Chapter 474: 【Clues in Myth】


"It's very simple, as long as it's faster than your plane." Rowe said calmly, then glanced at the document in Old Stark's hand, "Is this passed to you by the female agent?"

"Uh, I think it should be... I haven't taken a closer look." Old Stark looked at him with an incredible look in his eyes.

"What happened to the Cuban missile incident?" Carter asked at this time.

Old Stark took a deep breath and said: "After confirmation by the Atlantic Fleet Command and the Central Intelligence Agency, this crisis was actually planned by mutants, who aimed to provoke the United States and the Soviet Union and trigger a world war for mankind. "

"And at the last moment, in addition to the mutants, a mysterious person with an unknown identity appeared on the coast of Cuba, who stopped the mutants' actions." Having said that, his eyes returned to Rowe again.

"who are you?"

Luo Wei said: "If you look through the historical materials carefully, you should be able to know my identity."

"Historical materials?" Old Stark frowned.

Luo Wei did not continue to talk about this issue, but changed the topic: "I think it is necessary for me to clarify some questions with you about the mutants and the Cuban missile incident."

"First of all, it's only a small group of mutants who planned this crisis, a mutant named Sebastian Shaw to be precise, and he has been killed by other mutants..." He told what he knew About the ins and outs of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

"Because of Shaw's conspiracy and your final attempt to eliminate all mutants on the coast, the conflict between humans and mutants has reached a very dangerous edge, and a conflict more terrifying than a world war may even break out."

At the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis, things have gone in a different direction from the original. Charles was directly ejected, and no mutants could stop Magneto's actions.

If it weren't for Rowe's shot, under the traction of buying a mud head, those missiles would inevitably fall on the heads of the US and Soviet fleets, and the war would break out.

Fortunately, the results are still satisfactory now, the crisis has been resolved, Magneto has not turned black, and Professor X has also preserved his legs.

However, it is clear that the problem of humans and mutants has not been completely solved, but the undercurrent is surging, and conflicts may break out again at any time.

So after admonishing Magneto, Rowe thought it was necessary for him to admonish humans again. After all, at present, it seems that no one can do this except him.

Although the Supreme Sanctuary is powerful, their main mission is to resist external invasion, and they have always avoided the internal struggle of human beings and are unwilling to intervene.

In the eyes of the semi-hidden wizards, the conflict between mutants and humans is an internal struggle. Like the two world wars, it has nothing to do with them. Unless the survival of the human race is endangered, they really don't want to participate.

In Rowe's view, old Stark and Carter of the Strategic Science Corps are undoubtedly good entry points to warn humans.

After a pause, he continued: "All in all, I hope you realize two points, one is that only a small number of mutants hate humans, and the other is that mutants are much more powerful than you think, provoking wars rather than peaceful coexistence. Absolutely a stupid choice, unless you think the World War is a good memory."

Carter was silent for a moment: "You want me to pass this on to the White House?"

"Yes, it's best to tell the Kremlin, I don't want to run again." Rowe nodded, and added, "I have warned the mutants not to provoke disputes on Earth, otherwise I will punish them. "

"But if in the end it is humans who take the initiative to provoke disputes, you may have to suffer for yourself."

Carter nodded: "I understand, thank you for your reminder, I will convey it to the White House, and I will try my best to let the Soviets know."

"Let's go back." Rowe said to Starka and Aletta.

"Okay." Then the three left the Strategic Science Corps.

As soon as they left, Howard Stark said in a serious tone: "Carter, I think we should investigate his identity."

"He's not from Earth," Carter said.

Old Stark: "I know, but didn't he just say that there is historical data about him on Earth? Maybe we can start from this."

"Historical materials..." Carter was stunned, then remembered something, "Yes, he told me before that the first time he came to Earth was more than 2,000 years ago."

"Two thousand years ago!" Old Stark was taken aback. "Are you serious, Carter?"

Carter: "Otherwise, what does he say is 'historical data', if it is only news from a few years ago, I am afraid it is not appropriate to use this word."

"Two thousand years... It's hard to believe that **** has not been born yet." Old Stark frowned and murmured, "What exactly is such an ancient existence?"

Then Carter gave the order: "Call the historians of the advisory group."

"Yes!" A detective responded, then turned and left.

Carter looked at the old Stark: "Let's go to the White House first and tell President Kennedy about the mutants."

Old Stark nodded: "Let's go."

In the next period of time, the Strategic Science Corps convened a group of historical experts to read through the vast sea of ​​historical materials, trying to find clues to confirm Luo Wei's true identity.

However, after a few days passed, they did not find any reliable information. Of course, it was also possible that they did not have enough historical data. Compared with the history of human civilization in the last two thousand years, the power of a few people is indeed limited.

With a "crunch", Carter pushed the door open, came to the messy conference room filled with documents by historians, and asked, "Is there any result yet?"

"I'm sorry not yet," said a gray-haired historian. "The historical data from two thousand years ago is too complicated. So far, we have not found enough credible information."

"History may have been falsified, I've said it long ago," said another historian.

His words immediately aroused the disgust of several colleagues: "Stop selling your conspiracy theories, okay? We are serious historians, and you are the vice president of history at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. It's just shameful."

However, he said with certainty: "Absolutely. There was a mysterious organization that tampered with the history of the whole world on a large scale. Europe, China, India... were not spared."

"What organization?"

"I don't know, maybe it doesn't exist anymore."

"Forget it Do you think this is the world inside?" Others still sneered.

Historians argued that Carter was about to leave when an old professor said, "Wait, Director Carter."

"What's wrong?" Carter turned back.

The old professor pushed the black-rimmed glasses: "Although I didn't find it in the orthodox historical materials, when I went home yesterday, I found some clues in the less orthodox historical materials, maybe you can refer to it."

Carter asked in surprise, "What do you mean by less formal sources?"

"Mythology," said the old professor, "As you may know, I am more or less a half mythologist, and have studied a little Egyptian mythology."

While speaking, he took out a printed picture from the briefcase behind him and put it on the table, where Carter and other historians gathered around.

"This is……"

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