Chapter 487: [Forging Blueprint: Ashbringer]

Old Stark was silent.

Anton Vanke stared at him for a moment, and finally tore the list in his hand and said angrily: "Howard Stark, you hypocrite, thief!"

"Bang!" Then he turned around and slammed the office door.


Anton Vanke sat alone in the bar and poured himself alcohol. His unkempt appearance and lost face, combined with the smell of alcohol, made him look more like a homeless man.

"Give me another bottle!" he said to the bartender, his rude voice and thick Russian accent attracting many unfriendly glances.

"Sir, you have drunk so much, can you settle the bill first?" The bartender doubted whether the guy who looked like a homeless person had the ability to pay the bill.

Anton Vanke mumbled something vaguely, but he was still ready to pay for the bill.

However, what he didn't expect was that his wallet disappeared at some point, maybe it was lost halfway, maybe it was stolen by a thief, in short, he had no money to pay the bill.

The lost wallet made Anton Vanke sober a lot: "Sorry... I seem to have lost my wallet."

"What?" The bartender's tone suddenly turned bad.

Anton Vanke hurriedly said again: "I work at Stark Industries, and I must have money to pay you, but now my wallet is really gone."

"I think he's a tramp!" someone said.

"He came from the Soviet Union as a refugee. Listening to his Soviet accent, I was really afraid that he would suddenly shout 'Ulla'."

"Poor fellow, I'm afraid he's tasted so much wine for the first time! Haha!"

The bartender grabbed Anton Vanke's collar: "Do you have any money?"

Anton Vanke is thin and has been in the laboratory for many years. Typically, he has no strength to hold a chicken. He was suddenly panicked when someone grabbed his collar, and he was speechless for a while.

Fortunately, at this moment, a man in black came over, helped him out, and said in extremely standard English: "His wine bill is on my head, how much is it?"

"Nine yuan and fifteen cents."

The man in black settled the bill for Anton Vanke and took him out of the bar.

"Thank you." Anton Vanke sat on the ground panting, the alcohol surging in his blood made him uncomfortable.

"Are you Anton Vanke?" the man in black asked.

Anton Vanke said in surprise, "You know me?"

The man in black smiled slightly: "I not only know you, but also know that you are the real founder of the Ark reactor, the most outstanding physicist and engineer, Howard Stark is not worth mentioning in front of you."

Hearing this, Anton Vanke couldn't help feeling a little moved: "Thank you..."

The man in black is obviously very good at communicating with people. After talking for a while, the two gradually pulled into the distance, chatting casually like old friends.

"Vanke, do you still want to stay in Stark, a place that doesn't respect you at all," he said suddenly.

Anton Vanke was silent after hearing the words, unable to speak for a long time.

The man in black continued: "If you want, I can help you connect with some people who need your ability beyond mortals."


"People from abroad." The man in black only said so much, but the amount of information conveyed was not small, which made Anton Vanke's expression change.

Many of Stark Industries’ projects are closely related to the U.S. national defense, at least involving sophisticated technologies that are strictly restricted to foreign countries. As a core technician involved in the Ark reactor, once he has private contact with overseas, he will inevitably be suspected of being a traitor. ,spy.

However, the recent encounter with Stark Industries also made him feel great resentment and unwillingness in his heart, and he really had enough.

It is not the first time that Anton Vanke has become a traitor, and he has already experienced the most complex psychological changes.

One time, two times, so in the end, this betrayal is also logical.

However, it is obviously a foolish decision to betray the US after betraying the Soviet Union.

In the future, this stupid decision will cause Anton Vanke to be unable to enter any country for a long period of time, tossing around and wandering around.

It was not until the disintegration of the Soviet Union that he was finally able to return to his hometown in Russia, and spent the rest of his impoverished life accompanied by his son Ivan Vanke...


Experience space, in the trial field of the Silver Northern Expedition.

Behind Rowe, the wings of holy light flickered on all sides, constantly dodging and moving in the sky above the proving ground, dodging the attack of Tirion Fordring.

Wearing the unique holy shield technique, the invincible old Fording repeatedly waved his ashes messenger, and one after another vast holy light vented out from the blade, drawing crisscrossing waves of holy light in the sky.

Although he had been challenged many times, Luo Wei still felt thrilled in the face of these golden waves of holy light.

As long as you are hit by these holy lights, the challenge will be all over again, and the requirements are quite demanding.

While avoiding Fording's attack, Rowe watched the time.

Fifty-six seconds, fifty-seven seconds, fifty-eight seconds, fifty-nine seconds...

Just one second away!

Rowe was about to smile, but at this moment, Tirion Fordring suddenly shouted: "Supreme Holy Light - drink!"

Before the words fell, Lafayette jumped straight to Luo Wei, and the sharp edge of the Ashbringer appeared in front of him almost instantly!


At the critical moment, Luo Wei quickly opened the shield of the Holy Light, and then the Messenger of Ashes slashed on the shield surface.


Hearing a loud bang, the Holy Light shield collapsed and dissipated, and Luo Wei was smashed to the ground by the huge impact, and the severe pain all over his body made him almost unable to get up.

Is this a success or a failure?

He gasped and got up from the deep pit on the ground, looking at Tirion Fordring not far away.

"You passed the test, knight." Tirion Fordring looked at him with a relieved smile, and then handed the Ashbringer, "Now it is yours, I believe you will implement the will of the Holy Light and become a A qualified paladin leader."

Rowe took the Messenger of Ashes a little excitedly, and as soon as he touched it, the Messenger of Ashes instantly merged into the holy deed in the palm of his hand, and the holy deed added a lot of content.

[Forging Blueprint: Ashbringer]

[Item Level: Level 10]

[Main materials: Holy Originium Bar, Eternal Holy Light Crystal, Leader's Will]

[Description: The Sword of the Leader of the Paladins! 】

Luo Wei carefully looked at the material requirements of the forging blueprint and fell into thought.

Among the three materials, the simplest is the will of the leader, which refers to [Glyph: Will of the Leader]. After successfully challenging Fording, this thing has already appeared in the holy deed.

The eternal holy light crystal is a kind of holy light condensate. It needs to be created through holy light technique. After learning holy light condensation, it is basically a matter of time.

Sanctifying an Elementium Ingot begins with an Elementium Ingot, a top-tier alloy consisting of Arcanite and Elementium Ingots, and then Sanctifies it.

Orkin's substitute in this world is Ulu The substitute for Originium Ingot is Vibranium. It seems that Luo Wei already has all the materials, as long as Uru and Vibranium are combined and infused with holy light , the powerful sacred source quality ingot is in hand.

However, the blueprint is marked with a sentence [Aojin and Elementium Ingot substitutes need to be precisely matched to synthesize Elementium Ingot].

This seemed to illustrate the greatest difficulty in creating the Ashbringer—the precise ratio between uru metal and vibranium, which made Rowe frown.

In addition to the forging drawings of the Ashbringer, there are three other items that appear in the Holy Pledge.

One is naturally the Glyph of the Leader's Will, and the other two are the Lich King's Book of Experience and Tirion Fordring's friendship.

Rowe looked at Fording's friendship.

[Friendship of Tirion Fordring: When challenging targets of level 9 and above, Tirion Fordring (No Ashbringer) can be summoned to assist in the battle... When challenging the Lich King, Tirion Fordring will appear automatically . 】

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