Chapter 469: 【shot】

After learning about the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union in a clothing store in New York, Luo Wei flew to the Caribbean Sea at full speed. Although he missed the scene of the Aral Sea being blown up, he was lucky enough to be in time for Professor X's broken leg and Magneto. before blackening.

At present, things are going smoothly. The Cuban missile crisis was stopped in time, and there were no accidents.

Luo Wei watched from the shore and witnessed the famous scene of buying a mud head with his own eyes.

It is worth mentioning that when Magneto is pulling the submarine, the Eye of Reckoning can clearly see that the energy ripples on his body have evolved from five layers to six layers, but sometimes they flash back to five layers, as if capacity has not stabilized.

The strength of the sixth level, which is close to the top of the human beings at present, second only to the supreme mage, the ancient one, even in Asgard is a strong, similar to the current Thor.

Of course, what the Eye of Reckoning sees is the energy level, which reflects the level of output energy, which is still somewhat different from the actual combat power, and cannot be completely equated.

Therefore, although Magneto is level 6, due to the characteristics of his abilities, it is entirely possible for him to be strangled to death by an ordinary human in the absence of metal. If he had a showdown with Thor, I'm afraid he would have no chance of winning.

Unless he can steal the Miao Miao Hammer? Rowe thought of this possibility.

But soon he shook his head secretly, rejecting the idea.

Even if Magneto could steal the Miaomiao Hammer through his own abilities, he would not be able to use its true power. The Miaomiao Hammer in his hands was almost no different from an ordinary hammer, and it weighed only 40 pounds, making it difficult to kill Thor.

Rowe continued to observe silently.

The next thing was as he knew, Magneto pulled out Sebastian Shaw's submarine, but was also attacked by Shaw's men with a tornado, and finally the plane made a forced landing and landed in a nearly crashed attitude.

As soon as the plane made an emergency landing, Magneto went straight to the nuclear submarine on the shore, tore a hole and rushed in to find his enemy Xiao.

The mutants on both sides of Professor X and Shaw started a fight, huddled around the submarine.

At the same time, the American and Soviet fleets at sea were also observing the situation here, exchanging opinions and discussing countermeasures.

"It seems that these mutants are provoking us." The US military commander said, "They are trying to destroy the peace of the entire world, and we must not let them go."

"That's right, the US and the Soviet Union are as close as one family. I have already reported the situation to the Kremlin, and I believe that Comrade Khrushchev will make the right decision." The Soviet side also said.

For the United States and the Soviet Union, the emergence of mutants is definitely a surprise.

Not to mention that mutants were indeed behind the Cuban Missile Crisis, if not, it must be now.

As long as the contradictions are transferred to this group of mutants, the two superpowers can go downhill, and the Cuban missile crisis in one place will quickly turn over.

Isn't it beautiful?

So unsurprisingly, the U.S. military commander quickly said to the Soviet side: "Comrade, we have received instructions to allow us to eliminate these mutant war criminals on the spot, and propose to join forces with your army to demonstrate the unity of mankind. "

The Soviet side also responded: "Comrade Khrushchev also approved our action to eliminate these mutant war criminals!"

At this time, Professor X and Magneto worked together to kill Sebastian Xiao.

Magneto took Xiao's body and flew out of the nuclear submarine, looked at the mutants nearby and said, "Today, our infighting is over!"

The mutants stopped and looked at him, Charles' eyes full of worry: "Eric?"

Eric turned to point to the US-Soviet fleet at sea, and continued: "That's our real enemy, humans! I already feel that they are turning the barrels and aiming at us... These inferior races are united in unknown fear, want to destroy us!"

Charles panted slightly, put his hand on his forehead, and began to emit brain waves.

Eric glanced at him: "Go, Charles, and see if I'm right or wrong."

Charles' brainwaves quickly sensed the intentions of the U.S. and Soviet troops, but as a result, his heart sank and he was speechless.

In fact, as Eric said, the United States and the Soviet Union have joined forces and are ready to work together to destroy them, even if there is still a human agent here.

"Fire!" The U.S. and Soviet troops gave the order to fire almost at the same time.

"Boom boom—"

After a series of cannonballs, hundreds of missiles and artillery shells shot out from the fleets of both sides, overwhelming the sky, and flew to the shore in unison, vowing to wipe out all the mutants here.

Most of the mutants couldn't help but change their faces when they saw this, but Eric was as calm as ever.

As soon as he raised his hand, a powerful magnetic force rushed out, and the missiles flying all over the sky seemed to fall into an invisible quagmire.

Immediately afterwards, his hand turned slightly, and the missile suspended in the air immediately turned its direction and aimed at the fleets of the United States and the Soviet Union.

"Eric, we can't do this!" Charles' expression changed greatly.

Eric did not follow his advice, but continued to control the missiles, allowing them to return to the same path and fly to the human fleet at sea.

"Stop, Eric!" Charles hurried forward, trying to stop him.

However, at this time, Eric was wearing a helmet that was snatched from Sebastian Shaw, which could resist the influence of brain waves backhanded Charles, Hank and others. .

Charles and the others were all wearing metal anti-G suits, which made them unable to resist for a while.

Seeing that he couldn't stop Eric, Charles immediately gritted his teeth, and his brain waves radiated out again.

"Help us, help mankind... Unknown existence, I know you have such power, and I believe you are willing to do it." A string of voices entered Luo Wei's ears not far away.

Rowe realized it was Charles' voice.

In fact, he had already prepared to take action, but the current situation made him a little confused.

Eric directly ejected Charles, Hank, and others. Looking at this situation, even if he didn't take action, the plot of Charles' paralysis in the original book would not have happened at all.

Has the timeline been disturbed...

Of course, no matter what, Rowe will definitely make a move. As a spiritual human and a fork male audience, he also does not want Magneto to kill the fleets of the United States and the Soviet Union, thereby triggering a war between mutants and humans.

So almost at the same time when Charles took the initiative to ask for help, he activated Wrath of Vengeance and Seraph, and the wings of holy light fluttered in all directions, breaking the speed of sound.

"Boom!" The sound barrier was broken, and a deafening sonic boom followed, like a thunderclap.

Eric was stunned when he heard the sound, and then saw a golden rainbow cross the coast from behind and appeared near the missile almost instantly.

Then I saw a flash of light and shadow, and a blond young man in a suit and leather shoes appeared in the golden rainbow. He flipped it in his hand, and two flaming flame chains flew out immediately and went straight to the nearby missile!

