Chapter 480: 【Business Knight Dufrein】

"Since the beginning of the 20th century, human science and technology have advanced by leaps and bounds, and a number of research stations have been built on the Antarctic continent, and each is closer to the South Pole." Ander said.

"A few years ago, the Americans tried to build a research station at the South Pole, which is less than 200 kilometers away. We were worried that they would find the existence of Hearthglen, so we secretly created a little trouble for them and made them give up The original construction plan was moved to a farther peripheral area."

After a pause, he continued: "But in the second half of this year, the Americans and the Europeans joined forces and came to the South Pole again to build a research station. This time they had a large number of people and sufficient supplies, and the little troubles we made could not affect them at all. At present, they have laid the foundation, and it is estimated that the research station will be built soon.”

Luo Wei was silent for a moment, and then said: "If they want to build it, let them build it. Isn't it still more than 100 kilometers away, and it is surrounded by mountains [567 Chinese], and the terrain is hidden, so it should be unlikely to be discovered."

"In case it is discovered..."

Luo Wei added: "If it is discovered, it is not a big deal. The research station is dominated by the human government, and they will have a sense of proportion."

"Okay, I understand." Ander nodded.

"Dong dong." Rowe and Ander were talking when a knock on the door suddenly came from outside.

"Come in."

While speaking, Luo Wei turned his head to look, and saw a gentle-looking man walk in, and came to him with a bit of restraint: "Big lord."

When Ander saw him, he couldn't help but hold his forehead: "DuFran, are you going to recommend your idea to the big lord this time?"

"Yes." Duflan nodded.

Luo Wei was a little curious: "What do you think?"

Andel said with a smile: "Before joining the Knights, Dufran was an excellent banker with a good business skills, but unfortunately he was framed and sent to prison until one of our old knights found and rescued him. he."

"However, although he is now a paladin, he is still obsessed with worldly business and has repeatedly suggested that the Knights make business investments. Many people now call him a "merchant knight". "

Rowe looked at the restrained Dufran, and Dufran said, "That's right, high lord. I think more money is necessary even for the Silver Hand, at least it doesn't hurt. If the Knights Contributing to business investments in the secular world, I am willing to obligately contribute to the management of wealth for the Knights."

At the beginning, someone in the Supreme Sanctuary suggested Luo Wei to invest in business in the secular world, but he refused because of the trouble.

However, Luo Wei does not reject business in his heart. After all, as Dufran said, more money is at least no harm. And think about it carefully, it is indeed much more convenient to have some secular resources on earth.

So he thought about it: "Is this your interest?"

Dufrean hesitated: "So to speak. For me, running a business is really a challenging and fun activity."

Luo Wei pondered: "Although money does not mean evil, people who often deal with money will inevitably encounter more temptations and traps. Du Fulan, can you guarantee that you will not fall into it?"

"Of course. In fact, when I was a banker, I had been tested by money for a long time, otherwise I would not be eligible to enter the Silver Hand." Dufrean said.

Luo Wei nodded, the hand of silver has always had character requirements for recruiting newcomers, at least a moral character above the average level.

"I think I can try it, Ander." He looked at Ander.

Ander: "This...but we don't seem to have much secular currency."

“Just trade some gold for some, and I still have some dollars on hand, which I don’t need most of the time,” Rowe said.

Dufran shook his head and said, "Big lord, I think it's best not to exchange gold for currency, it's very uneconomical."

"Do you have any good advice?"

Dufran: "You are the **** of Asgard. I think you should be able to easily get some things that the earth does not have, such as the technological creations of alien civilizations. The entrepreneurs on earth will definitely be willing to pay high prices."

Luo Wei felt that it was true that some technological creations were not expensive in the universe, but they were of great value to human beings at this time, far more meaningful than gold.

After thinking about it, he took out a fist-sized boulder from the Sanctuary space. The boulder exuded a light blue light and looked very beautiful. Those who didn't know the goods might think it was jewelry.

In fact, this is the high-level energy he got on Emperor Shia's spaceship.

Rowe handed the cobblestone to Dufran: "This is a kind of energy stone, which is a fairly advanced technological creation. Sell it... um, sell it to a man named Howard Stark."

"Stark Industries?" Dufrean said Yes. Rowe nodded, he believed that old Stark would be very interested in this kind of thing.

"As for the price you can sell, it depends on your ability, Knight Dufrean."


A few days later.

The headquarters of Stark Industries stands quietly in the bustling New York City. As the world's top technology company, even in New York, it enjoys extraordinary treatment.

In many people's minds, Stark Industries is the holy land of technology and industry.

At this moment, Howard Stark, the founder of this company, is standing alone in a small conference room, with various drawings on the table in front of him, which are intricate.

Looking at these complex industrial drawings, Old Stark frowned, obviously encountering a huge problem.

A middle-aged man with a round face came in from the door. Old Stark was obviously familiar with him, and without raising his head, he said, "You are here, Vanke. We'd better solve this problem before the end of the year, otherwise the Ark reactor will be destroyed next. The plan of the stage is delayed again.”

Anton Vanke shook his head: "Stark, we should have made this preparation a long time ago. The Ark reactor has surpassed this era too much, even if I don't see it in my lifetime, I won't be surprised."

Old Stark was silent.

Anton Vanke added: "But if our plan is successful, maybe the whole world will change because of this, which is definitely a great achievement."


The two began to discuss various incomprehensible terms around various industrial drawings, sometimes arguing, sometimes thinking.

Just then, a secretary knocked on the door and came in: "Mr. Stark, there is someone downstairs who wants to see you."

"Who?" asked old Stark.

The secretary said, "He called himself Dr. Dufrean and said he wanted to discuss a big business with you."