Chapter 478: 【Evil God Egg】

"Yes, it seems that this evil plant is your masterpiece." Rowe said.

As the saying goes, tiger poison does not eat children, he has seen many villains, but he is the only one who likes to kill his wife and children like Egg.

Judging from the scenes shown in the movie, the bones of Eggo's children can be piled up in a cave, all of which were killed by his own hands. Most of the mothers of these children were also set up with cancer by him like the mother of Star Lord, and died a few years after giving birth, just like a one-time tool person.

Such a sinful evil god, Luo Wei will naturally not let it go.

And he pulled out the mysterious flower that Egg planted on this planet, and Egg obviously didn't want to let him go.

"Very good, you will pay for it!" Egg said viciously, while blue light appeared on his body, exuding energy fluctuations similar to distortions.

The mysterious plants he left on various planets were his carefully cultivated clones, each of which consumed a lot of effort and energy, and was the basis for his plan to annex the universe. Luo Wei destroys his clone, he will definitely not give up.

As soon as the voice fell, two blue light beams shot out from Egg's palms.

Luo Wei had been prepared for a long time, and the five-fingered holy light in his right hand flowed, and a holy light shield was formed in an instant, which just blocked the two beams.

"Boom!" The beam of light exploded on the shield of holy light, causing two cracks to appear on the shield.

This scene made Egg's expression change involuntarily. He has always regarded himself very highly, and obviously did not expect that his attack would be easily blocked.

But then, something even more incredible happened to him.

I saw Luo Wei suddenly jumped with golden light, and then the holy light covered the whole body, and the holy light wings spread out from the back, and the light was bright, making it like a four-winged angel cast in gold.

Egg could clearly feel that with the appearance of the wings on all sides, the strength of the enemy in front of him suddenly increased a lot, and his whole body exuded an energy that made him feel very uncomfortable.

The energy felt like a trial to him, as if a supreme being was looking through his incrimination and could at any moment sentence him to death.

"This..." Egg had never felt this way before, looking at the holy light on Rowe in disbelief.

As a **** born in the void, he always thought that he was beyond good and evil, or that he never thought that he needed to care about the so-called justice.

It is precisely because of this that he acts without bottom line, killing his wife and children at will. In the eyes of mortals, these people are his wives and children, but in his eyes, these are just tools.

But now, the energy in front of him is clearly trying his crimes.

Rowe spread out his four wings, and the Saffron warhammer also turned into a flame shape and merged into his right hand. Then he held the Demon Slayer Sword and turned into a golden rainbow and rushed towards Egg.

Egg's pupils shrank violently, and he hurriedly opened a shield made of blue light with both hands.


He heard a loud bang, accompanied by the interweaving of golden and blue rays of light, and the Demon Slayer Sword slashed fiercely on his light shield.

The light shield didn't last even a tenth of a second, and collapsed under the sharpness of the Demon Slayer Sword.

After that, the Demon Slaying Sword was still castrated, and the sword hit Egg's head.

"Boom!" The brilliance of punishment exploded, and Egg's head disappeared.

If it was an ordinary creature, the head explosion would definitely be dead, but as a human clone of a living planet, Egg's body obviously did not obey the rules of ordinary creatures.

Having lost his head, he was still moving, staggering back, while blue light accumulated at the fracture of his body.

With the surging of the blue light, Egg's bones were rapidly remodeled, nerves and blood vessels were intertwined and extended upwards, muscles were filled, and skin was covered, and in the blink of an eye, he was a complete human figure.

It's just that at this time, he has long lost his original look, his eyes are full of retreat, trying to escape the battle,

Rowe did not give Egg a chance. The shape of the four-winged angel gave him super speed and could easily intercept Egg's movements.

So Egg, after several attempts, not only did not escape, but suffered a few more swords, and was destroyed by the brilliance of punishment.

Seeing that he couldn't escape and could not escape, Egg immediately threatened: "This is just a clone of me. If you destroy my clone, my body will never let you go!"

"Your body?" Luo Wei smiled disapprovingly, "I also really want to see your body. If you come, I'm always welcome."

Egg's body is a living planet. Although its power is very powerful, it must be very inconvenient to move. Luo Wei doesn't believe that he can come to the door, and at most he will send a clone.

And like this level of Egg clone, with the restraint of Holy Light, he will definitely kill one at a time, even if he comes three at a time, he is not afraid.

Before he finished speaking, Luo Wei swung the Demon Slayer Sword again, and pierced Egg's chest with a sword. At the same time, the golden light in his hand was released, pouring holy light into the sword continuously.

"I'll make you regret--" Egg roared unwillingly, and the holy light that poured in frantically tore his body to pieces and vanished into ashes.


At the same time somewhere in the distant cosmic space, the originally calm sky of a planet suddenly thundered, the storm swept through, and the violent sound shook the world.

This terrifying movement did not subside for a long time, as if a huge will was venting its anger.

After a while, the whistling thunder and storm finally subsided, and then a cloud of blue light condensed on the surface of the planet.

It first formed the outline of a human shape, and then nerves, bones, and blood vessels appeared in it, filled with flesh and blood, and the skin gradually covered the surface, and a layer of clothing was formed around the body.

In the end, this group of blue rays turned into a handsome man with long hair, and his appearance was no different from the clone of Yigo killed by Rowe. Naturally, it was a new clone created by Yigo.

After reshaping the avatar, thinking about what happened just now, Egg was still getting more and more angry, and he couldn't help roaring up to the sky: "Ah-"

When he calmed down, with a flick of his hand, a faint blue light projected a human face in his palm, exactly what Luo Wei looked like.

Looking at this human face, Egg's expression was extremely gloomy, and then he clenched his fists fiercely, squeezing the projection in his palm away.


After killing Egg's human avatar, Rowe put away his weapon and checked the Sanctuary.

This kill allowed him to finally exchange for the last spell on the fifth floor, [Holy Prism].

The effect of Holy Prism is that it can kill enemies and heal allies at the same time, and has a large range, which is a very practical and powerful spell.

However, this is not what he cares about the most. What really makes him look forward to is that with the acquisition of all the spells of the fifth layer, he can finally activate the spells of the sixth layer.

Of course, he still needs to meet some conditions before that.

[To open the sixth layer of spells, you need to challenge Tirion Fordring and any other two heroes in the experience space and win. 】