Chapter 475: 【History of the Sun God】

The content of the picture is an ancient Egyptian mural with a pyramid in the center and a burly blond warrior standing on the top of the tower.

His whole body was radiant, and he held a flame in his hand, exuding light and heat, illuminating everything like the sun.

The old professor said: "This is a very well-preserved Egyptian fresco, which records the story of the sun **** driving away the darkness."

Before he could finish his sentence, someone raised a question: "Isn't the sun **** of ancient Egypt "Ra"? "

The old professor explained: "There are many sun gods in ancient Egypt, and Ra is only one of them, and Ra's position has also been replaced, such as "Aten"... Myths are all like this, don't expect much rigor in myths. "

"The sun **** in this picture is the replacement for Kebli, symbolizing the sun at dawn."

"However, the appearance of this sun **** at dawn is very rare. In my knowledge, it seems that he has only appeared in this scene. In addition, his name should be unrecognizable."

He got up and took the photo of Rowe on the table and put it beside the mural: "Look, isn't the image of 084 similar to the sun **** in the picture? And Director Carter, you said that 084 has a powerful flame, The frescoes also happen to depict flames."

"084" is the special code name of the Strategic Science Corps, which refers to unknown things, which can be things or people. In the S.H.I.E.L.D. era of later generations, the Shockwave Girl and Thor's Meow Hammer were both given the code name of 084.

As for now, the meaning of 084 is obviously the object they are investigating, Luo Wei.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that this mural was created around 300 BC, exactly two thousand years ago." The old professor added another sentence.

A group of historians and Carter all looked carefully at the sun **** in the fresco.

This ancient fresco is not meticulous, and it is not as good as the current artist's painting level. Fortunately, it is well preserved, complete and clear. After careful comparison with the photo on the side, it can be seen that it is somewhat similar.

"Could it be that 084 is the sun **** of the dawn of the ancient Egyptians?" People immediately began to discuss.

"It's unbelievable that we can actually meet people from mythology."

"I might change my career to be a mythologist, history is so boring!"

Carter asked, "Is there any other information about the sun god?"

The old professor shook his head: "I only have this mural in my hand, but since it is a **** with a high status like the Sun God, I should still be able to find some information."

Carter nodded: "Next, start from the direction of the myth, collect as much information as possible, and confirm the true identity of 084."

"In addition, according to the follow-up supplementary information, in addition to the flame, 084 also has a golden light energy, and can use this to perform a powerful magic that is suspected to be resurrected. Magneto was resurrected by him."

So a group of historians have temporarily changed their careers to mythologists, and began to collect information from trivial and ethereal myths and legends from ancient Egyptian mythology as a starting point.

Only the next day, a bald historian excitedly brought out a printed picture, with brisk steps that did not show that he was over seventy years old: "Look what I found?"

The historians in the room seemed to have smelt the blood, and they all gathered around, and then all widened their eyes.

"God!" Someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

The bald historian said excitedly: "This is the work of the medieval painter Bugarini, and the painting is a scene of a **** using light to save a patient during the Black Death."

"There is no doubt that this is 084!"

Compared with the ancient Egyptian era, the art of painting in the Middle Ages has been greatly improved and has the ability to be realistic.

The picture in front of the historians is even more exquisite. Compared with Luo Wei's photo, it seems to be eight or nine points similar, and anyone can tell that it is a person.

"The **** in this picture, his dress is almost the same as the previous Egyptian sun god, this is definitely a major clue!"

"That's right, dawn is just around the corner, and we'll soon be able to find this sun **** in the historical data!"

The historians were so excited that they worked overtime immediately, and frantically collected myths and legends from all over the world according to the existing clues, compared them and sorted them out.

With their research, a sun **** who was very active in ancient history gradually surfaced and entered the field of vision of modern humans...

a few days later.

"Director Carter, I think we can now hand over to the Strategic Science Corps." The historian in charge of the speech was still a little excited.

Carter and old Stark were in the room, listening to his statement.

Historian: "After researching and sorting through this period of time, we are convinced that 084's true identity is the sun god, and his **** name is Luo Wei."

"Rowe..." Carter and Old Stark looked at each other and read the name softly.

The historian pushed his glasses: "In the past history, this sun **** was quite active and appeared all over the world, and at least dozens of images of the sun **** can be traced back to him."

"Rovi first appeared in ancient Egypt. He used light and fire to disperse the "darkness", so he was called the sun **** of dawn. The "darkness" here seems to be a metaphor, but there is too much information missing, and it is impossible to research. "

"Then he began to appear in the legends of ancient Celtic, Chinese and Indian civilizations..."

"It is worth mentioning that cumin as a barbecue seasoning seems to have been pioneered by Luo Wei in ancient Hong Kong and was used to cook powerful sea beasts. Therefore, in many places, cumin is called "the seasoning of the sun god". Considered the **** of barbecue. "

Old Stark was stunned when he heard it: "Cumin?"

Although cumin is not as popular in the United States as it is in Asia, the United States is also one of the origins of cumin, and Americans who are naturally accustomed to eating cumin, Old Stark is one of them.

Therefore, for the old Stark, all the previous news combined are not as impactful as this one.

"I remember that you seem to have a soft spot for this kind of condiment?" Carter thought for a while and asked with a smile.

"It's a wonderful pairing for grilled meat," Old Stark said. "It's really surprising. I've heard the legend of cumin, but I didn't expect to see the sun **** in this legend with my own eyes one day."

The historian took out a picture and continued: "Later, Lovido appeared on the European continent. This oil painting created by the medieval painter Bugarini depicts the scene of him treating patients with the Black Death."

"European legends and modern literary works often have "paladers". Before that, most people believed that the paladins originated from Christian culture, but according to our research, the origin of the legends of the paladins is more likely to come from this The sun god, the Paladin's doctor's identity should be derived from the treatment of the Black Death. "

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