Chapter 460: 【Courage】

There are thousands of blue-skinned people fighting side by side with the cockscomb-headed man in this wasteland. They are all well-trained and disciplined, and no one has retreated from the battle. In fact, they have no way back, and the planet 4 Centaur is theirs hometown.

However, the enemies they faced, the "Bedoons" in the mouth of the cockscomb-headed man, were even stronger. These strong and bellicose lizardmen not only numbered tens of thousands, but also had better individual combat power.

The Beldun people are ugly in appearance, like large lizards that have learned to walk upright, and their temperament is just like their appearance, brutal and bloodthirsty, almost beasts.

When wounded, centaurs, like most intelligent beings, will suffer and whimper, while brutal Beldouns, like cold-blooded animals, will become more aggressive with injury.

In the face of such a fierce enemy, in just a few minutes, more than half of the Centaur soldiers were killed or wounded, and the camp collapsed. It is estimated that they will be completely defeated and become prisoners of the Belduns.

Although the cockscomb-headed man is a first-class hero among the centaur stars, his arrows are extremely sharp, but after all, he can't stand the crowd and gradually falls into a passive situation.

He whistled a few times, but no arrows came flying, and when he turned around, he saw a Beldunn man in heavy armor holding his arrows and looking at him with a sneer: "The mouth is good. "

The Beldunn man in heavy armor looked at the flying arrow in his hand, and said, "This is the famous Yaka arrow? I heard that few people in the entire Centaur can master it proficiently."

He immediately ordered: "Capture this man alive!"

"Yes!" The surrounding Bedouins responded in unison, then swarmed up, trying to suppress the cockscomb-headed man.

The cockscomb-headed man gritted his teeth and quickly took out the short blade around his waist to deal with them.

However, compared to the sharp method of flying arrows to kill the enemy, his level of melee combat is obviously much worse, and the siege of three or four Bedouins is enough to make him scrambling and struggling to cope.

At the same time, the situation of the comrades of the cockscomb-headed man became worse and worse. They were almost completely surrounded by the Beldouns. As the encirclement shrank, the number dropped sharply.

There seems to be no suspense at the end, and many of the Belduun officers have already shown triumphant smiles, and even started busy searching for spoils.

"Boom" However, at this moment, there was a loud noise in the sky, and a group of bright flames fell from the sky, rolling up a violent sonic boom in the air.

This flame exudes a dazzling dazzling white light, as if a second sun has risen in the sky, splendid and majestic.

"What's that?" Commander Beldoun was playing with the Yaka arrow, and couldn't help but be surprised.

Is it a meteorite?

If it's a meteorite, they're really out of luck. In a battle that was already about to be won, wouldn't it be equivalent to perishing if a meteorite fell.

However, they soon discovered that it was not a meteorite that fell from the sky, but a person.

As the flames approached quickly, the tens of thousands of Bedouins gradually saw the figures, and then someone exclaimed: "It's the sun **** of Asgard!"

Asgard has been involved in the war against Thanos for some time, and has a deep understanding of the ancient and powerful Dominion warriors and every Legion under Thanos.

Before he finished speaking, Rowe's burning figure had already rushed into the Beldun army.

Holy storm!


The holy light on the Saffron warhammer was released, and countless golden hammer shadows mixed with flames spurted out. A storm of holy light was rolled up with Rowe as the center. in all directions.

As the most powerful group attack spell, the attack range of Divine Storm is second only to Punishment Halo, which can strike thousands of square meters of enemies around it at one time, and its lethality is huge.

Although these Beldouns are strong, they are also mortals. They are not qualitatively different from humans on Earth. In the face of the powerful blow of the divine storm, their flesh and blood are almost as fragile as those of rotten wood, and hundreds of people were immediately killed.

If you look down from the sky, the densely populated Belduns below are instantly cleared out of an open space.

Then Rowe chased the nearby enemies, and with a kick in his hand, the Saffron warhammer turned into a flaming chain of flames, swept out, and harvested these lizardmen in pieces.

"Retreat! Quickly retreat!" Commander Beldoun was frightened and ordered to retreat quickly.

But before the Beldouns organized the retreat order, several golden flying boats flew in the sky, and more than ten Asgardian warriors got off the flying boats and launched attacks from several directions.

The battle situation was reversed in an instant, and the centaurs who were originally surrounded by them also rose up to resist and attacked Asgard inside and outside.

Soon the Beldouns were defeated like a mountain, their formation completely collapsed, and the large lizards were howling, shoving, and trampling, leaving behind corpses all over the ground.

The cockscomb-headed man took advantage of the situation to break free from the siege of the surrounding Beldun people. He looked left and right, and found that the Beldun commander who stole his Yaka arrow had fled far away, and quickly chased after him.

However, he failed to catch up, and Commander Beldoun quickly got on the spaceship, which started and ascended into the sky.

"Damn!" He clenched his fists angrily.

Rowe noticed this guy who was chasing Commander Beldunn alone, and immediately turned his direction, with flames surging under his feet, chasing Commander Beldunn's escape ship in the sky.

When the escape ship was about to speed up to escape, he flicked the flame chain turned into by the Sulfuron warhammer and was about to entangle it.

The accelerator of the spaceship spewed flames, but failed to overcome Rowe's power, was dragged down, and crashed.

"Boom!" With just a loud bang, the spacecraft was engulfed by the flames of the explosion.

The cockscomb-headed man blinked, and then tried to whistle a few times.

"call out"

The Yaka arrow jumped out of the spaceship in response, and flew back into his hand after drawing an arc in the air.

Seeing that Yaka Arrow, who had been away from him for a few minutes, finally returned, the man with the cockscomb head couldn't help showing a happy smile.

Luo Wei fell from the sky, walked in front of him, looked up and down a few times, then roughly guessed his identity and asked, "What's your name?"

"Yondu." The cockscomb-headed man said quickly, and then added, "Yondu Udonta."

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