Chapter 486: 【Ark Reactor】

Then Dufran took out another document: "Big lord, I have made a preliminary plan for the arrangement of this hundred million dollars, you can also take a look."

Rowe looked at his plan: "Who started this 'Buffett Partnership'?"

"Warren Buffett." Dufrean thought for a moment. "He is a newcomer to the business world who has only emerged in recent years. He established Buffett Partners two years ago. I think this company has good potential, so I plan to invest in two One million U.S. dollars."

"Change it to 20 million." Rowe said.

Du Fulan was stunned for a moment, but in the end he didn't express any doubts, just nodded and said, "Yes."

Luo Wei noticed several familiar names in the plan, all of which are well-known in the future but are starting now, such as Wal-Mart, Pym Technology, Trump Real Estate, etc... I have to admit that Dufrean's business vision Still very sharp.

But obviously, no matter how sharp a business vision is, it is not as good as a prophet. Therefore, for these companies, Luo Wei specially urged Dufran to greatly increase the investment quota.

The increased quotas of several companies added up and squeezed most of the funds at once, which made Dufrean frown and said hesitantly: "With all due respect, great lord, these companies do not seem to be worth investing in so much. Multi-capital, especially Trump, its development potential is actually average in my opinion.”

"It's okay, just do as I say." Rowe didn't intend to explain.

Duflan had no choice but to say, "Yes."

While he's reluctant now, in fact, it's only a few years later that he realizes the enormous value of these adjustments, so much so that he has to wonder if Rowe is part-time the **** of business investment in Asgard... Of course This is another story.

With the adjusted investment plan, Dufrein went to New York again to form the "Golden Hand Investment Company" and officially began his career as a business knight.

On the other side, at Stark Industries.

Because of the Russian gang, the relationship between Anton Vanke and Howard Stark suddenly became estranged. They used to be genius scientists who cherished each other and confidants who talked about everything, but now they meet but can't say a few words.

To make matters worse, Artem Ivanov is a guy with a leaky mouth. When he first contacted Anton Vanke, he showed off a few words to some people.

Soon after, there were rumors that Stark Industries colluded with Russian gangsters. Although there was no definite news and evidence, it still caused a certain blow to Stark Industries.

Anton Vanke, as a defected scientist from the Soviet Union, anyone would be the first to suspect him.

In the end, under the accountability of the company's board of directors, Anton Vanke was kicked out of the decision-making level and turned into a pure technical expert.

This made his relationship with Howard further cold, to the point of almost breaking down, and he would not say a word even if it was not necessary on weekdays.

The accountability of the company and the alienation of friends made Anton Vanke focus solely on the Ark reactor plan.

So much so that later, he even moved the bed to the company's laboratory, where he could live in the laboratory for several weeks, study energy stones day and night, and improve the reactor plan.

The results of this almost insane attitude are remarkable, and coupled with the reference to the Nenshia Originium, the Ark Reactor, an era-defining project, is advancing at an astonishing speed.

"This time it should be okay..."

In the laboratory, Anton Vanke murmured.

At this time, he was disheveled, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked almost like a homeless man, but he couldn't hide the expected light in his eyes.

A large annular reactor is displayed in the spacious laboratory. This is the test machine of Stark Industries' greatest project "Ark Reactor".

Of course, compared to the final perfect Ark reactor envisaged, the current Ark reactor is only a prototype, and it cannot be compared with the miniaturized Shia energy stone.

But in any case, it has at least become a reality from a vision.

As long as this prototype reactor can be successfully operated and maintained for a long time, Stark Industries has already promoted the process of human history enough to leave a deep impression on the annals of history.

Anton Vanke calibrated the parameters of the reactor, then took a deep breath and pressed the start switch.


A vibration similar to a washing machine came from the Ark reactor, and then a blue light quickly lit up along the ring of the reactor.

At the beginning, the blue light seemed to be a little unstable, sometimes bright and sometimes dark, but with the fine-tuning of Anton Vanke, these beautiful arcs quickly stabilized, reflecting a blue glow in the entire laboratory.

A minute passed, and the Ark reactor was running steadily.

Five minutes passed, and the Ark reactor was running steadily... Then ten minutes, half an hour, two hours.

Seeing that the time displayed by the timer continued to increase, while the reactor remained stable, Anton Vanke was so excited that his whole body was trembling and his face turned red: "Success, the reactor can finally run! I finally did it!"

Although the reactor in front of him is only a prototype, there is no doubt that a door to a bright future has been opened to him.

Without any accident, Stark Industries held a special press conference to announce the preliminary results of the Ark reactor plan to the outside world. This heavy news immediately attracted the attention of the world.

With newspaper headlines talking about the Ark reactor for days on end, Stark Industries' stock price has soared to unprecedented heights.

As its founder, Howard Stark has also become the most dazzling genius and billionaire in the world for a while, the embodiment of technology and capital.

However, this series of honors has nothing to do with Anton Vanke, and people have almost forgotten this scientist who defected from the Soviet Union.

Most of the people who remember him will only mention the rumors about him and the Russian gang.

"Stark." Anton Vanke came to Howard's office, holding a page of documents in his hand, and seemed a little excited.

Old Stark frowned slightly: "What's wrong?"

"Why is my name at the end of the list?" Anton Vanke pointed to the document in his hand and looked directly at old Stark.

Old Stark was silent for two seconds: "This is the decision of the board of directors... As for the reason I think you should know."

"But I'm the one who really created the Ark Reactor! I stayed in the laboratory for two months without going home, and it was the first time I started the reactor!" Anton Vanke spoke quickly and breathed heavily.

"Tell me, Stark, who is the creator of the Ark Reactor?"

Old Stark: "The Ark reactor is the result of the team, and of course, you did contribute the most."

"But you put me in the last place and stole and divided up the honor that should belong to me!" Anton Vanke's spittle was sprayed on Howard's face.

Old Stark: "The company has given you the highest bonus."

"I don't need any **** bonuses!" Anton Vanke slapped the table angrily.

"I want my name first, I created the Ark Reactor, not you, Howard Stark!"

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