Chapter 472: 【Strategic Science Corps】

Leaving the Caribbean Sea in Cuba, Rowe returned to the Sanctuary in New York. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the door, a mage in the sanctuary asked in surprise, "Where are the other two?"

Rowe was startled: "Starka and Aletta didn't come back?"

"No." The mage shook his head.

Rowe frowned.

what's the situation? Didn't I let the Starka couple come back first? Are they still shopping, or did they say something?

Star Eagle is powerful and has almost no opponents on Earth. But now Star Eagle no longer exists, replaced by Starka and Aletta.

After being split into two, their power was severely weakened. Although they still surpassed ordinary people on Earth, there was already a certain possibility of an accident. Maybe something really happened.

Rowe immediately decided to go to the New York neighborhood where the clothing store was located to find Starka and Aletta.

However, as soon as he got there, he was sure that the two were not nearby.

The energy level of the vast majority of human beings is level 1, a few strong men can reach level 2, and the Starka couple are level 4, but Luo Wei opened the eye of reckoning and looked around, and did not see any creatures of level 4, obviously The two of them are not here.

So he had to go to the high-end clothing store called Kingsman and asked the clerk: "Hello, a couple and I came to you to buy clothes not long ago today. Have you seen them since?"

"Sorry sir, I didn't notice." The clerk looked away.

Rowe was sure he knew something, but he obviously didn't want to say it.

Luo Wei was silent for two seconds, then flipped his hand and took out a stack of green bills, and asked again, "Tell me, where did they go?"

The stack of bills in his hand was about one hundred thousand dollars. Seeing these green things, the clerk couldn't help but widen his eyes.

In the United States of this era, most people earn no more than one thousand dollars a year, and one hundred thousand dollars is equivalent to the income of ordinary people for more than 100 years.

Before that, the clerk had always thought of himself as a man who could not be bought.

"Sir, I..." He stammered and was speechless for a while, but his hand took the banknotes naturally, and then the language became fluent.

"Okay, sir, but I want to state that I'm not doing it for the money, but for God's sake," said the clerk. "It's like this..."

"Not long after you left here, two agents who claimed to be the Strategic Science Corps came to the door and asked about your situation, especially your situation. It seems that the other two people have been taken away by them."

Luo Wei frowned: "Strategic Science Corps?"

He felt as if he had heard the name somewhere.

The clerk shrugged: "I don't know either, but it looks like it should be an agency similar to the CIA."

Luo Wei asked a few more questions, was silent for a moment, and then turned to leave.

It seems that Starka and Aletta should have been taken away by the so-called "Strategic Science Corps" after they left the clothing store. He didn't know the location and personnel of this organization. After thinking about it, he felt that he could only ask the mages of the Supreme Sanctuary first.

If the Supreme Sanctuary is not clear, you can only ask a senior official of the United States federal government.

In addition, the experience just now made him realize that walking on the earth today can be much easier with a lot of money in hand. It seems that he should prepare more in the future.

Rowe lowered his head and thought, while heading to the Sanctuary in New York, he suddenly frowned and turned to look at it.

The path behind him was empty, but after opening the Eye of Reckoning, he could clearly see two figures hiding in the corner.

The energy levels of the two people are both second-level, and they belong to the rare sturdy men among human beings. The elite warriors who hang and beat ordinary people are obviously not gangsters or the like.

Someone from the Strategic Science Corps?

Luo Wei was worried about where to find them, so when he walked over and went straight to one of the corners, he saw a man in black: "You are the Strategic Science Corps?"

The man in black immediately took out his pistol: "Don't move!"

Luo Wei stretched out his hand and took his gun away. Before the man in black could react, the pistol was gone in a blink of an eye, and he felt disbelief and anger: "You..."

Seeing this, the man in black on the other side pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Bang!" After hearing a gunshot, Rowe felt a bullet stick to his underwear.

"Bang Bang Bang!" Seeing that he hadn't fallen to the ground, the man in black immediately fired a few more shots.

Luo Wei ignored it, looked at the man in black in front of him, and asked again: "You are the Strategic Science Corps?"

The corner of the man in black twitched: "Yes..."

"Very good, take me to see your chief immediately." Rowe nodded, then pointed to another man who was still shooting at him from behind, "By the way, let that guy stop."


After a few minutes.

Under the leadership of two agents, Rowe came to the New York headquarters building of the Strategic Science Corps, an office building that looked unremarkable in New York.

However, when he opened the eye of reckoning, he swept it casually, and found that a quarter of the people in this building had reached the second level, and even the third level, and the one-in-a-million human sturdy man could be seen everywhere here.

"Why did the Strategic Science Corps arrest my two friends?" Rowe asked.

"The detectives are just following orders." The man in black revealed almost nothing, or indeed did not know, "Our chief should answer your doubts."

Luo Wei nodded, followed the two of them into the building, and then turned around and was taken to an office.

The glass door of the office says its owner: Director Margaret Carter.


Seeing this name, Luo Wei couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then suddenly remembered that this strategic scientific corps is S.H.I.E.L.D.!

No wonder he thought the name was a bit familiar. It turned out to be the name of SHIELD in the early days. At this time, Steve's old friend Carter was in charge Director Carter. "The two detectives pushed the door and went in.

"What's wrong?" Carter was reading the document. Hearing that, he raised his head and saw Luo Wei who was following behind the two of them.

"We brought another person back... He, he came with us on his own initiative, and said he wanted to meet the commander of the Strategic Science Corps in person," said one of the agents.

Carter can be considered experienced in a hundred battles, and he has never seen any strong winds and waves. Seeing the two people hesitated, he immediately guessed something, knowing that most of the two people were brought over after they were easily brought down.

"Okay, let's go back first."

"Yes." The two detectives responded and quickly left the office.

Then Carter looked at Rowe with a decent smile: "Please sit down, I'm the director of the Strategic Science Corps, Margaret Page Carter."

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