Chapter 485: 【Golden Hand】

Anton Vanke glanced at old Stark, opened his mouth, but was speechless.

Duflan said: "In Mr. Vanke's opinion, our device is probably worth zero dollars, so he decided to let the gang grab it directly to him."

"Just last night, we were attacked by more than two dozen gunmen on our way back to the hotel. Fortunately, Hinchrub and I were pretty good at catching these gangsters. I was right, Artgio. M. Ivanov?"

Ivanov was pale, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he couldn't say a complete sentence: "Yes, it is like this."

A rare look of anger rose on Old Stark's face, and he looked directly at Anton Vanke and asked, "Didn't I already say it, why do you still do this!"

Anton Vanke argued strongly: "I'm sorry Stark...but they just want to blackmail us, we can't let them succeed, I do this entirely for the company!"

Old Stark knocked on the table and raised his voice: "But now you have brought the company to the brink of danger! Once this incident spreads, the reputation of Stark Industries will be compared with that of the gang, the interests of the company and the interests of shareholders. Have you really thought about it?"

"I'm sorry, Stark, I'm really sorry..." Anton Vanke also screwed up himself, and it was unreasonable, so he could only keep apologizing to the old Stark, "I will take all the responsibility, and I will not be implicated. company."

"How can you not be involved! Anton Vanke, I thought you could do things as rigorously as you do experiments, but I didn't think you were a... reckless bastard!" Old Stark was obviously trying to suppress his anger as much as possible .

Anton Vanke lowered his head and remained silent.

Old Stark took a deep breath, then called out, "Jarvis!"

Soon a tall, thin middle-aged man with a slightly submissive temperament came in outside the door: "Mr. Stark."

"Lock these three people up and don't let anyone else know."


Jarvis responded, and immediately led Ivanov's three gangsters out of the room. Dufran didn't say anything, watched them leave and closed the door.

Old Stark sat down, took a deep breath, and said in a heavy voice: "I'm so sorry for this, Dr. Dufrean. However, you probably haven't let other people such as the police or the media know about this. thing."

Dufrean: "Of course, I know this doesn't speak for Stark Industries, which remains the company I respect the most."

Old Stark nodded, and then he was speechless for a while, and the room fell into a long silence.

After a while he spoke again: "So, Dr. Dufrean, you are still willing to sell us the device, is that right?"

"That's right, the price won't change, $100 million in cash, and 20% of Stark Industries' stock." Dufran took out the Shia Empire Energy Stone from the briefcase and put it on the table.

Hearing this, Anton Vanke couldn't help but say again: "Naked blackmail!"

"Stop talking, Vanke." Old Stark said solemnly.

Dufrean then added: "I'm very bullish on the future of Stark Industries, so I can promise to hold these stocks for the long term, at least into the next century."

Old Stark looked at the energy stone on the table, and nodded after a while: "Okay, I promise you."

Once Anton Vanke's matter is exposed, no matter how it is dealt with, Stark Industries Group will plummet. As the founder of the company, old Stark definitely does not want to see such a result.

The only way to avoid this outcome now is to exchange $100 million in cash and 20% of the stock for the energy stone according to Dufrean's offer.

In this way, Dufran has become one of the largest shareholders of Stark Industries Group, and he has promised to hold these stocks for a long time, which is consistent with Stark Industries' interests.

This is the only choice Old Stark has at the moment, and it doesn't seem to be too bad. Although he paid a high price, he has also harvested the energy stone.

So after a short thought, he agreed to Dufran's offer.

Duflan couldn't help but smile, stretched out his hand and shook old Stark: "Happy cooperation, Mr. Stark."

"Happy cooperation." Old Stark also smiled reluctantly.

Afterwards, the two sides talked about some details. About an hour later, Dufran and Hinchrube left Stark Industries, leaving only Anton Vanke and the old Stark in the room.

"I'm sorry, Stark..." In the quiet air, Anton Vanke lowered his head and said.

Although it didn't take a long time, he still had feelings for Stark Industries and Howard himself, and this result really made him feel guilty.

Old Stark put his hands in his pockets, stood in front of the window and let out a long breath: "I hope this device can bring us enough profit."

"I will do my best." Anton Vanke said, this is probably the only way he can atone for his sins. "In any case, in five years at most, I will complete the Ark reactor plan! Trust me, Stark."


Antarctica, Hearth Valley.

Luo Wei exited the experience space and reflected on the battle just now, and then a knock on the door came from outside.

"come in."

The door opened, and Dufran and Xinqilubu walked in in suits and leather shoes: "Big lord."

"You guys are back, how is it, has the energy stone been sold to Howard Stark?" Rowe asked with a smile.

"Yes, this is the agreement we signed with Stark Industries, you can take a look." Dufran took out an agreement.

Rowe glanced at the agreement and was a little surprised: "One hundred million dollars, and 20% of Stark Industries' stock?"

"What do you think about the price?" Dufrean asked.

Of course, Rowe nodded in praise: "You are indeed a business knight, Dufrean, I thought it would be good if you could sell 100 million US dollars."

In fact, he doesn't know how much that thing can be sold for, but it is obviously not something that can be done casually to get Stark Industries to take out one-fifth of its own shares.

Dufran asked: "Big lord, how do we arrange the money and stocks?"

"What do you think?"

Dufrean said without hesitation: "We can register an investment company in the secular which will hold the stock of Stark Industries for a long time and use this billion dollars as an investment."

"Okay, just do as you said. In the future, you will be responsible for the secular business affairs of the Knights." Luo Wei nodded, then remembered something, "By the way, have you thought about the name of the investment company?"

"Not yet."

Luo Wei thought for a while: "Well...let's call it the "Golden Hand". "

After all, the Knights of the Silver Hand is a non-secular organization. It focuses on practice and combat. It is obviously inappropriate to directly name it as the Silver Hand.

So he finally chose the name "Golden Hand", which is at least very appropriate and confrontational.

Golden Hand... Luo Wei nodded secretly, and couldn't help being satisfied with his excellent aesthetic level.

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