Chapter 481: [Soviet Traitor Anton Vanke]

"Dufran?" Anton Vanke questioned, apparently never heard of this name or surname, so he couldn't help looking at old Stark beside him.

"Don't look at me like that, I don't know it either." Old Stark shrugged his shoulders, "It sounds like the name of the protagonist of a movie, and it's still a classic movie."

Then he waved his hand: "Find which department you need to talk to, and then come to me when you're done talking. I'm busy now."

The secretary hesitated. "We've said so, but he insists on interviewing you, Mr. Stark."

Anton Vanke said: "Sounds like a self-righteous madman, Albert Einstein may often encounter such people who want to overthrow his theories."

Old Stark smiled and said: "In fact, I also encounter from time to time, 'Mr. Stark, my invention can make your company become the first in the world', I at least listen to this sentence verbatim. three times."

"Hahaha." Anton Vanke also laughed, his laughter also had a unique Russian tone.

"Let him go, and teach him a lesson if he messes around."

"Okay." The secretary nodded and left.

On the first floor of the Stark Industrial Building, two men in suits and ties were sitting at a coffee table and talking. One of them was a black-haired white man with a gentle face and decent manners. At first glance, he knew that he had a deep educational experience.

The other had an Indian face and was tall and stocky, probably because the newly bought suit didn't fit well, causing him to scratch and twirl from time to time, looking embarrassed.

These two were the "business knight" Duflan of the Silver Hand and his companion Hinchrub, who took the Shia Energy that Rowe handed over to them and prepared to talk about a big business with Stark Industries.

"Dufran, don't you think this dress is very uncomfortable?" Xinqirube couldn't help asking.

Du Fulan smiled slightly: "You will get used to it, sometimes being decent is more important than being comfortable."

At this time, Stark's secretary came down from the upstairs, walked over and said, "You guys get out of here, Mr. Stark is very busy."

Dufrean: "When is he free?"

The secretary was a little impatient: "I don't know, in short, you just leave here as soon as possible, don't waste our time."

Dufrean said calmly: "If you tell me when Mr. Stark is free, then I can see you on another day, but you refuse to say it. I can only interpret this as expulsion."

"This is the place of Stark Industries, and we have the right to drive you out." The secretary said, winking at the nearby security guards.

When a few security guards saw this, they approached here, and vaguely surrounded Dufran and Xinqilubu.

Seeing this, Xinqirube was suddenly alert and clenched his fists.

Dufran was as calm as ever, raised his hand to appease him, and then said, "I know, you must think of me as a self-righteous lunatic. For a company as big as Stark Industries, it's justifiable."

As he said that, he put his hand into the briefcase, took out a stack of dollars and threw it on the table, about tens of thousands of dollars.

"This money is given to you, it's a meeting gift."

The secretary was at a loss, but several security guards did not hesitate to rush forward to **** it, and the dollars on the table were swept away in an instant.

For these security guards, $10,000 is the top of their income for more than ten years, even if the company fires them for it, it doesn't matter.

Dufferan took out another $20,000 and put it in front of the secretary.

The secretary swallowed, but finally held back. But he also understood at this time that a person who can hand out tens of thousands of dollars can't be a lunatic.

"Take me to see Mr. Stark, I promise you will be grateful for this decision." Dufrean said, light blue eyes revealing calm persuasion.

The secretary was silent for a moment, and finally nodded: "Okay, come with me."

Dufran got up, followed by Hinchrube, went upstairs with the secretary, and came to the small conference room where Howard Stark was in a short while.

"Sorry, Mr. Stark... I think Dr. Dufrean does have something very important to discuss with you," the secretary said.

Old Stark and Anton Vanke looked at each other, then nodded helplessly: "Okay."

"Please sit down, Dr. Dufran." He politely shook hands with Dufran, then pointed to his side, "This is Anton Vanke."

"Hello." Duflan heard the Russian accent in Anton Vanke's voice, "Mr. Vanke, are you from the Soviet Union?"

"Russians," said Anton Vanke.

Russia is a part of the Soviet Union, but he can't say that he is a Soviet person for the simple reason that he defected from the Soviet Union to the United States.

In the propaganda of the U.S. government, Anton Vanke is an outstanding scientist. After realizing the "evil nature" of the Soviet Union, he resolutely took refuge in the United States, the beacon of mankind, and became a part of the free world.

This was indeed a blow to the Soviet Union, but the real reason for Anton Vanke's defection was probably only clear to him.

Of course, in any case, Anton Vanke is indeed a scientist and engineer with extraordinary abilities, otherwise he would not be in a high position in the Stark Industry Group, chatting and laughing with the old Stark.

After a while, the four of them were seated, and Old Stark asked, "Dr. Dufrean, I don't know about you..."

Before he finished speaking, Dufrein took out a box from his briefcase and put it on the table, without saying a word.

Old Stark frowned slightly, but he still opened the box, and then he couldn't help opening his eyes Anton Vanke on the side had the same expression.

"This is an energy device, the only one on earth that can output up to three billion joules of energy per second." Dufran said, "Mr. Stark, I believe you will not give up on it."

"Three billion!" Anton Vanke exclaimed.

Dufrean: "It's actually a conservative estimate."

Old Stark said, "Can I test it before I start the next topic?"


Old Stark nodded, and immediately brought the instrument together with Anton Vanke to test the energy stone of the Shia Empire.

Although it was only a few simple tests, the results still excited them. Anton Vanke said in a trembling voice, "It's actually true! Such a powerful and clean energy is more advanced than our current design, it's unbelievable. !"

"What's more important is its energy density." Old Stark was also very pleasantly surprised, couldn't help smiling, and had an excited discussion with Anton Vanke for a while.

"Such a size, if we master its technology, it can be designed as an energy source for exoskeleton armor."

"I think robots are better..."

After two minutes, they finally regained their composure, realizing that this thing was not theirs.

Old Stark looked at Dufran: "I would take the liberty to ask, where did you get this thing?"

"It's not important, and I can't answer you." Dufrean said, "but I can guarantee that there will be no second piece on the earth, as long as you want, Stark Industries can monopolize it, dig and master it. Technology."

Anton Vanke stared at him, as if he wanted to see something from his expression, and then said slowly in a somewhat deep Russian accent: "With all due respect, Dr. Dufrean, this thing should not belong to humans."