Chapter 476: Mystery flower 3 more

Hearing this, Carter and Old Stark couldn't help showing surprise in their eyes.

Although in the cognition of ordinary people, the Paladins are legendary figures, but as the high-level leaders of the Strategic Science Corps, they know that there are indeed Paladins in this world.

At least in the Latin American liberation movement, the figure of the paladin appeared from time to time, which is undoubtedly true, and there are even rumors that Bolivar was a paladin.

But before that, they knew very little about the Paladins and their true origins. Unexpectedly, the mysterious paladin on the earth also has a relationship with Rowe.

Old Stark looked at Carter and couldn't help but say: "It seems that the historians are right, this sun **** is indeed quite active in the world, and seems to have a soft spot for the earth."

Carter nodded.

The historian went on to say: "About the sun **** Rowe, the one that gives us the most information is the Norse mythology. The Norse mythology describes him in the most detail. One of the Aesirs who expelled the Frost Giants, Odin's subordinate."

Odin's name, most people have heard of it, Carter couldn't help but ask: "So Rovi is an Asa god?"

"Yes, Asa, the sun **** Rowe, we think that's its core identity," the historian said.

At the end he said: "... In addition to this, we also suspect that the image of Apollo may also have a part of Rovi's origin, such as light, medicine, records about Athens, and sometimes regarded as the sun god. But this aspect There is no conclusive evidence yet, and further research is needed by professional mythologists."

"These are the documents and reports we put together." The historian placed a stack of documents in front of Carter.

Carter smiled: "Thank you for your hard work."

The historians didn't care about the hard work and said: "Not at all, I think I can stay up for three more nights. We have revealed the true face of the ancient sun **** with our own hands. This epic work is too excruciating. People are excited!"

After they left, only Carter and old Stark were left in the room.

"A god... Stark, what do you think?" Carter picked up the medieval oil painting.

After a moment of silence, Old Stark exhaled and said with emotion: "Since the formation of the Strategic Science Corps, you and I have witnessed all kinds of mysteries, and I never imagined that one day we would even be able to see the legendary gods with our own eyes... … Sure enough, the history of human progress is to discover the history of its own insignificance.”

"For such a god, all we can do is rejoice, rejoice in his friendliness to mankind."


After leaving the New York building of the Strategic Science Corps, Rowe and Starka stayed on Earth for a few more days.

During this period, Starka and Aletta agreed that Earth was a very special planet, and that despite its apparent unremarkable appearance, humanity had barely entered the ranks of medium civilization.

But every visitor who comes to the earth can more or less perceive its mystery, speciality, and the huge potential of human civilization. Otherwise, there will be no cosmic bigwigs staring here, and there will be no ancient master. Such a strong human being appears.

A few days later, they returned to the universe with Yondu, and continued to unite with the invaded everywhere to fight against Thanos' interstellar army.

Kruger did not come back, but stayed in the Supreme Sanctuary, hoping that Gu Yi could teach him magic. It could be seen that he was very obsessed with the magic of the Sanctuary.

As before, in the process of fighting Thanos, although Luo Wei's side was at a disadvantage in numbers, his strength was not weak and he could often win.

Moreover, the invaded from each star field continued to join them, so that the gap in their numbers gradually narrowed, and they repelled the actions of the Thanos Legion again and again, and they became more and more brave.

In addition to his victories on various planets, Asgard also garnered great prestige.

Before that, Asgard, as the domain of gods in the universe, was well-known and no one was disrespectful, but people were more afraid. After all, in the early days of Odin's reign, Asgard was a conqueror or even aggressor. The image is active in the vast universe.

Even before Odin, Asgard had a reputation for being brave and warlike, and many civilizations had to treat it with care.

A large number of helping weak civilizations against invaders, something Asgard had never done before, greatly changed people's perception of Asgard.

More and more civilizations, especially the weaker ones, gradually began to respect Asgard from the bottom of their hearts, which was a rare windfall.

this day.

On a planet in the Milky Way, Rowe led his subordinates to win the victory over the Thanos Legion again.

"Boom!" His four-winged angel-like golden figure turned into a long rainbow, slamming through the invader's command ship, and then the battleship exploded, and the burning fire gradually engulfed the broken spaceship.

With the crash of the command ship, the battle was officially ended, and the rest was basically chores such as clearing the remnants and cleaning up the battlefield.

Luo Wei slowly fell from the sky, but at this moment, a tiny red light spot suddenly caught his eye of reckoning and caught his attention.

"That is?"

Luo Wei looked over and saw that this tiny spot of light was on a mountain diagonally below him.

The light spot appears red in Holy Light's field of vision, indicating that this is an evil creature.

But the strange thing is that it doesn't seem to move. Luo Wei observed it for a while, but there was no sign of it moving at all, as if it was a dead object.

After thinking about it, he immediately turned his head and flew away, and soon he arrived at his destination, a mountain with extremely lush vegetation, flowers and grasses that covered people's knees, and the verdant leaves almost completely blocked the sun from the sky.

The location of the spot of light is the top of the mountain, which seems to be relatively desolate, mostly rocky, and the trend is somewhat steep. It is indeed a hidden place.

As he got closer to the target Luo Wei's doubts grew stronger.

The target is very small, only about the size of a palm, and he can't imagine what an evil creature of this size would be.

Soon the answer will be revealed:

a flower.

In other words, it is a flower-like plant, which Luo Wei has never seen before, or even a similar plant, so there is no impression in his mind.

The flower is very beautiful and consists of three layers, the outermost layer is a thin green leaf shaped like a pine needle, the middle is a pink mesh petal, and the innermost is a blue-glowing ball.

This globular object glowing with faint blue light is like a flower stamen, and it seems to be a faintly pulsating heart, exuding some strange energy fluctuations...

Looking at this beautiful mysterious flower, Luo Wei couldn't help frowning.

An evil plant? what the hell?