber. In addition to Frigga, who has been by Odin's side, Thor and Loki are also here.

Although Odin's sleep helps to delay aging, it is still hard to resist the abrasion of time. Today's Odin looks old and cold.

After all, he was nearly six thousand years old.

At this moment, Odin was lying on the bed and talking with Thor beside him, mainly giving some teachings and admonitions. Although Thor was not interested in these, he still listened to his father's life experience honestly.

Luo Wei and Hela came in from outside, Odin smiled and said, "Hela, you are here, and Luo Wei."


Luo Wei also saluted: "Your Majesty."

Odin nodded, then asked: "Where have you been all these years? I heard that you went to the Holy City of Gold before, but after I sent Heimd to ask, I learned that you were not there, but were with Randki. You don't know where to go."

Rowe briefly mentioned the Vormir Star.

"Vormir?" Odin frowned, "Do you know its location?"

"No." Rowe shook his head, "I entered Vormir Star by falling out of the golden holy city, and finally teleported away directly with teleportation magic. And the curse strictly restricted me, so I don't know the specifics of Vormir in the starry sky. location. But what is certain is that it is an extremely remote planet.”

Thor said, "Maybe we should have Heimdall look for it?"

Loki interjected: "Heimdall can see far, but he can't penetrate the magical barrier. I can block his all-seeing eye, let alone the soul gem."

Everyone was silent for a moment Luo Wei added: "Your Majesty, there is something important I must tell you."

"Go ahead."

"I think you should have heard of Thanos, the one who led a group of interstellar pirates to destroy the Shia Empire," Rowe said.

Odin thought for a while: "Some impressions, I should have heard of him."

Rowe: "But Your Majesty, you may not know that Thanos is actually the Eternal God Race."

"What?" Odin was taken aback, and Frigga couldn't believe it, "The Eternal Protoss, they should have perished."

Thor asked in confusion: "What is the Eternal Protoss?"

Loki laughed and teased: "This is a twelve-year-old history class, my brother."

Thor: "..."

Luo Wei said: "I met Thanos in the battle that year, and I will not remember it wrong. Thanos is not weak. If Asgard still keeps information about the Eternal Protoss, maybe you can find some his clues."

"This guy is definitely a dangerous person. Now he has formed a huge empire and conquered cities all over the universe. The Shia Empire, one of the three major technological empires, has been destroyed. I think we must stop his crazy expansion."

Odin frowned and remained silent.

Hela also persuaded: "Father, Rowe is right. As the Eternal God Race, Thanos will become an enemy of Asgard sooner or later, and Asgard should take action as soon as possible."

Odin seemed a little embarrassed. He hesitated for a while before saying: "Even if he is the Eternal Protoss, he is only one person after all... More importantly, Asgard has not started a war for nearly a thousand years. You should know the preciousness of peace. ."