Chapter 479: [Layer 6 Spells]

This requirement is not difficult.

Rowe happened to have the experience books of the three heroes Tirion Fordring, Shandris Feathermoon and Magni Bronzebeard.

After mastering the four-winged angel form, his strength has been further improved, and it will not be long before he can defeat these three heroes.

After reading the request, Rowe turned his attention to the spells on the sixth and seventh floors. The last seventh floor only had the Holy Shield spell, and it was still too early to master it, so there was nothing to say.

The sixth floor has four spells, namely [Repentance], [Reckoning], [Holy Light], and [Guardian of Ancient Kings].

Among them, Holy Light and Warcraft are not the same thing. Azeroth’s Holy Light is a basic healing spell, while the Holy Light here is a kind of advanced shaping magic, the effect is to shape Holy Light into various objects.

The effect of repentance is to have a certain chance to make the enemy abandon the darkness and cast the light, and believe in the Holy Light; the ancient guardian of the kings is a spell similar to the wrath of vengeance and the seraph, which can comprehensively enhance the power of the caster and enlarge the size.

Among the four spells, the one that interests Rowe the most is undoubtedly [Reckoning].

Reckoning is unique in that the more damage an enemy does to the Paladin, the more damage it will do to the enemy.

This effect looks similar to that of World of Warcraft. They are all super spells that can kill enemies in seconds, but with more restrictions. For example, the damage of reckoning can only be applied to enemies attacking Paladins, and you cannot accumulate damage elsewhere first, and then Then pick the enemy to release the damage, otherwise it is obviously too heaven-defying.

This is the effect of the early liquidation of Warcraft, so there has been such a legend in Azeroth:

A certain paladin who was so idle, let his friend slash him for a whole afternoon, accumulated thousands of times of liquidation damage, and then ran to the cursed land single-handedly, killing the doomsday lord Kazzak with one knife, shocking the world.

Out of yearning for this legend, Luo Wei has always wanted to learn liquidation, and now he finally has a chance.

The current reckoning, although it is different from the legendary reckoning, is obviously a very sharp killing spell. The holy deed specially marked such a line [the reckoning can reach the highest limit of the power of holy light], which shows its strength. .

Therefore, after leaving the battlefield, Luo Wei immediately entered the experience space to challenge the three heroes.

The hero he mainly challenges is Fording. On the one hand, as the leader of the Paladins, Lafayette is the object that must be challenged, and on the other hand, because in his opinion, it seems relatively easy to challenge Fording.

After all, you don't need to win to challenge Fording, you only need to hold on for a minute.

Although Fording in the experience space is a bit outrageous, and he can visually pick up the big screw, but if he only lasts for a minute, it should be a little easier than defeating General Feather Moon and King Bronzebeard.

After a few months, experience the space.

"Holy Light-"

The familiar cry of Tirion Fordring was heard again in Rowe's ears, and at the same time, a huge torrent of holy light was vented from the blade of the Ashbringer and shot straight into the sky.

"Boom!" Rowe couldn't dodge, and was immediately blasted down from the sky, losing his strength to fight again.

Fording calmly took back the Ashbringer and leaned on the ground, and said slowly as always: "Young man, your strength is not enough. Only when you can hold on for one minute can you inherit my Ashbringer."

Luo Wei exhaled, and couldn't help but feel a pity, after all, he had persisted for fifty-eight seconds in this battle, but he still didn't survive the last two seconds, and was cut down by old Fording.

But there is no doubt that as the persistence time gets closer and closer to a minute, he is close to passing the challenge.

After exiting the experience space, Luo Wei walked out of his room. There was an alien battlefield outside, and the soldiers were still cleaning up the battlefield.

Yondu was talking to a few fighters from the Marauder Corps, and when he saw him, he came over and said, "Kruger has been on Earth for so long, should we let him come back, or at least go and see he?"

Rowe was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that Kruger was indeed still in the Holy Sanctuary, and it happened that he also wanted to go to Hearthglen to see what was going on, so he nodded: "You are right."

"Heimdall, send us to Earth."


The Rainbow Bridge transports Luo Wei and Yondu to Earth, and then to the Supreme Sanctuary.

What they didn't expect was that after coming to the Supreme Sanctuary, they actually saw that Kruger was practicing magic, and the golden-red magic light was intertwined between his hands, which was quite similar to the mages of the Sanctuary.

Rowe was surprised: "Kruger, have you become a mage?"

"Yes." Kruger nodded and said smugly.

Yondu felt unbelievable: "But didn't Master Gu Yi say that only humans can become apprentices of the Supreme Sanctuary?"

"Well... In fact, I did not become the apprentice of Master Gu Yi. I watched other mages and then groped for a bit." Kruger said, then shook his hands lightly, UU reading using magic in his body Before drawing a smiley face, "Magic expression, this is my best trick at present, just to make up for my lack of expression."

Yongdu blinked, not knowing what to say.

At this time, Mage Gu Yi walked by with a smile: "Kruger is very talented in magic. If he is from the earth, maybe he can become the Supreme Mage in the future."

Kruger immediately said: "In that case, let me be your apprentice."

Gu Yi shook his head: "You may have the opportunity to become a real Sanctuary Mage, but your teacher can't be me."

"Who would that be? Could there be a more powerful mage than you in this world?" Kruger couldn't help but wonder.

"It is indeed a more powerful mage than me, but he has not been born yet." Gu Yi said.

"Not yet born?" Kruger and Yondu glanced at each other, feeling bewildered.

Luo Wei listened, and knew that most of the mages that Mage Gu Yi said were more powerful than her were the future Doctor Strange.

Mage Gu Yi didn't explain much: "You should leave here, Kruger... When a mage finds you in the future, you may be able to become a member of the Supreme Sanctuary by exception."

Leaving the Supreme Sanctuary, Yondu and Kruger returned to the interstellar first, while Rowe went to Hearth Valley, Antarctica.

Over the years, Hearth Valley has recruited many new knights, especially human paladins, with hundreds of them. Even if some of them are following Asgard and fighting the Thanos Legion, the popularity of Hearth Valley is still much stronger than in the past.

"How's it going?" Rowe found Ander in the Temple of Light and asked casually. Now Ander is mainly responsible for the daily affairs of Hearth Valley.

"I encountered a little trouble." Ander shook his head.

"What's the trouble?"

"Well...about the Antarctic research station for humans." Ander pondered.