Chapter 477: 【Distortion】

Wisdom is the premise of good and evil. Generally speaking, low-level creatures such as beasts and plants are not divided into good and evil. How can there be an evil flower?

Is it hell?

Hell creatures are indeed more likely to enter the realm of evil, intelligent creatures are almost all wicked, and beasts are often judged as evil. But even in hell, Rowe doesn't seem to have seen plants judged evil.

Looking at this evil and mysterious flower in front of him, Luo Wei fell into thought.

At this moment, a sound of "rustling" came from nearby, but a flesh worm the size of a thumb and a shape similar to a cockroach crawled nearby, turned left and right, and finally crawled towards the mysterious flower.

Rowe couldn't help looking at it.

The cockroach climbed onto the mysterious flower, and the two tentacles on its head touched the petals lightly, as if judging the smell of this thing.

At this moment, the faint blue light in the mysterious flower suddenly lit up, and then its stamens shaped like sarcoid swelled up, engulfing the cockroaches that were caught off guard.

This thing really has a certain attacking ability, and Luo Wei was not too surprised by this. After all, in addition to the blood-red liquidation color, he also saw four layers of energy ripples gathered on the flower.

A fourth-level creature, let alone a cockroach, even if Captain America comes, it might become a meal for this flower.

Pull it out first.

Luo Wei immediately reached out and grabbed the mysterious flower, ready to pull it out of the ground.

Following his movements, the mysterious flower was immediately stimulated by a huge amount of blue light, and the surroundings were reflected in blue light.

At the same time, its stamens also swelled and proliferated wildly. Originally, it was only the size of a baby's fist, but it swelled to the size of a basketball in an instant. It was a big lump, and he wanted to wrap his hand.

Rowe used the flame power, and the temperature of his arm rose sharply. Under the burning of the flame, these blue substances turned into coke.

However, the growth of the blue substance of the stamens did not stop because of this, but became more and more crazy, from the size of a basketball to a diameter of several meters, it seemed to enclose his whole person.

Seeing this, Luo Wei raised the flame power in his body again, the temperature directly reached tens of thousands of degrees, and the dazzling white light exuded terrifying heat.

Before these blue substances could get close, they were destroyed by the surging heat to ashes.

Although it was impossible to get close to Luo Wei, the growth of blue matter continued, surging and extending in all directions, as if there was a tendency to spread over the mountains and plains.


It wasn't the wildly proliferating blue substance that made Luo Wei utter this syllable, but the mysterious flower's roots that grew outrageously.

He simply grasped the mysterious flower tightly, and then soared into the sky, flying directly to the altitude of a thousand meters.

Only now did he finally pull out the mysterious flower by its roots, and the vigorous roots that were a thousand meters long were pulled off the ground, fluttering and twisting in the air, looking like the tentacles of an ancient god.

With the detachment of the roots, the savage growth of the blue substance finally stopped, and at this time it had permeated the entire mountain top, making the mountain seem to be wearing a faint blue hat.


In a quiet room, a man and a woman had just finished their busy work, and were leaning against each other, panting on the wet bed.

"Dear, am I really your first love?" The woman looked at the man beside her and asked.

The man was handsome and strong, with long flowing hair. He smiled and hooked her nose with his fingers: "Of course, you are the first person I fell in love with, and the last, the only one."

"But..." The woman hesitated.

"But what?" The man was still smiling, his standard facial features made him look like the hero in a movie.

"But, why are you like this..."

The woman was about to speak, but the man's expression suddenly changed, as if he had sensed a terrible change, he suddenly got up from the bed.

The woman was startled and said in a panic, "What's wrong?"

"Who is it..." The long-haired man said fiercely with gloomy eyes.

At the same time, blue light surging all over his body, and then a suit of clothes appeared on his body, as if he had come out of nothing, and then he was about to leave.

The woman hugged him quickly: "Where are you going? My dear."

The long-haired man was extremely impatient, raised his hand and waved, and a blue light shot out, and the woman disappeared.


On the other side, Luo Wei looked at the oversized blue substance on the top of the mountain, and then at the mysterious flower in his hand. He couldn't help but frown thoughtfully.

Combined with the scene just now, he probably knew the origin of this mysterious flower.


Star-Lord's father, a living planet suspected to have evolved from Boltzmann's brain, claimed to be the **** group.

Rowe doesn't know whether Egg is a **** or not, but in terms of strength, Egg definitely has the level of a god.

This guy has kept seeds all over the universe. He may be the strongest stallion recorded in the Marvel world. I don’t know how many children he has had with various aliens I hope to create a descendant with its own divinity. , and then help him achieve further expansion and annex the universe.

In addition to giving birth to children, Egg will also leave a mysterious plant on every planet he visits. This plant with powerful proliferation ability, like a super cancer cell, is the tool he uses to annex the universe. .

To a large extent, this plant can be considered a part of Yigo.

After thinking about this, Luo Wei also understood why the mysterious flower showed an evil reckoning color in the vision of the Holy Light, because its origin, Egg, was evil.

He fell back to the ground, intending to clean up the blue substance on the mountain, but suddenly his expression changed and he thought of something.

He picked up a piece of blue substance and put it on the alchemy formula of Sanctified Punishment Distortion for identification.

[95% substitution degree for aberrations]

Seeing this result, Luo Wei couldn't help but smile.

Just as he just thought, this blue substance with super-proliferative ability like cancer cells can indeed replace the aberrations in the formula.

Immediately, Rowe collected a lot of blue substances, and thought about configuring some punishment distortion potions for a while to see how powerful it was.

Just as he was collecting the blue substance, a figure suddenly flew from the sky and landed on the mountain, showing the appearance of a long-haired man.

Luo Wei looked over, and saw that the long-haired man was tall and handsome, and even nearly matched his own.

When the man looked at the blue substance around him, his expression suddenly became extremely gloomy, and his eyes radiated a cold light: "Is this what you did?"

Luo Wei guessed his identity, but still took a few glances with the Eye of Reckoning.

Seven layers of energy ripples, the blood-red liquidation color is exactly the same as the mysterious flower, there is no doubt that the person who comes is the **** of the **** Yigo, to be precise, the human body clone of Yigo.