Chapter 468: 【Scene Man Magneto】

Some mutants are fond of war and aggression, others are just the opposite, and Charles Xavier is undoubtedly one of them.

Charles was born in a wealthy family in the United States. His wealthy family background shaped his image as a gentleman and also shaped his peace-loving character.

It is his greatest wish to realize the understanding and respect of mutants and humans, but now this wish is on the verge of being shattered.

Sebastian Shaw, a former sodium quintessential scientist and now the Black Emperor of the Hellfire Club, led his subordinates to plan a shocking conspiracy, which brought the United States and the Soviet Union to the brink of war in Cuba.

Almost no one knows the truth. Charles knew that he had to stop it, otherwise the war would break out, and both humans and mutants would fall into the endless abyss.

on the plane.

"Can it be faster, Hank?" Charles looked at the pilot of the plane, a guy who looked like a blue-blue beast.

"It's already the fastest, faster than the speed of sound!" Hank said in his roaring voice, "We're about to reach the Caribbean Sea!"

Charles nodded.

Immediately, if he felt something, he looked at his close friend who was sitting beside him: "Eric?"

Eric Lanschel stared at the ground under his feet, clenched his hands tightly, and the masseter muscles on both sides of his cheeks bulged from time to time, obviously very uneasy: "I must kill him this time..."

Charles sighed slightly: "I can understand your mood, Eric, but I hope you will never be controlled by hatred, it is hurting you."

"I know." Eric nodded, perfunctory his best friend.

Charles hesitated, but in the end said nothing. He has mentored Eric countless times, but he is also well aware of his strong will for revenge.

He fully believed that Eric was even willing to die with Sebastian Xiao, at least before he knew him.

After a while, Hank said, "We're here!"

Before he finished speaking, the plane began to slow down and circled over the Caribbean Sea for a while, next to the US-Soviet fleet in a tense confrontation.

At this time, the Soviet missile carrier Aral Sea went straight to the blockade, and the gap between peace and war was less than 100 meters.

Seeing this, Charles hurriedly put his hand on his forehead, and his brain waves radiated out. He searched the Aral Sea, and immediately found the only surviving Soviet soldier on board and entered his consciousness.

Through the Soviet soldier's perspective, Charles clearly saw the Red Devil driving the missile carrier.

"Red Devil..."

Before he finished speaking, the red devil noticed the soldier who was observing him, and stepped on it, ending the soldier's life.

the other side.

Seeing that the Aral Sea was about to cross the blockade, and the world war was about to break out, the American and Soviet fleets were very nervous and prepared for battle.

"Commander, in fifteen seconds, the missile carrier will cross the blockade!" The soldiers on both sides looked at their commanders in horror.

The commanders on both sides made a decision after a short thought, and they had no choice: "Ready to fire!"

"Yes!" Obeying orders is the duty of a soldier, and the terrified soldiers answered without hesitation.

"Ten seconds, nine, eight..."

Charles' body trembled, and the pain of the soldier just before his death was transmitted to him through his brainwaves, making him gasp for a while: "The crew of the Aral Sea has all been killed, and the red devil is on it."

"What should we do?" The speaker was another member of the plane, Kraken.

"I'm coming." Seeing that the transport ship was about to rush through the blockade, Charles quickly endured the pain and radiated brain waves again, entering the consciousness of an officer on the Soviet command ship.

The Soviet officer was instantly under his control, turned quickly, walked to the missile console, and pressed a button.

Following his actions, a short-range missile was immediately launched from the warship, dragging the burning tail flames straight to the Aral Sea - the United States and the Soviet Union do not trust each other, and now the only way to stop the war is to let the Soviets Blow up your own runaway transport ship.

"Boom!" Only a loud noise was heard.

The missile hit the Aral Sea, the flames of the explosion engulfed the transport ship, and the crisis of war was resolved.

A second before the missile hit, the Red Devil activated his ability, teleported away, and appeared in a nuclear submarine.

"What's the matter?" Sebastian Xiao looked at him who was a little embarrassed, and couldn't help frowning slightly and asked.

"The Soviets blew up their own transport ship, and our plan failed!" said the Red Devil, panting slightly.

Xiao's face darkened slightly: "They are here."

Immediately he got up from the sofa and put a helmet on his head at the same time: "Turn on the power of the reactor to the maximum, I want to draw its energy, don't let anyone disturb me."

Having said that, he turned around and entered a room covered with blue crystals, closing the door to isolate himself from the outside world.

In the center of this room are two metal rods, which are connected to the nuclear submarine's reactor, and transmit the strongest energy that mankind has mastered - atomic energy.

Xiao took a deep breath, then grabbed the two metal rods in both hands, a torrent of powerful atomic energy rushed out, poured in from both hands, and absorbed all of it into his body...

The Soviets blew up their own transport ship, which made the U.S. military a little confused, and most Soviet troops were also confused about the situation.

But in any case, the risk of world war has finally been stopped, and peace has returned to people's expectations again, which is a good thing for everyone.

The troops on both sides were relieved, and the world behind them was also relieved. Only the officer who was controlled by Charles to press the button was locked up for private actions.

The Soviet commander took the initiative to contact the U.S. side and told them the reason: "Our transport ship just lost control, and no one wants a world war to come. I suspect that someone may be secretly provoking..."

"You're right, and I think so too. That guy who provokes secretly is undoubtedly our common enemy!" The United States and the Soviet Union reached a consensus.

On the other side, the pilot Hank adjusted the direction of the plane, turned his head and complained, "Professor, the missile you just launched almost blew us up."

Charles didn't seem to hear what he said, but looked out the window with a frown, thoughtfully.

"What's the matter, Professor?" Siren asked.

Charles was silent for a moment: "There was an unknown existence passing through my brainwave range just now. The power surging in him... I can't describe it."

His voice was a little solemn. This was the first time he felt such amazing power that he dared not conclude that it belonged to human beings.

"Is it Xiao?" Eric suddenly raised his head, with a cold light in his eyes.

Charles shook his head and said, "No, this existence seems... more powerful than Xiao."

"What would that be?" Several people on the plane looked at each other, and in their opinion, it was unimaginable that an existence stronger than the Black Emperor Sebastian Xiao was.

"Forget it, we can't control such an existence. Our next priority is to find Xiao." Charles waved his hand, then looked at the Kraken, "It's over to you, use your ultrasound to find Xiao's submarine."

"Understood." Siren replied.

Immediately, he jumped out from under the plane, gliding into the seabed, and using his ultrasonic capabilities to search for Xiao's nuclear submarine.

With the help of ultrasonic positioning, the Kraken quickly found the location of the submarine, and Charles also learned about it through brain waves.

"Shaw is in that position." Charles looked at Eric and pointed him to the location of the nuclear submarine.

"Very good." Eric took a deep breath, then left the cabin and stood on the wheel with the rope.

Among the many mutants, what he has is definitely one of the most powerful abilities, controlling the magnetic field. Based on this ability, any metal can be used by him.

This also earned him a name that no one knows and no one knows about in the future - Magneto.

It was none other than the planner of the current crisis, the black emperor Sebastian Xiao, who made Eric learn to use the magnetic field ability.

But the price is that he witnessed the tragic death of his mother at the hands of Xiao This memory has become his lifelong nightmare. The hatred and painful memories are intertwined, making him sleepless for countless nights. .

He thinks about revenge every day, and now is undoubtedly the closest he can get to revenge!

The flame of revenge burned in Eric's heart, causing him to explode with unprecedented power, and a powerful magnetic field enveloped the underwater nuclear submarine.


There was a wave of waves on the sea surface, and the shadow of a submarine was vaguely seen moving diagonally upwards from the bottom of the water.

Eric's whole body trembled violently, the blue veins burst out on his forehead, and there was even blood in his eyes, but all this did not make him give up.


His heart roared.

Charles sensed the heart of his best friend, which made him worry again, and immediately used his brainwaves to talk to him: "Eric, do you remember what I said to you? Don't be swallowed by hatred, find a balance between anger and tranquility , that's when you're the strongest."

Perhaps Charles' words played a role. Through the pulling of the magnetic field, Eric finally brought the nuclear submarine to the surface!


With the roar of the propeller, the huge nuclear submarine protruded from the water, and the rotating propeller blades rolled up the sea water and splashed in all directions, as if it was raining heavily.

Looking at the nuclear submarine that was gradually lifted out of the sea, the soldiers from the United States and the Soviet Union in the distance opened their eyes one after another, unbelievable: "This!"

In the corner of the coast, Luo Wei, who witnessed this scene, couldn't help but say: "As expected of the scene..."

