Chapter 490: [Dark Night Proxima Centauri] 5 More Monthly Passes

Turunaar galaxy, Krilar star.

This is the most important planet for the Cree, even though the Cree did not originate here, Hala is their true home planet.

In a conference room on this planet, one of the most core violent institutions of the Kree Empire, the Accusation Corps, is holding a meeting.

"Leader Kulan, with all due respect, I think attacking the Skrulls with Thanos is a bad decision," said one of the bald accusers.

The leader of the accusation group, Hulan, has not spoken yet, and some other members retorted: "The Skrulls have never been our opponents! What's more, we have a powerful ally, and the strength of Thanos is obvious to all."

"But Thanos' enemy is more powerful. A thousand Asa gods are fighting against him, and the sun **** is frequently on the front line of battle. We can't deal with him at all." The bald accuser said in an orderly manner, "If we fight against him Ba's army unites to attack the Skrull fortress, and the Protoss troops of Asgard may come to help the Skrulls."

The retort said: "Our combined fleet has assembled a huge force, and it is easy to defeat the Skrull fortress. When Asgard realizes, the fortress has already been broken by us."

"But what should we do if Asgard gets the news in advance and sends strong troops to support the Skrull defenders in time?"

"You think we have a traitor?"

The bald accuser said: "Skuru people are born spies and have to guard against... Although so far, there seems to be no precedent for Skrulls infiltrating the accusation group."

"Even so, we don't have to worry. Do you really think Asgard is still that strong now?"

The bald accuser: "The name of the Protoss is written in blood, and the strength of the Asgardians has long been unproven. Although we have become the strongest technology empire, we should not be so arrogant."

At this time, Hu Lan spoke, his voice was loud and deep, as if it had been carefully tuned: "Okay, don't say any more."

"Asgard has been declining for a long time, and Odin is also getting old. At present, only one thousand Protoss soldiers are dispatched, scattered in dozens of battlefields. It is impossible for us to encounter a large number of Protoss."

"In addition, the accusation team has never leaked news, and Thanos is not inferior to us in this regard - you should know some extent about Chitauri's situation. Asgard supports the Skrull defenders in advance, this kind of worry is completely unwarranted. necessary."

"...Bros Fortress is the most important fortress planet for the Skrulls. As long as they are successfully destroyed, they will never have the possibility to regain their strength. The meaning is self-evident." The leader of Hulan said slowly.

The bald accuser stopped talking and said, "Yes, chief."

"And the most important thing is, soldiers, have backbone!" Hu Lan said again, increasing his tone, "As the supreme wisdom and the most trusted accusation team in the entire empire, we have no reason to be timid or afraid of sacrifice!"

His loud voice caused a resounding echo in the conference room, which touched many people, especially one of the younger accusers, Ronan.

Soldier's backbone - a simple but powerful statement that inspired him.

Young Ronan looked at Hu Lan, the leader of the accusation group in the center of the conference room, and couldn't help showing admiration on his face.

"Prepare to fight, the Kree and Skrulls have been fighting for so many years, it's time to end." Hulan said.


A few days later, the most important military fortress of the Skrull Empire, the Star of Borus.

Rowe and tens of thousands of people have been stationed here, along with the Skrull defenders. There are about 500 Protoss warriors in the team, and the rest are rebels from various places such as the Human Paladins and the Marauder Corps.

"Brother-in-law, it seems that this will indeed be an exciting battle." Thor was also in the team. He looked at Rowe and said excitedly.

At this moment, Talos said: "At least for us Skrulls, the scale of this battle is unique. In the entire history of confrontation with the Kree, there has not been another battle of this scale, or even such a scale. Many gods from Asgard."

Thor waved his Mjolnir: "Don't worry, Talos, I will definitely teach these Kree a lesson. Of course, Thanos, sooner or later, I will cut off his head with my own hands."

Talos laughed: "The hammer doesn't seem to be able to do that."

"Then smash him," Thor said.

Rowe's troops waited in the fortress, and finally the sky began to darken. Thousands of warships entered the planet's atmosphere from space, and dozens of Leviathan beasts were interspersed, obscuring the sky.

"Come on." Talos said nervously.

"Prepare to fight!" Rowe commanded the warriors behind him, holding the Sulfuron hammer.

When the first battleship was clearly visible, Thor took the lead in charging. He turned around Maulnir and flew up to the sky along the warhammer.

Rowe also started the wrath of revenge, and the Holy Light fluttered his wings and rushed to the Kree combined fleet.

"Boom boom boom!"

Rowe and Thor are like two reverse meteorites from bottom to top, piercing through several warships one after another.

This sudden scene, the Kree and the Chitauri Legion obviously did not expect it.

"It's Asgardian!"

"They're here in advance, **** it, are there really Skrulls infiltrating the council of the accusation group!" The Kerry accusers were all furious.

On the Chitauri command ship, a long-haired woman in black had gloomy eyes. She was the Proxima Dark Night, one of the five obsidian generals under Thanos.

Proxima Night thought this would be a perfect joint operation, but the Skrull spies took advantage of it.

The Asgardians are here in advance, and there is no doubt that this will be a fierce battle, and even a battle that is likely to fail.

"Boom!" At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the battleship, and then a short-handled square hammer penetrated the armor, dragging a tall young man with a beard into the command room.

"Taste the wrath of the Thunder God!" Thor roared, waving Miaolnir, and then a azure blue thunder blasted out, and was about to knock out Proxima Centauri in the dark night.

Proxima Dark Night gritted his teeth, quickly stopped his figure, and then waved the halberd in his hand with a backhand, and a bright yellow light beam shot out from the halberd blade.


The two went back and forth in the command room of the battleship, and the thunder and beams quickly destroyed the spacecraft.

When the two were fighting, Luo Wei appeared at the crack of the battleship, glanced at the situation, and stretched out his hand.

King Blessing!

As soon as the radiance surged, the holy light armor blessed by the king covered Thor's body, turning his whole body into a golden appearance.



The first fifth update.

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