Chapter 489: 【Talos】4 more

The pain of burning mana made Rowe groan, but he didn't hesitate to move, and he rushed forward with four wings and came to Illidan.

After Illidan turned into a demon form, his attack power and defense power were greatly improved, far exceeding before.

But no power can be without side effects, let alone the power of demons. While these dark energies made Illidan stronger, it also caused his body to suffer, and the powerful reaction speed no longer existed.

In addition, the larger size is not conducive to dodge and maneuver, and his excellent dodge ability is invalid.

Rowe sanctioned, the holy light was released, and the edge of the Demon Slayer Sword hit Illidan's shoulder.

"Boom!" The strong demonic aura stimulated the power of Holy Light's punishment, and the bright punishment burst out suddenly, causing a wound on Illidan's shoulder.

But in the blink of an eye, black energy surged, and the wound quickly disappeared, as if it was submerged in darkness.

Rowe's wings of holy light vibrated on all sides, turning into golden rainbows and interspersed back and forth in the air. The golden tracks were almost woven into a net, shrouding Illidan.

In a short period of time, Rowe launched dozens of attacks, which made Illidan quite tired.

But the powerful physique and resilience of the demon form made him actually much calmer than before, and he could fight back from time to time, dealing with hundreds of back and forth.

Illidan roared, and the huge demon claws went straight to Rowe, as fast as lightning.

Close at hand, even the extraordinary speed of Luo Wei Shengguang's wings was a little difficult to avoid, so he quickly attacked.


In fact, even if Illidan changed into a demon form, his strength was still slightly inferior to Rowe's Sulfuron's hand, and a single impact made him take a half step back.

But at this moment, Rowe felt that the maintenance time of Sulfuron's hand was coming, and the pain and swelling of his arm forced him to release the Sulfuron flame.

Sulfuron flames spewed out of his palm immediately, condensing into a warhammer form.

"Boom!" Illidan sent another mana burning at this time.

The faint green lightning hit Luo Wei, making him once again taste the feeling of being evacuated from the instant consumption of mana, and of course the physical pain.

Without the blessing of the Sulfuron Warhammer, coupled with the burning of mana released by Illidan from time to time, Rowe gradually fell into a disadvantage and his situation became passive.

In the end, his mana was exhausted, and the four-winged angel form was also released, and he could only fight Illidan hand-to-hand.

Fortunately, Illidan's demon form can't be maintained for a long time. When the demon form ends, he can only regain the Azzinoth Warblade and fight meleely.

So the two sides fought back and forth in close combat for hundreds of times in the Dark Temple, and they were at a stalemate for a while.

"Huh..." Rowe leaned on the Demon Slayer Sword and Saffron Warhammer, panting half-squatting on the ground, looking at Illidan, who was not much better on the opposite side.

Unexpectedly, he had a deadlock with Illidan.

Considering it was his first time challenging Illidan, obviously a good result.

In fact, Illidan is powerful. Although his record is somewhat erratic, he should be stronger than Feather Moon and King Bronzebeard.

It's a pity that he carries the power of demons on his back, which makes him somewhat passive in the face of the Holy Light, which eventually leads to the current stalemate.

After a long while, Luo Wei shook his head and exited the experience space, he had no strength to fight again.

After returning to the real world, he adjusted his emotions and reflected on the battle just now.

After a while, someone knocked on the door, and after entering, he said, "Great lord, there is a Skrull who wants to see you."

"Skuru?" Rowe frowned and thought for a moment, "Let him in."


The paladin turned and left, then turned back after a while, followed by a green-skinned Skrull male.

"Hello," Rowe said.

The Skrull bowed slightly: "I am Taros, the commander of the Skrulls. It is an honor to meet you, esteemed sun god."


Rowe was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that this name seemed to have appeared in "Captain Marvel", and if he remembered correctly, it should be the leader of the Skrulls.

"What do you want to see me for?" Rowe asked.

Talos said: "Respected sun god, your reputation is known to everyone from Walter Alheim to Fornax, and countless civilizations have been saved from aggression under your salvation..."

He came up with a flattery first, and he was not very skilled, like memorizing manuscripts.

Then he said: "I'm here to beg you this time, beg you to save us, the Skrull civilization, like those civilizations, was also invaded by outsiders."

Rowe asked, "Who invaded you? Thanos?"

"No, it's the Kree," Talos said.

"Kree people?" Rowe was surprised, "You and the Kree people are both one of the three former technological empires, and they are old enemies. They have been fighting each other for many years. I don't know how many wars have been fought, and how did it become the invasion of the Kree Empire? You, is it because you were defeated?"

Talos hesitated for a moment, but he was obviously prepared: "This time, the Cree broke the treaty first. The two sides had already signed an agreement for peaceful coexistence, and the Skrulls were determined to stop the war, but the Cree soon Going back on the word, violating the treaty, and finally causing the war..."

After a pause, he continued: "More importantly, Thanos has secretly contacted the Kree people and is ready to form an alliance. It is estimated that it will not be long before Thanos' legion will invade the Skrull civilization together."

"The Cree and the butchers like Thanos are already on the opposite side of civilization. We are determined to fight it to the end, but unfortunately our strength is limited and we cannot deal with the growing Cree, let alone deal with the Cree and the Destroyer. The Alliance of Tyrants Rowe frowned slightly: "Kree and Thanos have formed an alliance, is the news reliable? "

As the top technology empire, the power of the Kree should not be underestimated. If they join Thanos, the team of Thanos will definitely grow a lot.

And this can be said to be a high-probability event. After all, the Thanos Legion is in a bad situation now, and it will definitely try to find allied forces to unite against Asgard's offensive.

"I can vouch for it with my own life," Talos said without hesitation. "The Skrulls who are born with the ability to deform are the best spies of all races in the universe. No one understands intelligence better than us."

"Seven days later, the Kree accusation group and Thanos' Chitauri force will launch their first joint operation to invade a fortress planet of the Skrull civilization."

Speaking of this, Taros couldn't help clenching his fists a little, and his voice was no longer calm: "Without the help of Asgard, we would be completely powerless to defend, the fortress would be breached within a day, and other planets would follow one after another. The land was captured."

"So I implore you. The Skrulls desperately need your help against the Kree and Thanos."