Chapter 473: 【Howard Stark】

"Hello, Director Carter." Rowe sat down, then said, "SHIELD... ah no, the Strategic Science Corps took two of my friends, and I'm not here for anything else but to take them away. I Guess they didn't commit a crime or anything?"

"Indeed, they are all polite and law-abiding people." Carter nodded, then changed the conversation, "But as far as I know, they are not from this planet, and I don't think you are, right?"

Rowe didn't deny it.

Carter continued: "So, even though you did not commit a crime, it is necessary for the Strategic Science Corps to question you, which is our duty."

Luo Wei: "As a civilization, arresting people should require laws, right? Has the Earth government revised the "Alien Entry and Exit Management Regulations"?"

Carter was speechless for a moment, but he quickly thought of a response: "Although we haven't yet, we have laws against foreigners. You are not earthlings, nor are you American citizens."

Luo Wei thought for a while: "So, how does the U.S. government generally deal with foreigners who enter illegally?"

Carter was silent.

Generally speaking, the way to deal with illegal entry is naturally deportation, but the Strategic Science Corps arrested the Starkas, which is indeed a bit unreasonable.

Luo Wei continued: "Since my friends have not done anything illegal, please deport them in accordance with the law."

"...Or maybe the United States is not a civilized country, but a rogue? If that's the case, then I will also take measures to deal with the rogue."

At this time, he reached out and touched his back, took out a bullet from the bullet hole in the suit, and put it between his fingers: "By the way, your subordinates fired at me more than a dozen times, and took all the clothes I bought in your ball. If it broke, maybe you should compensate."

As he spoke, a flame burst out from his fingers, and the dazzling white flame instantly melted the bullet into copper water, and sparked a dazzling light.

Seeing this scene, Carter's smile suddenly froze.

As the director of the Strategic Science Corps, the predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D., Peggy Carter has naturally seen many power users, but even if all those power users are added up, the impact on her will not be comparable to the flame in front of her.

This flame, which is no more than the thickness of a finger, seems to be a part of the sun, and anyone can feel the terrible energy it contains.

Carter has no doubt that as long as the man in front of him is willing, the entire strategic science army will be reduced to ashes.

She adjusted her mood to make herself at least seem calmer: "Can I take the liberty to ask where you are from?"

"In a way, I'm actually from Earth." Rowe put away the flame.

"What?" Carter thought he had heard it wrong.

Luo Wei smiled: "The first time I came to the earth was two thousand years ago, and the time I stayed here should add up to hundreds of years... In comparison, most human beings have only lived on the earth for a few decades. From this point of view, I'm more of an Earthling than you are."

"..." Carter didn't know what to say.

Rowe stood up from his seat: "Now, can I bring my friend back?"

Whether it is legal or physical, the Strategic Science Corps is at a disadvantage. Of course, Carter is not good to say anything. He is silent for a moment: "Okay, come with me."

After she finished speaking, she got up and walked out of the office, with Luo Wei following behind.

The two got on the elevator and descended to the basement of the Strategic Science Corps building in a short time. This place is heavily guarded, with one post at five steps and one post at ten steps. It is obviously the place where important people are located.

They came to a secret room, and before the door was opened, they heard a lot of noise inside, and it seemed that several people were talking.

However, after pushing the door, Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the scene inside.

I saw that in this secret room, Starka and Aletta were watching TV, and it was a color TV that was rarely seen on earth in this era, and the conditions were quite good.

It seems that the classic movie "Gone with the Wind" was shown on the TV. The two discussed the plot and looked reluctant.

"Hey, you're here so soon?" Starka finally noticed Rowe and turned his head.

"..." Rowe was silent for half a second, "We should go back."

"Okay." Starka also felt that this seemed inappropriate, smiled politely, got up and left the room, "I'm sorry, trouble you."

Walking on the road, Luo Wei couldn't help asking: "How did you get caught by human agents? Although you are much weaker than before, it's not like that."

The Strategic Science Corps, the predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D., did not have the help of so many technological means and heroes in later generations. It stands to reason that it is almost impossible for this group of human agents to catch the Starkas.

Even if you can catch it, I am afraid you will have to pay a huge price.

Aletta explained: "We just got help from humans, and of course we can't do anything to them. Also, the agents of the Strategic Science Corps have no intention of harming us."

Luo Wei didn't say anything, and then several people took the elevator back to the ground.

As soon as he returned to the ground, a tall, thin middle-aged man with a mustache came from not far away, and went straight to Carter with a document in his hand: "Carter, I have something important to..."

He stopped abruptly in the middle of his words, and his eyes stopped on Rowe, too surprised to speak.

Carter looked at him suspiciously: "What's wrong, Stark?"

Stark? Could it be Iron Man's dad, Howard Stark? Looking at this middle-aged man, Luo Wei couldn't help but think.

It should be right. As far as he knows, Iron Man's father seems to be one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., and he is also Carter's friend. It is normal to appear here.

"Who is he?" Howard Stark pointed to Rowe, UU reading www. The eyes of are still full of incredible.

"A guest from afar," Carter said.

Old Stark opened his mouth, then directly spread out the document in his hand, and took out a printed photo from it.

The people in the photo are Charles, Eric, Mystique, several mutants, and Rowe. The location is the coast of Cuba, and Rowe has just returned from there.

"These are the documents I just received about the Cuban missile incident in the past." Old Stark said, then looked at Rowe, "Is this person in the photo you?"

Lowe said bluntly: "Certainly, I think it should be obvious."

Old Stark said in disbelief: "New York is 2,000 kilometers away from Cuba. Even a supersonic plane should still be on the way. If this is really you, why are you here?"

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