Chapter 471: 【Change of life and death】

Rowe suddenly let go, and the Saffron warhammer flew out immediately, creating a hot wind in the air.

Feeling the scorching heat in the air, Eric realized that this warhammer had an extremely high temperature that he could not touch.

He quickly raised his hand to change the direction of the magnetic force, blocking the flying Sulfuron warhammer, and finally made the warhammer dangerously stop half a meter in front of him.

Looking at the fiery Sulfuron warhammer in front of him, Eric sweated on his forehead, took a few steps back subconsciously, and at the same time waved his backhand, trying to drive the warhammer towards Rowe.

At this time, Luo Wei was a little away from the air, and the warhammer burst into flames, forming a large group of flaming flames, and instantly got rid of the shackles of magnetic force.

"What!" Eric was taken aback when he saw that the hammer turned into flames.

As soon as the flame appeared, it almost touched his skin, and immediately ignited the anti-G suit he was wearing.

He gritted his teeth and drove the magnetic force to tear off a few steel plates from the submarine. The splashing sea water extinguished the flames on his clothes, and at the same time, several steel plates were quickly stacked together to resist the Saffron flames ahead.

Rowe raised his hand and pressed, and the Sulfuron flame surged forward, and the temperature further increased, burning fiercely on the steel plate.

At this time, the temperature of the Saffron flame had exceeded the surface of the sun, and several submarine steel plates could not withstand it, and were directly burned into iron steam.

Then the flames passed through the diffused iron steam, roared, and quickly circled around Eric a few times, as if a flame cage trapped him in place.

Rowe stepped forward: "Do you still want to provoke a war between mutants and humans? Eric."

While speaking, the Saffron flames surrounding Eric contracted further, causing burns to appear on his skin, and the red burns slowly spread.

The battle that had just passed and the burns that were taking place made Eric's breathing heavy and his chest heaving, but he neither screamed nor spoke.

Seeing this, Charles couldn't help but said anxiously: "Eric, stop being stubborn, it will only hurt others and yourself! We are still in our prime, and there are more choices."

Eric looked at his close friend who was trying to persuade him with a complicated expression, and after a while, his voice trembled and said, "We are different..."

Charles looked at him puzzled, the helmet left by Sebastian Xiao blocked his brainwaves, preventing him from penetrating into Eric's heart like before.

Eric continued: "Even though you can connect with my consciousness and understand my emotions, we are still different after all... You do have more options, but I don't have as many, from the day I was put in a concentration camp. From now on, I am destined to have no turning back.”

Charles pointed to Hank, Mystique and the others behind him, and asked, "Why not? Haven't we done a good job during this time? We can absolutely find more companions and do better."

Eric shook his head and remained silent.

Rowe: "What's your choice?"

Eric clenched his fists, and finally gritted his teeth and said resolutely: "After killing Sebastian Xiao, this is the only meaning I have, I will not yield, even if you kill me!"

"Okay." Rowe nodded.

As soon as the voice fell, the Saffron flames surrounding Eric immediately surged, and a thin blade composed of flames stabbed out of it, instantly penetrating Eric's chest.

The flames gathered, regaining the shape of the Sulfuron Hammer in Rowe's hands, while Eric fell to the ground.

"Eric!" Charles and Mystique hurried over and helped Eric up from the ground.

"I'm sorry, Charles...cough..." Eric fell to the support of the two, and said weakly, blood constantly spilling from the wound on his chest.

Knowing that this was the location of the heart, Charles couldn't help feeling angry and sad. He stood up with red eyes, grabbed Rowe's collar, and asked emotionally, "Why did you kill him? Why?"

"Charles, it's not him, it's my own choice... Maybe this is my destiny..." Eric's voice became weaker, and his dim eyes looked not far away, Sebastian Xiao's The corpse is lying there.

Looking at Xiao's dead body, various experiences from the past flooded Eric's heart again, which made him deeply tired, but fortunately, it was all over.

"Eric..." Mystique hugged Eric tightly, her tears couldn't stop flowing, and her excitement made her unable to maintain her disguise, showing her blue skin.

Charles loosened Rowe's collar and returned to the dying Eric.

Soon the three of them burst into tears, Charles gritted his teeth and wept, Mystique burst into tears, and Eric also burst into tears, but his weak body made him unable to make a sound.

Hank, Kraken and others were also deeply infected, wiping the tears from the corners of their eyes.

Not to mention them, even Torrent and El Salvador, who are the remnants of the Black Emperor, saw such a scene, they were also deeply moved, full of emotion, and silent.

On the entire coast, only the initiator of this scene, Luo Wei, was watching the play from beginning to end with his hands in his pockets.

After a while, he opened the Eye of Reckoning, saw that the light on Eric was about to go out, and finally stepped forward again.

"What are you doing!" Mystique looked at him angrily, hugging Eric who had closed his eyes tightly.

Luo Wei ignored it, took out his hand from his pocket, and gently placed it on Eric's chest, and then a little golden light was brewing at his fingertips.

Lay on Hands!

The dazzling holy light burst out suddenly, spread out from the vicinity of the wound, and instantly wrapped Eric's whole body, making him seem to be transformed into a golden man.

"This..." Charles noticed something, and couldn't help but widen his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

When the golden light dissipated, Eric's chest wound had healed, and the burn was also gone.

He opened his eyes with a shudder, and said in confusion, "I... shouldn't I be dead?"

"That's just a warning." Luo Wei retracted his hand and said slowly, "But it's only this time, if you still stick to your original choice, the next time you will be greeted by the real **** of death."

Luo Wei is still very sympathetic to Magneto, and he is not willing to kill unless he has to.

After he finished speaking, he fluttered the wings of holy light and turned into a golden rainbow and rose into the sky, and finally disappeared at the end of this sea area without a trace...

Eric "brought back to life", Charles and Mystique were naturally pleasantly surprised, but Eric himself fell into a long silence.

After a while, he stood up from the ground without saying a word.

"Eric?" Charles also stood up, "Stop doing this, he just warned you."

"I know." Eric nodded.

Charles smiled: "You finally figured it out, you—"

"No." Eric shook his head again, interrupting him, "I won't go back either."

"Then...then what are you going to do?"

Eric exhaled a long breath and said slowly, "Maybe, I will be a steel worker."

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