Chapter 459: 【Lightcasting Demon】

After experiencing the Mangogo incident, Odin, who is nearly 6,000 years old, has long lost his bellicose heart, and coupled with the weakening of Asgard, he has an attitude of avoiding war if he can.

Naturally, he would not know what kind of disaster Thanos would bring to Asgard and the entire universe in the future.

"Your Majesty, it is precisely because we know the preciousness of peace that we should take action," Rowe said.

"Thanos and his legion are on the road of crazy expansion, and their power is increasing day by day. If we sit idly by, we will eventually suffer the consequences... Or do you think that Thanos will have the intention of living peacefully with Asgard ?"

Odin frowned: "If Thanos invades Asgard, of course we must resolutely fight back. But no matter what, it is unjust and unwise to initiate a war."

Seeing that the old man refused to take the initiative to attack, Luo Wei was silent for a moment, and then changed his strategy: "You are right, starting a war is indeed not an ideal choice. But we don't have to take the initiative to attack, we can participate in the defense war and help those invaded by those who invaded. Resist Thanos."

"In this way, we neither initiate a war, nor can we contain Thanos' expansion."

Odin thought for a while.

Thor said: "Father, I think my brother-in-law is right. The Eternal Protoss is our old enemy, and that Thanos will definitely come to the door sooner or later. Instead of doing nothing, it is better to take the initiative and teach him a lesson. !"

At the end, he also punched the air.

Seeing Thor's eagerness to try, Odin couldn't help sighing slightly. After a moment of silence, he said: "Okay, Rowe, just do as you said. Asgard sent troops to help those invaded civilizations and help them guard their homes. Strike the invader Thanos."

"The commander of this operation is Hela, and Luo Wei is the adjutant."

Luo Wei replied: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Thor on the side quickly asked: "What about me, father? And Loki, we have to fight too."

Loki was taken aback.

Odin thought for a while: "You follow Rowe and wait for his arrangements."

After leaving the Golden Palace, Rowe took the Rainbow Bridge to the Hearth Valley in Antarctica, naturally preparing to bring some knights of the Silver Hand.

As soon as he arrived at Hearthglen, a huge figure on the practice ground caught his attention.

This figure is five-dimensional and three-thick, with a cross-section of flesh, standing there like a mountain of flesh, very conspicuous.

He wore a farmer's straw hat and held a cigar in his mouth, the smoke of which he vomited into various shapes with unknown skill.

Rowe took a closer look and recognized his identity.


This Roshan-like figure is the demon detective Hus who left **** with Rowe. Huss turned his head when he heard the sound, and was stunned when he saw Rowe.

Luo Wei looked at him a few more times, and said in surprise: "Have you completed the Holy Light infusion?"

"Yes." Hus smiled and sucked the remaining half of the cigar in his mouth. "The process was unforgettable, intermittent, and it was not completed until not long ago. But the Holy Light is above, I finally don't. Devil again!"

Although Rowe originally thought that Hus might be transformed by the Holy Light, he could not help feeling a little magical when he really saw Hus who had been infused with the Holy Light with his own eyes.

Lightforged Great Demon... This is indeed a magical combination.

"Have you learned holy magic now?" Rowe asked.

Hus spread his hands and said, "I don't have a holy deed yet."

For every paladin, the holy deed is very important. It is not only a symbol of the paladin's status, but also a book of learning and an auxiliary tool for casting sacred spells.

During the time that Rowe was trapped in Vormir, he really had nothing to do, and made a lot of imitation holy deeds, and even took out one of the Book of Retribution, the Book of Sacredness, and the Book of Protection.

"Choose one, I think you should already know the difference between the three holy deeds during your time in Hearthglen."

"Book of Retribution," Huss said.

Rowe smiled and handed him the Book of Retribution: "The Knights of the Silver Hand welcome you, the Retribution Knight from hell."

Huss became a member of the Silver Hand, which is definitely great news.

Accepting the transformation of the Holy Light did not reduce the power of Huss, and as a seventh-level great demon and a former **** detective, he could be regarded as a strong man no matter where he was placed.

In terms of the current Silver Hand, Hus's strength can undoubtedly be ranked in the top three. Except for Rowe and the horse-faced Thor, who has been stationed in New Corbin for a long time, no one is his opponent.

Of course, the guardian ancient tree Tedis is also very strong, but only in the rooted state. In the state rooted in the earth, it is the strongest force guarding Hearthglen, but once it leaves the earth and gets up and walks, its strength will be seriously weakened, and its low mobility will make it more vulnerable.

With Hus and other Paladins, Rowe returned to Asgard and Hela to organize an army and formulate a battle plan.

After destroying the Shia Empire, one of the three major science and technology empires in the universe, Thanos' power has become very large, with a ruling area of ​​10,000 light-years and countless armies.

In addition to the large number of ordinary troops stationed on the surface, the space force used by Thanos to expand the territory is also amazing in size, dealing with hundreds of planetary battlefields almost every moment, all the way on the road of conquest and expansion run wild.

Although Odin accepted Rowe's suggestion, he did not give many troops. There were only a thousand people outside the Silver Hand, and it was obviously impossible to participate in all the hundreds of planetary battlefields.

Therefore, for the planet that the Thanos Legion is invading, Luo Wei and Hela selected dozens of key operations, and each planet sent several teams of soldiers to help the local indigenous people resist the aggression.

Asgard sent these thousand people, although the number was small, the effect was immediate. Thanos' legion encountered dozens of invasion failures immediately, and the original rapid expansion trend was immediately slowed down.

But Thanos, who has always been known for being ruthless, obviously will not back down easily The struggle between aggression and anti-aggression continues, and it can be expected that this struggle will not end in the short term .

At this very moment, such a struggle is being played out on the planet Centaurus 4.

In the endless wasteland, two armies are fighting fiercely to the death.

The members of one side of the fight were all blue-skinned standard humanoids, and the other side was mainly composed of green-skinned lizardmen. They were ugly in appearance, but they were more numerous, and they clearly had an advantage in the battle.

"call out--"

Accompanied by a long whistle with twists and turns, a sharp arrow swept through the air at high speed, piercing through the ugly heads of more than a dozen lizardmen, and blood spattered.

"Go to hell, you Bedouin bastards!" a blue-skinned man with a red cockscomb head who commanded the arrow was growling angrily.

High-speed text hand beat paladin chapter list of Asgard