Chapter 461: 【Onmyoji】

Sure enough, it was Yongdu, Rowe nodded secretly.

Blue skin, fiery red cockscomb head, and, of course, the iconic whistling arrow... These distinctive features make Yondu easily recognizable.

The loss of the commander intensified the defeat of the Beldouns, and the soldiers of Asgard continued to pursue them.

In the eyes of the Asgardians, the Beldouns are undoubtedly barbarians, a barbarian civilization that is not worth mentioning, and the only attention they receive is contempt.

But obviously, compared to the vast majority of civilizations in the universe, savage civilizations like Beldoun are more suitable for fighting, otherwise Thanos would not subdue them for external expeditions. Since Asgard fought Thanos, Rowe has seen Beldouns on invaded planets more than once.

Many civilizations were destroyed by these warlike lizardmen, and most of them were quite completely destroyed, from corpses to buildings and even dignity.

In terms of notoriety, among the many legions under Thanos, the Beldouns are better than the Chitauris.

Compared with those civilizations that were destroyed by the Lizardmen, Centaur was relatively lucky. Although it also suffered heavy losses, at least there was still some incense left.

Luo Wei came to the vicinity of the remaining hundreds of Centaur soldiers, and raised his hand to release the bright light of dawn to treat their injuries.

Under the golden light of the Holy Light, the wounded soldiers recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The soldiers got rid of the pain, and at the same time were amazed at the power of divine magic, they paid tribute to Rowe: "Thank you Sun God, thank Odin!"

"You are the noblest warrior in the universe, and Centaur will always remember your helping hand..."

Yondu also stepped forward and said: "Respected God Asa, it is fortunate that you appeared in time, otherwise our homeland will fall into the hands of Thanos."

Luo Wei nodded, then looked at the arrow in Yongdu's hand: "Is this an arrow made of Yaka metal?"

Planet Centaur 4 is not a powerful civilization, but its specialty Yaka metal is quite famous.

Even many people only know about Yaka metal and don't know about the planet Centaur 4.

Yaka metal is a unique sound-sensitive metal that can be manipulated intricately by sound waves. Centaurs mostly use it for industrial manufacturing, but they are also used to make weapons such as Yaka arrows, but Yaka arrows are extremely difficult to use, and only a few people master them.

"Yes, I'm the second person to master Yaka arrows." Yondu laughed, obviously having a Yaka arrow is something that makes him proud.

While the two were talking, several spaceships descended from the sky, and Yondu's eyes were immediately attracted.

Several spaceships landed, and a tall figure with golden wings on his back, wearing a blue battle suit and mask walked out first, followed by a crimson snake-shaped creature—a bit like a red Naga.

"Yondu, you defeated the Beldun?" The tall figure said in disbelief as he looked at the large number of Beldun corpses nearby.

His voice sounded very neutral, whether it was male or female.

The Naga-shaped creature behind him also looked left and right, and then made a gesture of surprise.

"No, we were almost wiped out by the lizardmen. It was the gods of Asgard who arrived in time to help us," said Yondu.

The tall figure was stunned for a moment, then looked at Luo Wei next to him, and a closer look revealed a moving expression: "It turned out to be the sun **** of Asgard, I apologize for my rudeness just now. I am the leader of the Marauder Corps, Sri Lanka. Taka Vaughn and Aletta O'Gor, you may call me the Starhawk. "

Luo Wei felt a little inexplicable about his self-introduction: "You..."

Star Eagle obviously expected, and explained in his unique neutral voice: "Star Eagle was originally two independent people, Starka and Aletta, but due to touching the unknown Eagle God magic, We became one as husband and wife and became what we are now."

It turned out to be so, Luo Wei suddenly.

In this way, this husband-and-wife star eagle is a hermaphrodite, and it is no wonder that he has an indescribable voice when he speaks.

It was the first time he had heard of such a bizarre thing, and he couldn't help being surprised at the moment, and a lot of strange questions popped up in his mind, but out of respect and restraint, it was not easy for him to ask.

Yondu said, "How's the battle on your side?"

"It's very dangerous." Star Eagle said worriedly, " Thanos not only sent more troops, but also dispatched Black Dwarf, one of the five obsidian generals."

"Black Dwarf!" Yongdu was taken aback, "If that's the case, why are you still here with me?"

Star Eagle said: "This is the promise I made to you, and I must fulfill it."

Rowe asked at this time: "The tyrant sent a black dwarf?"

"Yes, it is on the star of Arcturus. The predators have been fighting hard for many days, and they will soon be unable to hold on." Star Eagle said, with hope in his voice, and the meaning is self-evident.

Luo Wei naturally understood that he also wanted to clean up the five generals under Thanos, and even said: "Is it the star of Arcturus, let's go there now."

"Now?" A soft voice entered his ears.

Luo Wei was stunned, and immediately realized that the source of the sound was the red creature behind the star eagle that resembled the Naga clan.

He didn't have a mouth. At first Rowe thought he couldn't speak. Now, although he knew he could speak, he didn't understand what organ he used to make the sound, maybe ventriloquism.

"My name is Kruger." The red creature resembling the Naga tribe noticed Rowe's gaze and briefly introduced himself.

Rowe nodded: "Yes, it is now."

Immediately he contacted Heimdall: "Heimdall, send us a few to Arcturus, where Thanos' black dwarf is."

"No problem," Heimdall replied.

Soon, the bright beam of light from the Rainbow Bridge fell from the sky, instantly teleporting Rowe, Star Eagle, Yondu, and Kruger to the star of Arcturus.

As soon as I arrived at the Star of Arcturus, I could see the flames of war in the sky, like a dark cloud over the city, and the voices of roaring and killing were endless.

Invading here is Thanos' largest legion, the Chitauri.

Several Leviathan monsters resembling "Kun" stretched across the sky and collided with the city buildings of Acturus. They were the main force of attack and destruction. With their huge bodies, there was a large scene of destruction when they shook their heads and swayed their tails.

Defending this place is the Marauder Corps, an armed force led by Star Eagle.

As a civil gang organization, the Predator is famous and powerful, but it is obviously too immature in front of the iron hoof of the Thanos Legion, and it is extremely difficult to resist and support.

The bright beam of light penetrated the dark clouds and gunpowder, and the appearance of the Rainbow Bridge immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Among the commanding battleships of the Chitauri Legion, the huge black dwarf immediately grabbed the battle axe beside him and shouted indistinctly, "Asgard!"

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