Chapter 462: 【Leviathan behemoth】

"Wait, black dwarf, what are you doing?" A voice stopped him.

Black Dwarf turned his head to look, and his voice revealed dissatisfaction: "Of course, to defeat the Asgardians, do you want to stop me, others?"

Dressed in a black robe, Commander Chitauri, known as the "Other", walked over from not far away and said, "Of course not."

Black Dwarf is a well-known stupid big man in the universe, with a rude and rude personality. Except for those who can defeat him head-on, no one is willing to offend him, at least on the surface, they have to pretend to cater to him.

As the leader of the Qitarui people, the commander of this legion, the other is naturally well aware of this.

Black Dwarf didn't notice the perfunctory he was catering to, and continued to ask, "Then what do you mean?"

The other said: "The Asgardians are different from other enemies, they are cunning and powerful, and it is not a smart choice to fight directly with them. Moreover, it was Rowe Garrison who arrived by the rainbow bridge, he is Odin's sun **** , is a dangerous guy..."

"No one is more dangerous than a black dwarf!" The black dwarf snorted.

"..." The other continued after being silent for half a second, "What we should do now is to delay time and mobilize reinforcements to the master. The appearance of the Rainbow Bridge means that Heimdall is watching here, and it is possible to teleport at any time. More Asgardian soldiers."

Black Dwarf still disagreed: "I will kill all Asgardians, and let the skinny ghost beside the master see who is the real powerhouse!"

"Skinny ghost?" The other person was stunned for a moment, then reacted, "You mean ebony throat?"

"That's right, it's him." Black Dwarf said, "This guy always looks like he is self-righteous and looks down on others. He has called me a 'big fool' more than once. If it wasn't for the master, I would have split him in half! "

As he spoke, he also waved the battle axe in his hand, obviously resenting the Ebony Maw.

"Obviously, there is a deviation in the cognition of ebony throat, you are definitely not a stupid big man." The other flattered.

As soon as this statement came out, Black Dwarf's attitude towards him immediately improved a lot, carrying the battle axe and said, "You are still very insightful."

The other smiled, and then returned to the topic just now: "Asgard is indeed not a good stubble, although I believe they are not your opponents, but to be on the safe side, I think it is best to ask the master's opinion, temporarily let Soldiers and Leviathan deal with them."

Black Dwarf thought for a while, and finally nodded in response: "Okay."

After arriving at Arcturus, Yondu looked up and said, "There are so many Leviathan beasts!"

Star Eagle has already got up and flew to the sky: "I said the situation is very dangerous."

Before he finished speaking, he put his hands together, and a golden beam of light shot out, instantly bombarding the head of a Leviathan beast.

"Boom!" Just heard an explosion, and the beam of light exploded on the Leviathan, and the flesh and armor flew.

The shape of the Leviathan behemoth is similar to that of a whale, but it is longer and looks like a variety of "Kun". The only characteristic of this behemoth is that it has rough skin and thick flesh. After putting on the tailor-made flight armor, it is even more powerful. It can be called a space tank.

Although the light beam emitted by the star eagle is not weak, it is obviously not enough to directly kill the Leviathan behemoth in heavy armor.

"Roar-" After the Leviathan was injured, it did not flinch, but roared, turned its head and slammed into the star eagle, with a force like the top of a mountain.

Star Eagle's back wings were wide open, and at the same time, his hands were empty, and he saw dense rays of light pouring out of him, and in a blink of an eye, they condensed into a shining shield in front of his hands.


The Leviathan beast slammed into the light shield, and the huge impact hit, causing Star Eagle's body to retreat for a while.

Star Eagle clenched his teeth and tried his best to maintain the light shield in his hand. The streamer all over his body splashed like sweat, trying to withstand the impact of the giant beast.

However, he was not Hulk, and he did not stop the giant beast quickly. Instead, he was knocked down by several buildings to slow down the beast's castration.

Fortunately, at the same time, Rowe had already begun to act, flying to the back of the Leviathan behemoth, and then raised his hand to swing the Sulfuron warhammer.

The Saffron warhammer did not smash into the giant beast, but suddenly turned into a flame form, melted the armor and pierced into the giant beast's body, spreading rapidly in its flesh and blood like a vine.

The temperature of the Sulfuron Warhammer in flame form is very high, and under the blessing of the divine power of the flame, it has reached an extremely high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees.

With such a high temperature, even Rowe himself would feel hot, not to mention the Leviathan.

Moreover, such a high temperature is still emitted directly in the Leviathan behemoth, so as soon as the Sulfuron Warhammer entered the behemoth's body, it couldn't help crying.


From a human point of view, the sound of the Leviathan behemoth is mainly ultrasonic. Except for a few gifted people, most humans cannot hear its sound at all.

The situation of Yondu and Arcturus is similar to that of humans, and it is also difficult to hear.

The hearing range of the Protoss is far greater than that of humans, so Rowe can clearly hear the earth-shattering howl of the Leviathan.

The flames were raging in the body, and the Leviathan beast was finally unable to move forward, and fell from the light shield of the star eagle.

Rowe took advantage of the situation, and the flame-shaped Sulfuron warhammer was immediately pulled out of the Leviathan, bringing out large pieces of flesh and viscera.

Under the scorching flames, these flesh and viscera fragments have been cooked to varying degrees, some are half-cooked, some have been turned into coke, and the smell of meat and burnt permeates the entire city.


The Leviathan behemoth crashed down, the ground shook violently, and the road cracked.

"咻——咻——" Yaka's arrow traveled through the air at high speed. Hundreds of Zeta Swiss soldiers had been pierced by the arrow and died around Yondu.

"Hahaha You lost a Leviathan!" Looking at the giant Leviathan falling not far away, Yongdu couldn't help laughing.

"But there's more to them," Krueger interjected, flinging a Zeta Swiss soldier with a flick of his tail, looking up at the sky.

As he said, the Chitauri have more Leviathan beasts. After one fell, another three turned around and rushed towards Rowe and Star Eagle.


Three Leviathan giants flew from different directions, and the buildings along the way were more completely destroyed.

Luo Wei's expression did not change. Before making another move, he turned to look at Star Eagle, raised his hand and released a blessing from a king, and the dazzling holy light turned into a pair of armor, which was attached to Star Eagle.

"This is?" Star Eagle looked at the Holy Light armor on his body.

Luo Wei only said: "You are strengthened."

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