Chapter 482: 【Shares of Stark Industries】

To Anton Vanke's questioning, Dufran was noncommittal: "Mr. Stark, if I sell this to you, what price are you going to pay?"

Old Stark pondered for a while, then said tentatively, "30 million dollars, what do you think?"

In fact, Duflan didn't know the value of the energy stone very well, but he knew that the price was definitely too low, so he shook his head without saying a word.

"Fifty million dollars." Old Stark quickly offered a higher price. "This is enough money to make you the top five hundred richest person in the world."

Duflan smiled: "How do you know that I'm not the world's top 500 richest man?"

"..." Old Stark didn't know what to say for a while, and asked after a while, "So how much do you think is appropriate?"

"One hundred million dollars in cash." When Dufrean just said these words, the old Stark almost wanted to agree, but the next words made him give up the idea quickly, "In addition to the percentage of Stark Industries Group twenty shares."

"Twenty percent?"

Anton Vanke's eyes widened: "Do you know what a 20% stake in Stark Industries means?"

Dufrein: "Of course, it means a market value of more than one billion US dollars, which means two thousandths of the annual gross domestic product of the United States, but I would like to ask if you know what this energy stone means?"

Old Stark and Anton Vanke were silent for a while.

Dufrean continued: "There is no doubt that if you can master the technology of this device, Stark Industries will definitely become the world's number one company, and companies like AT&T, General Electric, and IBM will be trampled by Stark. "

"You're right. If you come up with complete technical drawings, Stark Industries can exchange 99 percent of its stock." Old Stark said.

Then he changed his words: "This is not a technology, but a product. We still need to invest a lot of energy to reverse engineer it, and maybe it will fail."

"Even if it succeeds, we will only get some of its technology, not all of it, and it's unclear how much profit these technologies will ultimately bring. Let Stark Industries invest 20% of the shares and $100 million in cash. , it's too risky."

"It is impossible for the board of directors of the company to agree to this plan." Old Stark finally added.

Anton Vanke said: "More importantly, the origin of this thing is unknown, and you can't prove that this is the only piece in your hand. If other people have it, wouldn't our money be wasted in vain."

Dufrein looked at them: "The reason why I chose Stark Industries is not because I think you can give a higher price. You are neither the company with the highest market value nor the company with the most cash."

"It's because, in my opinion, Stark is a company that looks to the future. I will go to each of your technology expositions, and I have seen with my own eyes how you can change the world."

Old Stark smiled politely: "Thank you."

DuFran paused: "If it wasn't for this, I could have sold this energy device to a stronger company at the price I just said. You should seize this opportunity."

Old Stark was silent for a long time, but still shook his head: "This price is too high. As an engineer, maybe I am willing to take such a risk, but for the vast majority of shareholders of Stark Industries, the most important thing is profit."

"If it's 5 percent stock and $50 million, I don't think it should be a problem."

Dufrein did not let up: "Twenty percent of the stock and $100 million in cash must be at this price."

Old Stark was silent.

Anton Vanke said angrily: "You are an insatiable blackmailer! Stark Industries will not accept blackmail, you can leave and see who in the whole of New York will buy your stone at this price!"

As he said that, he closed the box and pushed it back in front of Dufran.

Old Stark also sighed: "Dr. Dufrean, if you still insist on the original price, then I can only say sorry."

Dufran nodded, didn't say anything, put the energy stone back in the briefcase and got up and left, followed by Xinqilubu.

There were only Anton Vanke and old Stark in the room again.

"Stark, where do you think his stuff came from?" Anton Vanke said.

Old Stark thought for a moment: "As you said, I also think his device came from outside the earth. I guess it may be a crashed alien spaceship?"

Anton Vanke nodded: "This is indeed the greatest possibility. That guy named Duflan, I'm afraid, is a lucky one. He picked up the alien device and came to blackmail us."

Old Stark put his hands on the table and frowned. After a while, he said, "Maybe his price is not too high, we can talk again."

"Are you crazy, Stark." Anton Vanke looked at him with wide eyes, "That's one-fifth of a Stark industry, and there are 100 million dollars in cash."

"But we have the Ark reactor program, and this thing will almost certainly take our program a big step forward, maybe even a leap forward," said Stark Sr.

"That's too expensive Anton Vanke hesitated for a while, "In fact, we have other options to get the device at zero cost. "

Old Stark was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted when he looked at Anton Vanke's eyes. He couldn't help shaking his head: "No, this is too arrogant. Once it is exposed, Stark Industries will have a bad reputation for thousands of years."

Anton Vanke: "At first glance, they are little-known characters, and no one will support them. Do you want to be extorted billions of dollars by such a small villain?"

Old Stark still shook his head: "I'd better discuss it with the board of directors first."

After saying that, he left the conference room first.

Anton Vanke was still sitting in his seat, his eyes flickering, as if he had made up his mind for a while, he secretly clenched his fist...

"Dufran, why don't you go on talking, Stark has promised 5% of the stock and 50 million in cash." Hinchrube asked.

Du Fulan walked in front of him with his briefcase, and the two walked through the bustling streets: "The great lord said that you should make good use of the eye of reckoning."

"What?" Cinchrub didn't react for a while.

"When I went upstairs, I looked at the Soviet man with the eyes of reckoning, blood red." Dufran said, "He said he was Russian, and most of the self-proclaimed people in the United States were defectors from the Soviet Union. Shameless villain."


"So we might have a chance to kill some hooligans, gangsters, or killers." Dufrean smiled, "It won't take long for Stark Industries to confirm that we are just two unnamed, helpless stinkers. dick."

