Chapter 470: 【You want my hammer? 】

The flame chains transformed by the Saffron warhammer split and twisted, as if woven into two large nets, attacking the missiles from the left and right of Rowe.

"Boom boom-"

Accompanied by a series of dense loud noises, these missiles exploded one after another, and the sky shone with fire for a while, and then there was nothing.

Rowe turned his hand and retracted, and the flame chains were all retracted, returning to the Sulfuron Warhammer in his hand.

Then he fluttered his holy light wings, turned around and flew to the US-Soviet fleet, floating in mid-air, and said condescendingly: "Get out of here—immediately!"

While speaking, Rowe also strengthened the brightness of the holy light on his body. The bright light shone on the Caribbean Sea, and the water was full of golden light. The soldiers of the United States and the Soviet Union were all greatly shocked.

"Oh, God……"

"The gods have come to the world!"

In the eyes of the vast majority of humans, it is obviously not something that mortals or mutants can do to destroy the sky missile so easily and survive the shock wave of the explosion, and it is more likely to be a god.

The human troops were suddenly confused, some panicked, and some prayed.

Relatively speaking, for the Soviet Union, which believed in atheism, this situation was obviously more unbearable, so many officers immediately reprimanded their soldiers.

"Commander, what should we do now?"

The Soviet commander looked at the sun-like figure in the sky, and after a moment of silence: "Leave here first and report to Moscow immediately."

"But those mutants..."

Soviet commander: "Even if it's just those mutants, we can't deal with it, let alone a more terrible guy has come, go back."

Soon the Soviet fleet turned around and left the Caribbean Sea. The U.S. military was still arguing at first, and immediately retreated after seeing this.

on the coast.

The only human in the standard sense here, American CIA agent Moira looked at Charles: "Who is he?"

Charles: "Remember what I just said on the plane?"

"Is he the unknown being stronger than Shaw you said?" Hank obviously had a deeper memory of the experience of being nearly hit by a missile.

The red devil was inexplicably uneasy. Looking at Luo Wei, who was standing in the sky full of divine light, he said with a trembling voice, "I feel like he will kill us."

Charles glanced at him: "Although I don't dare to check his thoughts, my intuition tells me that he should have no intention of killing."

"No, I felt a strong aura of danger in him... I have to get out of here!" The more the Red Devil looked at the Holy Light, the more frightened he became, and he immediately teleported and left here.

Seeing that the human fleet turned around and left, Rowe turned and flew to the coast, landing directly in front of Magneto.

"You shouldn't have done that just now, Eric."

Eric frowned and said cautiously, "How do you know my name?"

Luo Wei froze for a while, but did not explain, only said: "I just know."

Eric was silent for a moment: "They attacked me first, I was just defending myself, why did you stop me?"

Rowe said calmly: "If a baby hits you, do you want to hit back? You are much stronger than these humans, and their missiles are no threat to you. Or do you think the strong don't need a reason to hurt the weak?"

Eric said coldly, "So what?"

Luo Wei nodded: "In that case, you don't have to ask me why I stopped you."

"You think I'm weak?" Eric asked rhetorically.

"Strength is always relative." Rowe said slowly, "No matter any creature, you can always find a stronger existence and a weaker existence. To me, you are indeed a weak person."

Eric clenched his fists.

Seeing this, Charles hurriedly said, "Eric, calm down!"

Eric didn't speak. Although Rowe only destroyed the missile, he still showed extraordinary strength in his gestures, which made him deeply afraid.

But if he was asked to give up the goal of resisting mankind like this, he would also be very unwilling.

He has endured all kinds of misfortunes of mutants all his life, and he has also witnessed all kinds of sins of mankind all his life.

He is dissatisfied with and even hates this ugly world dominated by humans, and only the establishment of a pure and bright mutant world can make up for the imbalance in his heart.

As early as when he was trained by Sebastian Shaw, such thoughts began to take root in Eric's heart. Although the appearance of Charles in the middle made him shake a little, the reality soon made him firm in this belief.

Destroy human tyranny, the world belongs to mutants!

——This is the truest and strongest voice of Eric’s heart.

Rowe looked at Eric's unchanged eyes, and roughly guessed what he was thinking: "Wow more with Charles, he will be your good friend. If you insist on waging war against mankind, I will not Allow, even... get rid of you."

In the end, his voice was a little cold.

But obviously, Eric didn't take this set, and such a warning aroused his will to fight.

"Humph!" Eric said angrily, "Do you think this will make me submit?"

Before he finished speaking, he made a move with both hands, and the huge magnetic field energy surged out, covering him instantly.

Behind Eric are broken submarines and planes, and a large number of metal fragments are scattered around, these are his weapons.

With his movements, these metal fragments shot out one after another, like a dense rain of bullets, shooting at Rowe overwhelmingly.

Luo Wei is not worried that these metal fragments will hurt him, after all, they are all ordinary metals, and their power is similar to bullets.

But he was wearing clothes bought in New York, and he didn't have much defensive power. It wouldn't be very embarrassing if he was shattered by the overwhelming metal fragments.

So while Magneto shot, he also waved the Sulfuron warhammer in his hand to resist the metal fragments that hit.

"Bang bang bang bang-"

There was a dense impact, and the metal fragments hit the rapidly swinging Sulfuron Warhammer The high temperature of the warhammer turned many metal fragments that hit into molten iron, and they piled up on the ground in a short time. A lump.

Seeing that his attack could not hurt Rowe at all, Eric's mind turned sharply, and then he stared at the Sulfuron Warhammer in his hand, and then stretched out his hand.

Rowe immediately felt an invisible force trying to take away the Sulfuron Warhammer.

I have to say that this magnetic force is quite powerful, which surprised him. After all, he had guessed whether Magneto could affect Ulu Metal before that.

It now appears that Magneto can not only influence, but its influence cannot be ignored.

But obviously, Eric picked the wrong target this time.

"You want my hammer?"

Before he finished speaking, the Sulfuron Warhammer of several thousand degrees went straight to Eric.

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